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  1. #1

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?

    Some very good ideas and responses here. I think BW and EOB both articulated something I feel, but could not have said better.


  2. #2
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?

    Rythym and Blues ~ and Unpopular Mechanics

    Laying down some word...

    NUN: nun (n.) Old English nunne "nun, vestal, pagan priestess, woman devoted to religious life under vows," from Late Latin nonna "nun, tutor," originally (along with masc. nonnus) a term of address to elderly persons, perhaps from children's speech, reminiscent of nana (cf. Sanskrit nona, Persian nana "mother," Greek nanna "aunt," Serbo-Croatian nena "mother," Italian nonna, Welsh nain "grandmother;" see nanny).

    nuncheon (n.) mid-14c., "slight refreshment," originally taken in the afternoon, from none "noon" (see noon) + shench "draught, cup," from Old English scenc, related to scencan "to pour out, to give to drink," cognate with Old Frisian skenka "to give to drink, German, Dutch schenken "to give." Cf. luncheon.

    nuncio (n.) papal envoy, 1520s, from older Italian nuncio (now nunzio), from Latin nuntius "messenger," from PIE root *neu- "to shout" (cf. Greek neuo "to nod, beckon," Old Irish noid "make known").

    nunnery (n.) late 13c., "nunhood," from nun + -ery. Meaning "convent of nuns" is from c.1300. Meaning "house of ill fame" is attested by 1590s.

    annunciate (v.) 1530s, from past participle adjective annunciate (late 14c.) or directly from Latin annunciatus, misspelling of annuntiatus, past participle of annuntiare (see announce). In some cases perhaps a back-formation from annunciation. Related: Annunciated; annunciating.annunciation (n.) early 14c., "Lady Day," from Anglo-French anunciacioun, Old French anonciacion, from Latin annuntiationem (nominative annuntiatio), noun of action from past participle stem of annuntiare (see announce). The Church festival (March 25) commemorating the visit of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, foretelling the incarnation. General sense of "an announcing" is from 1560s. Old English for "Annunciation Day" was bodungdæg.

    conundrum (n.) 1590s, Oxford University slang for "pedant," also "whim," etc., later (1790) "riddle, puzzle." Also spelled quonundrum. The sort of ponderous pseudo-Latin word that was once the height of humor in learned circles.

    denunciate (v.) 1590s, from Latin denunciatus, past participle of denuntiare (see denounce). The same word as denounce, but directly from Latin. Not widely used except in its noun form, denunciation.denunciation (n.) early 15c., "act of declaring or stating something," from Latin denuntiationem (nominative denuntiatio), noun of action from past participle stem of denuntiare (see denounce). Meaning "a charge" is mid-15c.enunciate (v.) 1620s, "declare, express," from Latin enuntiatus, past participle of

    enuntiare "speak out, say, express, assert; divulge, disclose, reveal, betray," from ex- "out" (see ex-) + nuntiare "to announce" (see nuncio). Or perhaps a back formation from enunciation. Meaning "to articulate, pronounce" is from 1759. Related: Enunciated; enunciating.enunciation (n.) 1550s, "declaration," from Latin enuntiationem (nominative enuntiatio) "enunciation, declaration," noun of action from past participle stem of enuntiare (see enunciate). Meaning "articulation of words" is from 1750.enunciative (adj.) 1530s, from Latin enuntiativus, from enuntiare (see enunciate).

    hic et nunc Latin, literally "here and now."inundate (v.) 1620s, back-formation from inundation, or else from Latin inundatus, past participle of inundare "to overflow, run over" (see inundation). Related: Inundated; inundating. inundation (n.) early 15c., from Latin inundationem (nominative inundatio) "an overflowing," noun of action from past participle stem of inundare "to overflow," from in- "onto" (see in- (2)) + undare "to flow," from unda "wave" (see water).mispronunciation (n.) 1520s; see mis- (1) + pronunciation.

    pronunciation (n.) early 15c., "mode in which a word is pronounced," from Middle French prononciation and directly from Latin pronuntiationem (nominative pronuntiatio) "act of speaking, utterance, delivery," also "proclamation, public declaration," noun of action from past participle stem of pronuntiare "announce" (see pronounce).

    quidnunc (n.) "gossip-monger," 1709, formed from Latin quid "what" and nunc "now," to describe someone forever asking "What's the news?"

    renunciation (n.) late 14c., from Latin renuntiationem (nominative renuntiatio), noun of action from past participle stem of renuntiare "renounce" (see renounce).

