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Thread: Sinera's Lucidiary

  1. #221

    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Actually, waking up at the moment a transfer to another location is supposed to happen does not necessarily mean you did not arrive. The only certain thing is that you have no recall of arriving! Assuming your ident "Punin" is a nonphysical location, it might well be of higher vibration and you might not have been successful in downloading that memory.
    Yes, this is possible. And maybe I am currently receiving support and teaching lessons on how to achieve this (or to keep the memory of it) next time.

    In a dream tonight, I was given (as a gift to keep) three books by an older brother of a buddy of mine. This guy is a kind of fitness / health coach and owns a gymn (workout studio). In the dream (non-lucid) I thought all the time that it had to do with healing. Then he told me about the first book that it was to show me "where to deliver / bring them". He was indeed referring to my 'patients' or at least to persons I was somehow in charge of. I thought then (still in healer and dream mode) this was a kind of directory or index of places for hospitals or emergency stations.

    He then also explained the other books to me that had more content (not just a list of places) but I forgot what it was exactly, just relating them to my healer studies in general. They were all very coloured.

    So, considering your comment above regarding 'location' jumps and also taking into account the act of 'delivering s.o.' to some place, I now rather suppose this was about retrievals. This guy also has a kind of 'real-life'-connection to Ronald, my first retrieval (simulation). As he is also a "health" coach it might still have to do with healing, but the phrase above stands out too much for me. Maybe it's both?

    After all, being a non-physical helper is being a ... well, yeah ... helper in the first place. Any retrieval might involve some kind of healing (or a direct given healing even) and vice versa. Right?

    If this all were true, then I hope that the books are still with me ("in" me) and maybe that it is a kind of energetic or informational zip-file (rote, compressed download) that might help me to navigate better on retrieval (taking people like myself to other places) or healing assignments?

    Recently there's also much more learning and progress for me. More than I ever thought possible, before. In recent weeks some of my dreams bear a striking consistency. I've been a lot to the university, the same one I went to as a 20/30-something. I've been there before in dreams, too, but as of late it's really almost every night.

    Now it seems there I have 'finished' a Spanish course because in one dream in class I (and others) even received from the teacher a certificate and a money grant. I have (due to lots of clues) reason to interpret the Spanish course as referring to healing somehow.

    Then, after the Spanish certificate reception, I had dreams about taking a French course at the same university, which is a way more difficult language for me. So I might have taken up a new (and more complex) subject now? I often find myself in class speaking/hearing words in French (like in Spanish) before or I'm reading some sentences, doing exercises (e.g. filling gaps for missing words) on a blackboard asked by the teacher or on a piece of paper. But very often the meaning and my abilities then escape me again very fast (or ... the memory of it?).

    So it makes me wonder what does French stand for now?

    Well, one hypothesis is maybe past life research or aspect retrieval. I consider the 2 Punin kids to be a part of this, too. As I wrote here a while ago, I heard "Sinera's" voice in German with a French accent. I had the same French-lady voice in another recent dream on the phone again, telling me that a guy called "Felix" would like to speak to me...

    To sum up, I seem to make progress, at least in dream state, as I continously manged to read/write/speak some stuff in a foreign language in dream class now.

    Maybe I am even being prepared for sth? Maybe I am to do retrievals now. I have some other hints as to this in dreams. It seems there are people who come to me asking me to do sth like this or giving me clues. But it's all too much to write on now.

    Moreover, I seriously wonder where this will lead me to. Will I end up enrolling for a course in Chinese, Arabic or Old Latin one day?
    This collector of useless clutter.

  2. #222
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    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    My assumption would be that the books are indeed energy information packets. Their content will unfold within you when it's time.

    The language classes are quite probably classes in learning nonphysical communication. The difficulty seems to increase, and you seem to symbolise that by learning different languages.

  3. #223

    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    The language classes are quite probably classes in learning nonphysical communication. The difficulty seems to increase, and you seem to symbolise that by learning different languages.
    That's a very good theory indeed. It's so much about learning communication and interaction anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    My assumption would be that the books are indeed energy information packets. Their content will unfold within you when it's time.
    I hope the time for it to become unpacked will arrive soon.

