Cool beautiful way of putting the thought Sash . It always seemed everyone has a huge frustration with the fact that there is no "pause" button on life. A lever you can flip that makes everything just STOP to give you a moment to size up the situation to, get a grip, and once you get it and are ready go ahead and flip it again turning life back on.
But I think it is deeply profound, wonderous, and magnificent that everything (even our thoughts) is intricately inter woven with everything else.
When a person asks you , "Well, is Schrodingers cat alive or dead". The cat pivots his head inside the box to look at you ready to respond to your answer the moment it comes. I think they should rename it the Cheshire Cat... you know the cat in the box has got that grin.
I cant walk around in contemplation with out seeing that smile in every object, in every atom.
Will we ever balance the conflict we have between Ego and our utter failure to really understand anything. I hope Im clear.