    VESTAL: vestal (adj.) "chaste, pure, virgin," 1590s, originally (early 15c.) "belonging to or dedicated to Vesta," Roman goddess of hearth and home. The noun is recorded from 1570s, short for Vestal virgin, one of four (later six) priestesses (Latin virgines Vestales) in charge of the sacred fire in the temple of Vesta in Rome. The goddess name, attested in English from late 14c., corresponds to, and may be cognate with, Greek Hestia, from hestia "hearth," from PIE root *wes- "to dwell, stay" (cf. Sanskrit vasati "stays, dwells," Gothic wisan, Old English, Old High German wesan "to be").

    Tarpeian rock rock face on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, from which persons convicted of treason were thrown headlong, from Latin (mons) Tarpeius "(rock) of Tarpeia," said to have been a Vestal virgin who betrayed the capitol to the Sabines and was buried at the foot of the rock. Her name probably is of Etruscan-Tyrrhenian origin.

    Hestia goddess of the hearth, from Greek hestia "hearth, house, home, family" (see vestal).

    nun (n.) Old English nunne "nun, vestal, pagan priestess, woman devoted to religious life under vows," from Late Latin nonna "nun, tutor," originally (along with masc. nonnus) a term of address to elderly persons, perhaps from children's speech, reminiscent of nana (cf. Sanskrit nona, Persian nana "mother," Greek nanna "aunt," Serbo-Croatian nena "mother," Italian nonna, Welsh nain "grandmother;" see nanny).

    was (v.) Old English wesan, wæs, wæron 1st and 3rd person singular of wesan "to remain," from Proto-Germanic *wesanan (cf. Old Saxon wesan, Old Norse vesa, Old Frisian wesa, Middle Dutch wesen, Dutch wezen, Old High German wesen "being, existence," Gothic wisan "to be"), from PIE root *wes- "remain, abide, dwell" (cf. Sanskrit vasati "he dwells, stays;" cf. vestal).

    Wesan was a distinct verb in Old English, but it came to supply the past tense of am. This began to develop in Proto-Germanic, because it is also the case in Gothic and Old Norse. See be.

    TUTOR: tutor (n.) late 14c., "guardian, custodian," from Old French tutour "guardian, private teacher," from Latin tutorem (nominative tutor) "guardian, watcher," from tutus, variant past participle of tueri "watch over," of unknown origin. Specific sense of "senior boy appointed to help a junior in his studies" is recorded from 1680s.tutor (v.) 1590s, from tutor (n.). Related: Tutored; tutoring.


    PROCTOR: proctor (v.) 1670s, from proctor (n.). Related: Proctored; proctoring.proctor (n.) late 14c., contraction of procurator (c.1300) "steward or manager of a household;" also "a provider" (see procurator). From late 14c. as "one who acts or speaks for another; spokesman, advocate;" early 15c. as "business manager or financial administrator of a church, college, holy order, etc."

    prog 1958, colloquial shortening of progressive (q.v.). Earlier it was British student slang for proctor (1890) and earlier still a cant word for "food, provisions" (1650s), perhaps from verb prog "to poke about" (1610s), of unknown origin, perhaps related to prod (v.). Related: Progged; progging.

    proxy (n.) early 15c., proccy, prokecye, "agency of one who acts instead of another; letter of power of attorney," contraction of Anglo-French procuracie (c.1300), from Medieval Latin procuratia "administration," from Latin procuratio "a caring for, management," from procurare "manage" (see procure). Also cf. proctor (n.). Meaning "person who acts in place of another" is from 1610s.



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    Last edited by Tutor; 7th May 2013 at 03:51 AM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In the Eye of the Beholder
    Sioux: Mahpia Ithica (Touch the Clouds)

    Mahpia, Cloud/s; much like ourselves as any gatherance, speaks that against the will is the material nature subdued in the utility of masked presence. Mahpia, quite empathetic with us, would of our mutual understanding, also seek forgiveness and that release therefrom.

    what is bound on earth is bound in heaven. what is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven.

    both warning and promise

    to turn a word, is like flipping a coin over . 'Vo'

    Rabbi Mattithyah ben Heresh said: "Be the first to extend greetings to every man; and choose to be a tail to lions rather than a head to foxes." Perki Avot 4:20


    Forthcomingness is lost upon our "modernity", of this i do grieve. Part of this is my reluctance to let go of everything needing to be said in an exchange. Yet, I hear and i hear, and what I hear strikes me not, but what i hear strikes me as stunted.