    Speaking of info-packs, here's another likely candidate from tonight. It's meaning occured to me this morning only after I rememberd the 'preps' I did prior to going to bed. But here's the dream first:


    I am with a dream girlfriend, a blonde girl. We are visiting (for the first time?) my sister who lives upstairs in my parent's home. She leads us into her living room. She then leaves a short while for the kitchen, so my GF and I are for a while alone to wait there.
    Then my GF does sth very surprising. She hurries to my sister's computer, turns it on and types sth in there. I assume that maybe she just wants to retrieve her emails or do sth harmless. Still I don't like it and don't understand it. It is a strange behaviour as it's not her computer and she did not even really know my sister before. Of course, I tell her to stop it. I'm embarrased and confused.
    This GF, however, is very determined and finishes her job of typing in a few sentences. I do not see the screen and don't know what she does there. After a few seconds of typing sth in she gets up from that desk again, just in time before my sister arrives again from the kitchen.

    Last night's pre-sleep preps:

    In another forum we had a discussion on telekinetic effects of etheric projections, e.g. causing raps (Sylvan Muldoon also wrote about this in his books). Also there are studies by people moving physical things in their rooms in dreams.
    I had the (crazy ) idea to try communication with my HS via this. I left on the laptop on my desk. During the last days I focussed my intention on past life research again, especially on Sinera aka Lady In Red. I put up a document and let it open during the night. The document contains the basic data queries I have, with the curser (here marked with a | sign) blinking already on the first answer to be filled in by my subconscious retrieving ("knowing") the data. So it looks like this (gaps to be filled with underscores):

    Lady In Red / Sinera:

    Year Of Birth: |____________
    City: ____________
    Full Name: ____________
    Country: ____________

    Of course, this morning nothing was written there. But maybe I was given another pack instead of exactly the data asked for tonight? I just need to find a method to somehow retrieve and 'unzip' these 4 data points possibly now lying dormant 'downloaded and zipped' in my subconsicous now?

    It should also be said that where my sister's desktop computer stood in the dream is the almost exact place where my laptop now stands in my temporary refuge (of my parent's home), just one floor beneath it, downstairs. So my laptop is just a few metres away from and exactly 'below' the 'dream computer' which presumably my HS typed sth into.

    Hmmmm ...

    ps1. I will keep trying this leaving the laptop / document open again another night, let's see what happens
    ps2. as it was an eventful night there's still another lucid dream and a projection to the lightportal to come
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  4. #224
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    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    In another forum we had a discussion on telekinetic effects of etheric projections, e.g. causing raps (Sylvan Muldoon also wrote about this in his books). Also there are studies by people moving physical things in their rooms in dreams.
    That's interesting. About ten years ago we had a thread about it called "Things that go bump in your head" that got removed in a prune. Which is too bad, because we had some interesting theories about energy body expansion and the effects it could have in the surrounding space, especially with wooden framing and glass windows.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #225

    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    That's interesting. About ten years ago we had a thread about it called "Things that go bump in your head" that got removed in a prune. Which is too bad, because we had some interesting theories about energy body expansion and the effects it could have in the surrounding space, especially with wooden framing and glass windows.
    Here's one of my posts about this (see also Sxaxx' before that and the bookmark link to the passage of Muldoon's book), actually the discussion spread across several threads for me.

    Below is the key thread for me which is about my own "etheric projection". Some things are now much clearer for me from this thread thanks to the user "todd...." who has some really interesting contributions. He seems to be a highly proficient 'etheric projector' with amazing results. Actually he seems to do hardly anything else.

    Maybe you remember it. It was my first conscious OBE, as written down here in this journal first. This thread is also the reason why I recently asked Robert about it to get another expert opinion, since I assume Robert did or does a lot of etheric exits, too.

