Any comments or advice is greatly appreciated.

I had an experience the other day that I am wondering if it was anything. I was laying down on my bed. Mentally, I can't remember where I was. Possibly in trance, almost asleep or in a hypnogogic state.

I felt my whole body shift/move up (horizontally). It felt as if the bed was pushed towards the wall a little bit. It startled me and woke me a bit. I don't recall the forward sensation going back to where it started.

I later asked my husband if he had slammed a door or did anything to "jolt" the house and he hadn't.

Also, is there a detailed explanation somewhere on what it feels like to be in trance or ....when your body is asleep and your mind is awake? I believe my body is asleep but my mind seems like it is too awake sometimes. Which surprises me as I normally fall asleep very quickly and for me to be laying there for an hour and be conscious is not me. I am new to all this and meditation (never did meditaion as I always fell asleep), even though I had a couple obe's when I was a child. I was the girl in class that would always go into trance. My teacher would call my mom and ask what was wrong with me. I don't "trance" anymore and am not quite sure if I am doing it right. When you are in trance, do you think of things or is your mind completely blank?