    A brother having an orchard mentioned its need for pruning, of which I did hear and i did hear. So, I says, I can prune your orchard.

    The time came to prune the orchard, of i came with my tools to just that. Meeting my brother whose orchard is and another brother. They had gone and bought themselves brand spankin new tool, of which I was shown. cool

    So, we walk to the orchard and on in, to get down to bizness. I gander at the fruit trees, picking the worst one first. As i begun, an onslaught of how to's and why come's assailed my ears, and a giddyness to themselves begin pruning assailed my eyes.

    So, i prunes, and finally with much impatience i am querried too far. I says, see all these trees, they are the same in that they are fruit trees, yet they are uniquely burdened. Each of them reveals differently as to their particular needs. So i work it by listening with my eyes and feel. there is no schematic or manual with which to follow guided lines and numbered order.

    Well, that answer was not good enough, and impatience not to get the pruning done, but rather to prune with their new tools, was still present.

    So, angered, I spoke, Listen to me, it is as if each of these is a unique lover, and i listen to each uniquely as she lets me know what are her requirements for satisfaction. then, i shout, watch and learn, quietly.

    So, they quieted, and watched; and before ya knew it the brother whose is the orchard began to catch on, checking with me on his feeling to prune just so. For a time i would say yes or no, but in that this were his orchard, i later says to him, brother this is your orchard, do as you see fit to do, but observe it passing by, and daily do what each tree would have you witness to.

    the other brother couln't seem to hear or see, so he ended up with a weed eater cleaning up the much overgrown orchard grounds.

    is this boasting? no

    why? because from the orchard brother i learn of the horse, of which he can be mighty rough with my excited impatience.

    point being, each has gifts, and pertaining to said gifts need be duly respected, as such gifts come hard won.

    it is normal to be giddy, it is abnormal to be disrespectful. of these we undeniably have both to offer.

    when this happens, it is because in one's gift that they practice they have come to expect a certain notoriety; then when this turns, finding themselves the other end, they do not readily recognize to give of that which has been easily received.

    cool thing is, brothers become the tighter from it (as we have), as it brings equilibrium to otherwise disjointed membering.

    Spirit works the same with every living thing/creature. It listens to see, and sees to listen. be it tree or be it horse, makes no never mind, even being with brothers of the wind.

    to say brothers is not to exclude sisters, as it is, to say sisters is not to exclude brothers.

    quite frankly, the wind don't care, for it listens to see and sees to listen; ya see?

    thereof is the winds care...pretty much down to bizness.

    but, loop this back to Mahpia, and realize how hard it is to be a brother period, and then to be of brothers kept. God is good in bringing such together, bringing to it the equilibrium that each one is blind to, yet all together, is sight of in the mutual listening.

    one stick is easily broken, many together are hardly broken. conundrum

    like a nursery ryhme: 1 2 buckle my shoe, 3 4 out the door, 5 6 pick up sticks, 7 8 don't be late....

    what ain't got two feet. "a shoeless man cannot give away shoes" Greek Wisdom saying

    never judge another unless you've walked in their shoes.

    i bought me a pair of riding boots because of my brothers gift to me; and he bought himself some pruning tools because of my gift to him. this not through judging oneanother, but through our mutual discernment of thise gifts Spirit given.

    what is Spirit given is of the uttermost respect for life and the living. it is at once gentle and compassionate, yet harsh and dispassionate. in that is equilibrium's way.

    them thar orchard trees were overflowing with springing blooms toward a fruited harvest in deeds. them thar horses overflow with blossoming potential toward good benefits in future understanding.

    my brother said to me when his orchard was heavy with blooms, he says, we have two connections to oneanother, mine to you and yours to me.

    certainly this is what honor is...all the way a round and all within the rounded.

    i am slow on the uptake, but fast in the download

    seems right to me...

    Take a Load off Annie:

    as synchronicity(sp?) always has it, this song was right on time when it hit the air waves.