    Finally, I have a viable theory for me personally which solves the conundrum of this event that almost 'tore me apart' in November 2009. I had been wondering about til this very day, since it was so way different from the other projections. The Etheric Body projection hypothesis explains it all pretty well for me. Still, I am curious what Robert will answer, too.

    ps: Btw, CFT, speaking of the Pulse ... you could join again, as Rudolph did (actually was asked to) leave
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  6. #226
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    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    I may, but not soon.... believe it or not, I've been so busy I haven't got the time to participate. Lol @ the tiny font.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #227

    30/Jun/2012: Elementaries? Fairies? Cute 'Negs'? Or What?

    Elementaries? Fairies? Cute 'Negs'? Or What?

    I had the usual to-and-fro-show tonight with a lot of projections into exit blindness, with hands helping me, oftentimes grabbing me at the wrists, sometimes hard, but hey ... I had asked for help so I didn't complain. As said it always ended up in exit blindness, then back to bed and another try, this happened a few times.

    It was two helpers this time. Then at one time they seemed to be sorry for grabbing me too hard and caress me then over the same spot on my arm - as if to say sorry, that was actually very sweet (I still was blind so it's all about sensations). So I know they wanted to help (at least help me „out“) and were helpful, harmless beings who appeared friendly, probably even fond of me.

    Another time, when one of them took my hand I noted that the inner palm of their hands was somehow a little 'hairy', but not entirely, just the middle. This made me suspicious. Do I deal with astral apes this time? It might have been, however, also just wrong tactile interpretations. My own palm area in the middle is highly energetic, so probably my etheric/astral body's palm, too, therefore I don't know for sure what I felt.

    Then, I had enough after 3-4 unsuccessful exits and no affirmations working to get vision. Also all the time I kept speaking affirmations for 1. vision and 2. to meet my HS, but it did not help. So I asked them if I should really concentrate hard now on seeing them this time before they lift me up again. From both 'helpers' I heard sth like „yes“ or „u-huh“ (as exclamation for the affirmative). Both were male voices. And again ... I really 'heard' them, just like I had heard Gálaca speaking to me before.

    Then it finally works. I am in the lighted portal (as usual) and see my two helpers, happy to find they were human-looking, after all. They first looked like some old buddies or school mates, then they changed shape, smiling at me and appearing happy all the time. It was as if they suddenly sensed what I probably 'wanted' (?) them to look like. However, their change might have taken place only after I remarked on their looks (e.g. I said to one: „Hey, you look a little like an old school buddy of mine“).

    So then they looked like attractive females. I ask them for their names. One is a blonde one and she rattled off a longer name which was however not processable at all for me. It sounded Spanish somehow. I heard a syllable -ira- and thus decided to call her „Ira“ (and no, it wasn't Sinera, btw!).
    Then I turned to the other beauty who had darker hair. She seemed to be posing a little as I looked at her, waving her arm in the air in an act of vanity, but all very likeable, and well ... yes, ... sweet. She said she is called „Pshirr“ or so. This is just my attempt of an adequate phonetic transposition of this word into written English. I don't remember more of it, maybe I faded out of it again.

    Comments / Afterthoughts

    So far I haven't dealt with negs intellectually. By this I mean that I never read at length any threads or books on negs or psychic self-defense. I do however know about some basic precautionary protection stuff (e.g. crystals, affirmations, positive attidude), etc. That does not mean that I did not have neg encounters in projections or dreams (nightmares) before, at all. I did, but they hardly ever frightened me, to be honest. Also the extent is almost entirely negligible when compared to the amount of my neutral or positive lucidventures. It is also one of my strategies of preventing negative experiences by not giving them too much thought. So far, it works, mostly.

    In this case, if they were negs at all, it is the kind I'd actually would like to meet once in a while. However, I assume them to be above all so-called 'elementaries' of the astral or even of my own creation, which is highly likely. I remember Korpo writing sth about elementals as equivalent to animals that are our own more or less controlled aspects created by desires and passions from astral matter, iirc?

    And maybe there is a reason why this happened now: Recently, I had also some astral sex experiences in a 'vivid' dream as well as in a projection a few days later. I did not want it consciously then, but the astral body or some aspects seem to be quite of a force sometimes. (No, I did not write about it here and I won't ).

