I am establishing this dream journal for just for not only my reference, but maybe someone will enjoy it. As of right now I have yet to experience my first OBE. I will be using the WILD method (Wake Induced Lucid Dream) to get OBEs or Lucid Dreams. As of right now I think I might be close to my first OBE.

Last night I fell asleep, woke up with a somewhat paralysis feeling (sleep paralysis), but I was unable to do anything to exit and eventually just overall broke paralysis.

The last time I had paralysis (I believe it to be my first and was accidental) was when I was younger I decided to wrap my blankets so tight it looked like I waqs a mummy. After maybe an hour, half hour I feel a little weird and when I tried to unwrap myself I realized I can't move at all (only my heard which was sticking out of the blankets) and started to panic and eventually got out of it, that scared me to death (I was around 8 years old andI only about a week or two ago discovered what a lucid dream was and what an OBE was). I would like to hear what everyone thinks of my posts as time goes on. I will post as soon as possible.

P.S. Sorry for the wall of text, I will try to fragment the posts better.