    I'm Wide Awake:

    we all...are in this together.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 5th August 2013 at 12:30 AM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  4. #4
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    Feb 2010
    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?

    mysticism - meaning: merely one upunder the state of confusion deliberately set overhead of such a one, simply because they've arrived beyond the norm of human querious nature. is this "curiosity"? NO! is one having said NO! to that which behind them is not their's any longer. yet, what is their's, lies beyond the state of confusion deliberately set overhead. Thus, a one is saying YES! to that Truth beyond that which confusingly Lies...over their head.

    analogy: Like all Lies, they lure one in. into a game of he said...she said. in a just court, the judge throws it all out, judges equitably, equally dividing the spoils all after the point of marriage up to the point of divorce. child custody is to the ONE whom has said YES! to Truth.

    in that analogy may be seen the end of duality's to and from, and the beginning of One.

    for it is not about marriage at the juxtapositional juncture of YES!. it is about YOU, whom said YES!.

    thus, a new Spirit is given to the faithful, even as they've looked back on what was no longer their's, because everbit of it in the marriage (invested) did without a doubt confusingly betray their vested interests beyond the norm of human query.

    the juxtaposition dissolved, the juncture resolved - clarity of resolution.



    this is like a little girl i know, she is 17 and is spending her life in rehab till she turns 18 and will be released to a halfway house. her mom remarried, and her father is from the first marriage. her mom constantly blames the girl for every little problem, unwilling to admit that the second husband has eyes on her daughter having for the past few years become the shape of a young woman. so the mom constantly bickers at the girl saying, "you're just like your father and you ruin everything in my life!"

    so i says to the girl, well...the first part is true, the second part is a lie. she didnt like that the first part is true. i said, for that matter, you are just like your mom too. she really didnt like that comment. but then i said, the truth of it is child, is that within You, is the best of both of your parents, that best lying unseen, except for the fact that you are, even if this truth seems like a hell of a thing to have to unjustly endure that which is really the best about You.

    so, this little girl is a mystic, though she doesnt realize it so to be.


    child custody is to the ONE whom has said YES! to Truth.

    mysticism in a seedy nut shell...
    Last edited by Tutor; 17th July 2013 at 04:11 PM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  5. #5
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?

    The conception of God and the Absolute Truth are not on the same level. The conception of God indicates the controller delegating sub-controls/ers, whereas the Absolute Truth indicates the source of energy/ies.

    That which as Person (anthropomorphic) controls cannot be Impersonal, thereby is personal, overall and indivi-dually.

    Thusly, the Personal feature, divisible/many; and the Impersonal feature, invisible One without a second.

    thoughts borrowed/paraphrased from the Srimad Bhagavatam, Introduction - 1st paragraph ~ Prabhupada.


    "I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
    Some Letter of that After-Life to spell:
    And by and by my Soul re-turn'd to Me,
    And answer'd "I Myself am Heav'n and Hell.""

    The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam


    "What is Trust? It is the tranquility of soul in the one who trusts; his/her hearted reliance on the one in who he/she trusts, that the latter will do what is right and proper in the matter of the trust, to the extent of his/her ability and knowledge, for the benefit of the one who trusts. The essense of his/her trustfulness is his/her sure confidence that the Person in who he/she trusts will fulfill what he/she promised and execute what he/she pledged him/her~self to do; and even in matters wherein he/she made no promise nor gave a pledge, has it in Mind to benefit the one who trusted him/her--and all this, out of pure benevolence and kindness."

    Duties of the Heart by Bahyah


    "If I am not for my Self, then who is for Me?" "If I am only for my Self, then what am I?" "If not NOW, when?" Hillel - Pirke Avoth


    "You the soul in incarnation, are consciously aware of the fact--subjectively and ofttimes dimly sensed--of your real Self, of the solar Angel, who is the Angel of the Presence." Alice Bailey

    "The most perplexing part of this quotation , the part that most challenges our understanding--is the assertion that the Solar Angel is "your real Self." "What does this mean?" "Is the Solar Angel "me", or is it a distinct entity that overshadows me, as the Christ overshadowed Jesus?" John Nash

    John Nash article "Solar Angel"


    Be ye not of the world and in the world, but rather, be ye of God in the world. paraphrase

    in this statement, the first part alone is covered by Jesus' statement on serving two masters, or to say, "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". the latter part of the statement it is as "eye to eye or agreement".