    Maybe this created or attracted these fairy-kind beings that turned into helpers and tried to please me now? They were so happy and delighted when I finally saw them. They were certainly also shape-/gender-shifters as they had male voices before I saw them and also other appearance before I remarked on it. They really seemed keen on not only helping me but even pleasing me somehow. They seemed respectful or even a bit afraid of me. All in all they appeared to be of a rather harmless nature.

    Besides, their elementary and probably "animallike" nature might already have been 'sensed' by me in blind state by the 'hairy palm'?

    I am currently reading also Franz Bardot's IIH and just yesterday evening read what he wrote about what he calls astral elementaries. Maybe that's not a coincidence now? As his work is available online, too, here's the quote of the relevant passage. Note that he or the translator calls these astral entities 'elementaries' and not 'elementals', which are according to Bardon their "higher equivalent" on the Mental plane. Or are they even 'larvae' also described here? I hope not, because that sounds more problematic to me:

    "Besides, the astral plane is inhabited by many other beings of which I am mentioning only some species here. There are to so-called elementaries, entities with one or only very few qualities, according to the dominant vibrations of the elements. They are living on the similar vibrations proper to man and transmitted by him into the astral plane. Among them, there are some which have already reached a certain degree of intelligence, and some magicians are using these low-powered beings for their selfish purposes. Another kind of being is the larvae, which have been brought into life consciously or unconsciously, by intense sensorial thinking, through the astral matrix. They are not real beings, but only forms thriving on the passions of the animal world, on the lowest step of the astral level. Their instinct of self-preservation carries them into the sphere of those men whose passions are responsive to them. They will try, directly or indirectly, to raise and kindle the passions slumbering in man. If these forms are succeeding in seducing men to give in to their suitable passion, they are feeding and thriving on the emanation of this passion produced in man. Man laden with many passions will attract a host of such larvae in the lowest sphere of his astral plane. A great fight takes place and, in the problem of magic, this fact plays an important role. More about it is to be founding the chapter dealing with introspection. There are also other elementaries and larvae, which can be produced in the artificial magic way." - Franz Bardon, IIH
    What baffles me is that this happens occasionally exactly when I make affirmations for my Higher Self. Why that? This is definitely not my HS. It's not the first time that a semi-erotic encounter then takes place instead. See my encounter with Galaca and or the „sexy Higher Self“.

    I am a bit disappointed as I feel this 'elementary' stuff is keeping me from spiritual development. I cannot imagine meeting my HS means having sexual encounters. I also always thought that the "Lightportal" is my kind of 'inner sanctum' that cannot be trespassed by lower-vibratory energy or entities. But who knows, maybe it's all about learning experiences. Anyway, I decided that from now on I will do my exits 'alone' without any helping hands.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  8. #228
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    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    I think in this instance your subconscious may be taking things a little too literally and serving up a different type of experience than the one you desire- it occurred to me that in English the word "intimacy", at least in colloquial usage can be used to mean either 'knowing each other completely and without barriers' or 'sexually'. So when you are desiring a more intimate relationship with your Higher aspects, your subconscious may be interpreting it differently and giving you a sexual encounter with your anima. Of course, I don't know if this is the case in your native language, but it can happen in English.
    Either that or there is some sort of barrier that has to do with your relationship with the opposite sex translating into your relationship with your nondominant hemisphere.
    Anyway, it's a thought.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #229

    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    Quote Originally Posted by Volgerle View Post
    I just need to find a method to somehow retrieve and 'unzip' these 4 data points possibly now lying dormant 'downloaded and zipped' in my subconsicous now?
    Update from tonight, probably relevant dreams: 1. I was in the cellar and leafing through my old baby photo album, then was looking for further pics in a kind of licence holder, but there were none (yet) / 2. I was on a kind of training ground and tracing back the route gone before in my own footsteps on a kind of training course with obstacles and blocks of different heights to step/climb/jump on, at one time there was ice on the ground and I could see my footsteps even better, I stepped into them as well as next to them sometimes and then felt the snow's gnashing resistance. Nice sense experience.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  10. #230
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    Re: Volgerle's Lucidiary

    Training ground sounds like you're retracing simulations you've completed in the past.

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