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Thread: VELO technique creates instant vibrations

  1. VELO technique creates instant vibrations

    I attended classes to an organization called the I.A.C (international Academy of consciousness). The organization was founded by Waldo Vieira. They center their whole teachings around a single technique called the VELO (formerly known as V.S technique). This technique is almost exactly like the energy bounce however theres more emphasis placed on quantity of energy and the mental approach.

    You start of pulsating a disc. from head to toe the from toe to head... the depth (how deep it penetrates fron out to your inner most core), and rhythm and fluididy (head to toe with no stops, pauses, or detors... integrity of disc must be maintained) each consecutive cycle gradually picks up speed and quantity until you feel small burst of vibrations and then a full self sustaining vibrational state. They treasure this technique as the be all technique for energy development, control... jsut all around spiritual development.

    I attended one class where the head scientific coordinator came from Portugal to speak about their research in the technique. He showed us a video with him and his team producing VERY quick vibrational (2 minutes Tops) states using VELO under an MRI and it blew me away. There are specific things that MRI's are made to detect however The VELO caused the MRI to pick up activity in every part of his brain and ... what blew me away.... outside his head which... according to an MRI isn't suppose to be possible unless there is blood running out there. The progression that lead up to the full V.S was also recorded and was very interesting. The some doctors accused him of tampering with the equipment and other doctors were completely vexed by it and praised it's implications on the amount of common dissorders it can prevent and even fix. They even did other experiments like energizing objects while under the MRI which impressed me aswell and ofcourse there were the experiments to see with there were any other possibilities for the anomalies that took place.

    I've been using their technique for the past 6 months about 1 to 2 hours a day. It is exTREAMly difficult to preform and maintain all the attributes that make a complete VELO cycle however when i do maintain it's concistency for some period (about 10 minutes) my body radiates and feels very peaceful ... and if preform the technique anytime through out the day it sends me to a very peacefull state. and once I had a large burst of vibrations on my hip (thought it was really shaking), so I have some experience of it's ability to cause vibrations

    They claim that this technique can prduce fully lucid OBE's, but the vibrational state dosn't always equal an OBE. ALSO that different types of projections have been reported and is possible with it are beyond that of astral projection... which depends on multidimensional intensity, quantity and frequency.

    Someone give me feedback opinion, theories about this. what implications do frequent vibrational states have for spiritual development (up to enligthenment, or kundalini awakening). Has anyone had any experience with or know of any other quick vibrational state techniques.

    The organization is trying to teach people this VELO and cunducting experiments on them aswell so that there's enough scientific/empirical data to ..... I guess to change minds.

  2. #2
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    Re: VELO technique creates instant vibrations

    Only opinions and theory- it looks like the energy bounce that we do when we do energy work and energy body loosening.
    You start of pulsating a disc. from head to toe the from toe to head... the depth (how deep it penetrates fron out to your inner most core), and rhythm and fluididy (head to toe with no stops, pauses, or detors... integrity of disc must be maintained) each consecutive cycle gradually picks up speed and quantity until you feel small burst of vibrations and then a full self sustaining vibrational state. They treasure this technique as the be all technique for energy development, control... jsut all around spiritual development.
    I do believe that any technique that uses bounce loosening will end up producing exit symptoms, which can include vibrations, but most of the time the types of vibrations that are caused by energy work are not exit vibrations, they are energy feedback.
    Anyway this seems interesting, and should give good results. Of course, if it were me, I'd do a full course of relaxation and trance techniques before doing the bouncing, and go from there.
    Thanks for sharing, pillowhead.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. Re: VELO technique creates instant vibrations

    I know it sounds like "just opinions and theory". However, this organization has been around for decades now and so has there VELO technique. The energy feedback is easily distinguishable from a full blown vibrational state which i've seen and the main guy has been doing it well over 10 years now which is why he can produce a vibrational state so quickly... and his ability (and some of the others) to detect another's energy is very impressive... he knows where the quantity, the quality, in what direction and if you're trying to fake him.he accredits His sensitivity with energy towards to VELO.

    All in all what is the significance of producing vibrational states frequently when it comes to spiritual or energetic development... is it something more efficient than Microcosmic / macrocosmic orbit or any other energetic exercise? I would believe bouncing a high amount of energy develops and unblocks energy centers more efficiently since it touches energy through all the channel and centers more frequently and with such intensity.

  4. #4

    Re: VELO technique creates instant vibrations

    Seems like I'm really late to this discussion. I recently came across the VELO technique on the I.A.C.'s website while looking at projection methods online. I'm very interested but unfortunately they don't have classes in Hong Kong where I live.

    Not sure if I'll get a response here since the last post was 4 years ago, but the website mentions that VELO can be used as a "self-defense" technique as well (against other forms of energy). I was wondering what kinds of "attacks" these would be, since it doesn't seem to be a topic that most people go into. Do the classes mention them?

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