    "It is true that Christians, for the most part, have never for long looked upon the Spirit as the final norm for the human soul in its search for truth. When a creative wave had spent itself, the final norm for thought and action receded from the immediacy of indivi-dual and group experience and found its rest in the institution with its system or in the literal book and the officially accepted statements about it. It is quite likely, of course, that both institution and book were modified in meaning and demand by the insights which the creative period had uncovered. The fruits of the ventures of faith in one generation commonly become the involiable boundaries of the next. During the comparatively long inter-missions between creative out-bursts, the church, instead of serving as a field in which the Spirit can work effectively, seeks to prevent the Spirit from stirring up the souls of men (mankind). Rather than letting the book serve as a tutor to bring men to new truth, it is conceived as a final statement that makes further thought superfluous. The role of the Spirit subsides; it simply operates to make men (mankind) recognize the external authorities.

    In the light of its history as a concept and the role it played in the founding of Christianity, this neglect of the Divine Spirit by Christians seems strange; yet there are considerations that serve to explain it. The Spirit's role is in the intimacy of indivi-dual human experience. Thus it puts a severe test upon the urge to unity that concerns Christians; for it stresses freedom. Only a voluntary readiness of those guided by the Spirit to subject their convictions to a group examination makes it possible for people to live as with one will under its guidance. The bond of love, which should make men bring their convictions under the subjection of the authority of Spirit over the fellowship, is usually too feebly developed in the mass of people whom the Christian
    institutions seek to hold together to serve as a real force of unity.

    There is another difficulty that has often made Christianity shy of the Spirit as the final authoritative medium of its historic revelation. This has been the fear that by appealing to the immediacy of human experience and conviction, even within the fellowship, it would be difficult to keep sight of the peculiar character of the Christian revelation. The holiness of the faith, it is felt, can be better protected by more tangible means. Christianity has always wanted to claim the masses; and instinctively it has usually known that the masses whom it claimed seldom knew that "spiritual things must be spiritually discerned". Difficulties such as these should not be discounted. They remind us that not easily do we hold as our own "the freedom of the sons of God". Yet that freedom seems to demand the authority of the Spirit."

    Revelation in Jewish Scripture by J. Coert Rylaarsdam - last three paragraphs of Conclusion.

    note: i would add that when spiritual things are spiritually discerned, they are no longer "things', but rather, they collectively become viably That which further discerns. there to fore is the freedom.


    p.s. now, if that is gibberish, pray tell, question whether or not you can really read to see, before ya might set forth seeing to read.
    Last edited by Tutor; 18th July 2013 at 02:49 AM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?

    My Darling

    Never would I deny you
    The true desires of your
    Sweet and tender Heart.
    Our Lord would have us both
    Living in an exceeding abundance.
    So much abundance that others
    Beyond us two as one
    Would abundantly share.
    This not because I myself
    Would from myself

    But rather, because of You,
    My Bride
    Having within yourself
    Heartfelt desires
    Which in their heartfelt being
    Shall also be sweetly and tenderly

    Patience is the key of
    That the world outlying
    Wherefrom desires would
    Present themselves to you,
    are not of your true

    This, I do understand
    And when I recognize
    Your thoughtful want giving way
    To the world to meet you
    Then I must protest.
    For it is true, this heart of

    And I would not see it
    Shortsighted with
    Impatience and lack luster
    That could not satiate
    What in truth your
    Heart would have for

    So I rest in your
    Sweet and tender Heart,
    Listening to your hearted
    Proposals of pure desire

    And I too, often feel arrested
    In your seeming inability
    To practice that patience
    Which in time
    Will deliver your every Heart's

    For you see, even as I will give to you
    What is yours alone, Myself;
    It is only because I in
    Reflection of You,
    Would as the Lord would,
    Give to us our very

    That through us
    All within us finds
    Its abundant

    Your Darling



    to those beloved's upunder,

    The Ceiling Can't Hold US:
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?

    some good reads worth seeing into:


    Hayah, or as i like to write it ha'Y'ah. Ahyah means I am. the given is that hayah is forst, and that ahyah is secondarily aroused.

    Hayah means isness, existence as if this were separate from that which is or exists.

    Ahyah is like a turn, meta-noia, where that which of separateness has become aware of the inseparable nature/relationship of God and them Self.

    this is not unlike the hebrew phrase "Bo bayit" which means "come, enter to within". the difference is merely in the awareness, the conscious perception. Beit becomes Veit, such that awareness having be-come (came) would also see that Beit has be-come (came), such that "Vo vayit" now is the phrase. Vo indicates "turned", Va indicates "entered", focusing upon the Beit to Veit. this then is like saying, "turned, entered to within".

    thusly, the hayah in the turning is ahyah, the ha to ah. what can be said of the central Yod, the Y. Y is generally accepted as convergence, of two dissimular streams uniting into one stream. however, it is a bit more complicated (seemingly) than that.

    after the turned, entered to within, the Y is like One standing erect with arms stretched out, hands up. like surrender within would invertedly support the one stream feeding two streams...outward. it occurs to me here, still pondering another thread, that this is that which is R.B's. NEW. wow, suddenly i see just what CFT's reply in that thread stated about this method's aiding against the over-stimulation of upper energy centers. terminology and logistics of word....whew, good that it is all cross relative.

    now, one can practice this Y all they like. however, it cannot be actualized "until" the turn itself is actual. what actualizes? the having turned, the having entered to within.

