Space Time
A while back CFTraveler and I had a small discussion about the 4th dimension - she maintaining it being the dimension of Time and I suggesting a little different concept that would describe the dimension of dreams (or something).
I’ve noticed reading articles re physics in Nature magazine physicists still referring to the 4th dimension of Time which should settle the matter. But when my limited knowledge and a STRONG intuition tell me otherwise, I can’t turn away from it.
I just happen to meet three young physics majors last night and put the question to them. Whether it has anything to do with the condition of dreamland or not my hypothesis is simply this: Time and Space are a requirement of a single dimension - SpaceTime as Albert coined it. Time should not be considered as a dimension unto itself.
Now these three kids are brilliant but not yet authorities, still, they were in agreement with me. I asked them if the concept of Time as a separate D was necessary in the calculations of physical laws - that perhaps it was merely of convention of the math involved. They agreed it was not necessary.
Heisenberg tells us we cannot know the position of a particle and its momentum at the same time - the one measurement destroys the possibility of the other. This to me is sufficient proof that Time and Space are really one and same. Or, at least, you can’t have one without the other.
Take a cat running around the house (like mine does after I feed her Fancy Feast) and we determine where in the house she is, but in doing so we destroy the cat. In other words we can no longer know how fast she was going. Can’t take that measurement because the conditions have been destroyed with the first measurement. Likewise if we determine how fast she’s running, then we can no longer locate her.
We cannot know where she is (Space) and how fast she’s running (Time) at the same time because the condition collapses if we take either measurement. Which tells me that that condition is SpaceTime, a unitary Dimension.
Anyone’s thoughts on this would be fun.
Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
- E Hubbard