After a break from all things healthy for a few years (shame) a few months ago I decided to get back on the bandwagon and do some energy work.
It requires discipline which I often struggle with as I have an exhausting job and work too many hours. Apart from the odd pulse and feeling a lot of energy in my hands and feet I hadn't had any strong sensations which doesn't really encourage me to keep going when I am tired so I have been a bit slack again for the last few weeks. (There was one time though that I was in a good trance state and I felt like someone was sitting on the edge of my bed down by my feet and stayed there.Anyone know what this is?)
Anyways why I am really writing this is because the other night I had a brow strobe which scared the living daylights out of me! I only knew it was a strobe when the next day I googled flash/brow/chakra/loud noise and lo and behold a whole section on The Strobe Effect by Robert Bruce appeared lol
I was in a hypnogogic state going to sleep when a huge, intense silvery/blue flash like a camera flash went off just inside my brow with a loud/weird click/clunk/metal sound. It scared the hell out of me. It didn't hurt at all. Fascinating! I'm really excited about it and obviously are straight back into energy work because it is very encouraging. I didn't get an clairvoyant stuff at all so not so sure about that. Anyone heard that weird sound with it? I hope it happens again