    Paul's words come into play as one would query of this "until". Paul throws out this word, "the head of the woman is the husband, the head of the husband is Christ". having written that i can only imagine the "hella noes" of most women, and considering the worldly take on that bit of word, i am right with them, "hella noe". tis a spiritual thing in need of spiritual discernment, is all.

    to turn a thing is to discern, such that a "thing" is not, and the discerned is actual. thus, is the turned, the having entered to within, for all things may only be discerned from within. no amount of outward reading to see can discern a damn thing.

    but what is the mechanism of discernment? well, what if all thoughted mechanisms (things) served that which discerns?

    so, what is that which discerns? when spiritual things are spiritually discerned, they are no longer "things', but rather, they collectively become viably That which further discerns. there to fore is the freedom.

    herein the query ends, with the only answer. we are not humans being spiritual, but rather, we are Spirit indivi-dually being human. foreceably, the Y dictates that two streams unite as one, or that from one are two given forth. this would dictate that our human beingness is interdependent upon this source (Spirit) and that duality emergent from it. likewise, the interdependency is to Spirit as well, in that our human beingness turned, entered to within touches the source, feedback even when we are not consciously aware.

    this dictates that awareness alone is the key to that which is ever in existence. but this is not indicative of one's outward awareness. for outward awareness cannot be until inward awareness is touched. this is like the prince who kisses sleeping beauty, and she awakens.

    therefore we might identify that awareness is feminine. to apply this to Paul's indicative word. now, this would seem to exclude the feminine physicality in the world. however, it is given that a woman having birthed a child is enough, and that a barren woman or woman having chosen to not give birth, is of herself to be considered no different as any male physicality in the world.

    whoa! do not despair. for these two variances of femininity in the world are what give to women the equal right, the he/she, the him/her, to speak that which from within would render itself speakable, Spirit.

    enough is enough, one reckons so.

    why then the husbandman under the head of Christ? because the Y alone has to within itself be actualized. how then is one actualized within? Christ

    now, this would render a double Yod. a sign which i presently have no clue to place in this writing. but if you look at the Hebrew letter Yod, you might see its characteristics. this even as it transliterates/works out as Y. what if both ways, justice were done? writing them both simultaneously together, as that expression which incapsulates the goal of Christianity, to become the true Jew, that which can stand before the Father God Almighty. That which trough time actualized That which within specific time set it forth.

    now, you see, we are thrown into the subject of time, to what purpose is time?

    looking at the hebrew word Zeman which kinda translates to our usage of the word time, yet Actually means much more. looking also at the inverse of Zeman, or the hebrew word Namet which translates as Delicious.

    to localize the purpose one has to look at it in everyday human terms, our human experience. like cooking a meal takes time, afterwards the meal is eaten. a delicious food is followed by the word Yum, which is a furtherance of the hebrew word Yom which means Day. this points out the line in the Lord's Prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread".

    this indicates that we look into the Last Supper, or indeed the Eucharist. but we mustn't get lost in the outward demonstration, and turned, always looking into within for this. in doing so has one partaken, simply in touching source, Spirit. awareness then is delicious, the Yum that had been merely Yom. this is like saying that the Day of Light meets the light of day, or that that which happened in specific time is exactly that which NOW is actualized. comfort, deliciously flavored, yum - comfort food.

    to be ~ comfortable, or come for table to be.

    anyhoo, what ive just written is a work in progress, and lord knows it is full of holes. these "things' are best discerned where multi-person agreement may be established, for proper spiritual confirmation; or such a query from multi-person entered to within to source toward a comparative. would Spirit tell several different answers? even as several would enter to within severally?

    for all of us, each has an indivi-dual door inward, yet dual-is-ti-cally speaking we cannot humanly disagree about what is day and what is night, what is left and what is right, what is up and what is down. only Spirit may through several, confirm that which severally querys. otherwise there is unactualized outward division of parting opinions.

    when we conclude that each in every of One IS, then we might conclude with parting ways. yet, parting is such sweet sorrow, delicious enough to give lesson about what parting isnt, and what union might be. tis a strange undiscerned thing, the way which we, of our given indivi-dual wills, choose to eat.

    odd how a divining rod is a Y held in both hands in the search for unseen water. i made one, it works. also made two indivi-dual rods L's, one held in either hand, they cross one another as an X, they work.

