Years ago I read a book written by a guy who had OBE's. I can't remember his name was but I learn't about hypnogogic and hypnopompic images. He endevoured to stay awake through the images, whilst his body went to sleep and then would have 'experiences'. I don't recall him using the word 'phasing' but have since read about it on here. I do remember he didn't seem to directly AP but would have real-time OBE's.
I have always noticed my hypnogic images and make an effort to because they are amusing. Anyway's I practised doing this for quite a few weeks (usually falling asleep) and had a few minor experiences worth mentioning for my own memories sake.

Note* The cutest 'hypno' image I ever saw was gorgeous. There was a 'windmill' like those one's you get at fairs and the kids blow. But it wasn't really a windmill it was more like a flower with it's petals going around and around quite fast. The centre of the flower was a cute little smiling face with it's cute little eyes smiling and sparkling at me. The whole 'flower' was in 'cartoon'. The stem of the flower/windmill was being held by a rather large real man's hand, and everything else in the background was in darkness. I watched this for a long time!

BTW I am practicing Phasing at the moment so fingers crossed.