Good question. I don't know the answer to all of those questions but I can tell you what has happened in my case. I think each of us might use this energy in a different way naturally, but I think we're all capable of the same abilities with practice.

For me, I've usually got most of my information directly from visualization and usually it's not scrambled or hard to read. I'm a born again beginner and I'm just starting to experience this again. If I send lots of energy to my third eye and then look into my minds eye images will start to appear. I use focus to clear the slate, and create complete darkness in my third eye. Then I let all my thoughts fall away and I just let images appear without trying to influence what I see. When I was younger this use to provide me with clear information for a short period of time. I've been trying to get back to this point for a long time now.

When there is no information to receive, I would use this energy to heal my relationships with others and find forgiveness for my mistakes. I would visualize the person I wronged or want to communicate with and I would send them love or I would apologize for my behavior or feelings that they might not of even known about (on a conscious level). You would be very surprised how quickly a relationship with someone can change by doing this. If you truly feel sorry for your actions or genuinely want to express positive emotions to someone they will receive it on a subconscious level and you will notice a difference. In time this will become proof to you, since you will notice the changes. Often you don't even have to pick the person, they will come to you.

Not everyone gets their information visually like this though, some people get gut feelings or hear things etc. When I first started visualizing I was pretty bad at it though, and I remember when I could not visualize the color orange no matter how hard I tried. It probably took me 6 months to a year just to see this color. But, even before then I'd have strange visual experiences so I think everyone is capable of this with practice.

So I guess the answer from my experience or how I use my energy is to visualize, or to send it to someone else who needs it. You could use it to astral project or practice other abilities like Aunt Clair described above. Other people here will have better advice I'm sure, since I'm just getting to the point where these experiences are happening to me again.