    P.S. [removed by Tim]
    Last edited by Tutor; 26th July 2013 at 03:24 PM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

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  8. #8
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?

    "Christ has come, the Light of the world. Long ages may yet elapse before His beams have reduced the world to order and beauty, and clothed a purified humanity with light as with a garment. But He has come : the Revealer of the snares and chasms that lurk in darkness, the Rebuker of every evil thing that prowls by night, the Stiller of the storm-winds of passion ; the Quickener of all that is wholesome, the Adorner of all that is beautiful, the Reconciler of contradictions, the Harmonizer of discords, the Healer of diseases, the Saviour from sin. He has come: the Torch of truth, the Anchor of hope, the Pillar of faith, the Rock for strength, the Refuge for security, the Fountain for refreshment, the Pine for gladness, the Rose for beauty, the Lamb for tenderness, the Friend for counsel, the Brother for love. Jesus Christ has trod the world. The trace of the Divine footsteps will never be obliterated. And the Divine footsteps were the footsteps of a Man. The example of Christ is such as men can follow. On! until mankind wears His image. On! towards yon summit on which stands, not an angel, not a disembodied spirit, not an abstract of ideal and unattainable virtues, but THE MAN JESUS CHRIST."

    PETER BAYNE, A. M. ~ "The Testimony of Christ to Christianity"


    " This, we say, is man, the fallen principality. In these tragic
    desolations of intelligence and genius, of passion, pride, and sorrow ,
    behold the import of his eternity. Be no mere spectator, turn the
    glass we give you round upon yourself, look into the ruin of your
    own conscious spirit, and see how much it signifies, both that you are
    a sinner and a man. Here, within the soul's gloomy chamber, the
    loosened passions rage and chafe, impatient of their law ; here
    huddle on the wild and desultory thoughts ; here the imagination
    crowds in shapes of glory and disgust, tokens both and mockeries of
    its own creative power, no longer in the keeping of reason ; here sits
    remorse scowling and biting her chain ; here creep out the fears, a
    meagre and pale multitude ; here drives on the will in his chariot of
    war ; here lie trampled the great aspirations, groaning in immortal
    thirst ; here the blasted affections weeping out their life in silent
    injury ; all that you see without, in the wars, revenges, and the
    crazed religions of the world, is faithfully represented in the
    appalling disorders of your own spirit."

    HORACE BUSHNELT., "The New Life."


    Jeremiah 24:7 New King James Version (NKJV): 7 Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.


    Ezekiel 36:26 New King James Version (NKJV): 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
    Last edited by Tutor; 20th July 2013 at 02:01 AM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  9. #9
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?




    to be continued...

    Maharba - hunter, seeker; Arabic word Marhaba - God is Love, Mar = Master/God, Haba = Love; You = Thou

    CaAsi - Pure, notable that Ca is as Kay|Joy, finish = Pure Art of Joy; Asi = Art

    VoKay - Turn Joy, Call to Joy; that which is sought = Joy = That


    notable: James = Jacob, translation of name for name

    Epistle of James (KJV) 1:2-7

    [2] My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
    [3] Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
    [4] But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
    [5] If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
    [6] But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
    [7] For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.


    The modern Hebrew name for this letter is “mem” probably from the word “mayim” meaning “water”. The word “mayim” is the plural form of “mah”, probably the original name for this letter, meaning “what”. The Greek name for this letter is “mu”, a Hebrew word closely related to “mah”. The sound for this letter is “m”.

    The Hebrew word for four is arba ארבע (masculine arba'ah ארבעה). The root of the word is רבע, which leads to such words as reva רבע - quarter, rvi'i רביעי - fourth, and m'ruba מרובע - square. This is fairly straightforward.


    Mayim Chayim - Living Waters; waters of life

    the letter Mem or Mah in it's origin is WHAT?!


    the hunter|seeker exclaims, "What for am I?"


    in a wild leap is the word KaBuKi. [ka song + bu dance + ki art]

    we may identify that this Japanese art form began as masquerade of char-acter depiction.


