Yes, letting go and relaxing 'into' the sensations is always a very calm way to coax more intense Energy Body Sensations. (especially if they turn up on their own)

I had a clearing of my heart center about a month ago. It was not what I expected.

I was in a pretty deep trance while doing energy work. After i did a full pre-stim, I was doing a slow, 'full body bounce', when (while the bounce was in the 'up' swing) something released in my heart center. It felt like blood flow, very cold and liquidy.. It released up, and out the top of my head. It felt similar to how it feels when a part of your body regains circulation after being blocked for a bit. It just started 'flowing'. I had to stop the meditation because I thought it may have been a physical sensation with my heart. It was quite a vivid energy body event.

After I got up from the meditation, I was a blubbering mess for about a day and a half. I was crying about everything, I couldn't listen to music, or play my guitar, or play with my dogs,,, I was crying about everything. there was some sort of emotional release when the Chakra cleared itself. I was experiencing love and joy at levels that I had not experienced for a long time.