    [Lakota Star Knowledge] in the drawing of the eight pointed Bright and Morning Star, we recognize that to connect all points of extremity, that lines intersectedly give way to internal points of crossing. the points of extremity identify the planets of our solor system which reflectively trade in and out of the sun's rays. the internalpoints of crossing are not natural, thus are identified as super-natural.

    Given of the lore, the natural is good, for it be of creation; while the super-natural is considered bad/evil because it arose unnaturally, as to say it inadvertantly approximated power, this power evolved and not of that power of Creation.

    Now, 2D would look upon this thinking to know, thus "knowing" would of choice choose. However, 3D would of the midst of this gathering, realize that there is no intersectedness beyond the 2D look upon it.

    the Inipi [sweat lodge] skeletal construction is the Morning Star, is the Womb of the Universe, covered.

    That which realizes, is conscious realization, is awareness, is surprisingly WHAT?!; is You, is Thou, is 4D, is Forty and Four, is 44.

    in the midst of 8 is 9

    is 9:44

    Hebrew Order: Psalm 9; commentary - "if God can handle the stars he has no difficulty with the human enemies of the psalmist."

    Thus is Faith, and this Psalm of Gratitude and Appeal, as Faith waits upon the Lord.

    also Psalm 44, Royal Wedding Song...

    it is notable that the book of Acts is the 44th book in the Christian Bible; that Solomon's Song of songs is the 22nd book; that Revelations is the 66th book.


    depending upon the warp and woof of our human tapestry, one may lose sight looking upon the 2D of it. Yet, it is nought but the the covering of our enwombment, the swadling blanket for our birthed whole body of.

    courtship, marriage, birth of two as One. 22 44 66

    the given child is the best of it's parents.


    when the sperm and egg unite for the zygote, the rod of law first forms not unlike a pin with a head upon it. from this rod, the law in it's redundant and manifold unfoldings of revealing revelation gives way [opening of the books] to the formation of the body wherein the living TRUTH shall dwell as a given externalized LIFE form.

    this song dance art is WHAT?! it is. IT = Human; tiMOMit


    Like a Beacon in the Ocean Of Matter, all round @ once, OM

    AU = O, for aum for om


    Moms get very little recognition, raising their children to give over to their Dads, to be given in the world at large. But, understand this, ever is the the VaV of our Creation openly giving way as eVaVe; Ave Maria; like a Lighthouse amidst all of ALL, all round @ once, AVE


    to have and to hold





    Jesus replied, "That which you are looking for has already come."


    Dwell within You Living of given fleshly heart, but yours is the LIFE out Here where the Heart/Hearth/Earth rocks our One world in the sharing of WHAT?! otherwise remains utterly alone within. Life, where the Name none the less is named.


    Peace unto You and yours,

    Last edited by Tutor; 20th July 2013 at 03:27 PM.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

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  10. #10
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: what is the meaning of mysticism and toward what purpose?

    in light of recent thread activity elsewhere.

    we are not human being spiritual, we are spirit being human.

    human being spiritual opens for the unavoidable entanglement of misunderstandings, those misunderstandings part and parcel to disagreeing chosen angles of spirituality.

    spirit being human opens for the reality that is avoidable of such entanglement, as realization, or awareness of what is being looked upon, as humans rigorously vent from the unknowing of spirit being human. such unknowing as to poise the very choice that this one brevity is all one has, that there is no such "spirit" at all, that it is all for nothing.

    what if it were nothing for everything/all. such is truth, that very spirit, such an endless macrocosmic origin would make itself so small, that such as is a microcosmic event could appear macrocosmically infinite.

    and what if that point in the midst of sacrificiality were the human charge, the very eye of the needle where throughed the thread of ages warps and woofs the what is.

    for every sun/star a-laying within the tapestry of time's terrain, there by a black hole feeding from the other side, uncovered. the alternative is just as true, for we may ponderously look out and see the black hole of our questioning for the answer that is none other than US.

    just as it is, that spirit is being human, it behooves us as humans to be humanist (understanding) in the avoidance of what is not the agenda of Spirit's being Us. this would of course mean we focus on what is our Humanity, the summa bonus of our greater good, the fruit of ages worked out through us, the charges who generationally sowed that it may, as it is, be generational reaped. we the fielded hands of creation's behest that the procreatively givens be co-creators.

    a penny's worth,

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

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