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Thread: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

  1. #261
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    6th February, 2012.

    “Doctor’s prescription.”
    I’m at a doctor’s office. It’s Christine Page and she tells I’ve gained 7.5 kilos since last I visited her. She suggests I take up dancing to lose the weight. ~

    “Les’ Decision.”
    I’m somewhere with Mum and Les and we need to get something a two to three hour drive away. The drive ends up taking me to the suburb where I was raised and being somewhat shorter than three hours. I’m impressed by Les’ decision-making in this respect because he has saved us a trip into Sydney.

    “Let’s Get Physical.”
    Amelia R appears to be in the same car and she starts singing “Let’s Get Physical” by Olivia Newton John. She knows the lyrics but they don’t seem to be the same as in WR.
    Note: Another night where sequence is hard to work out. I believe the last part of the dream occurred with other dreams between. I woke up with “Let’s Get Physical” playing in my head.

    “Chris R’s watch.”
    I’m watching Chris R watching a set of double glass doors on a first storey of his home. Apparently there’s something not functioning and he can’t lock them and so he watches for theft.

    I’m away from my old family home wondering if I could remotely operate a toy racing car with my mind.

    “Mrs H.”
    I’m talking with a teacher when my old English teacher from high school joins us. Eventually I make the statement that she was my English and Religious Studies teacher. I expect her to react warmly but there’s no reaction at all. ~

    Note :Mrs H never taught me religion.

    “Sexist jerk.”
    There’s a father talking to me about his son at school. He seems a very smug man. He comments on my friend Bridget (who hasn’t worked with me for years) being hefty or broad, or some other such word, and I don’t like him. As he talks, I see he has a hole in his shorts and when I get to speak to Bridget after the encounter I ask her if she could see his penis. She says she didn’t notice.

    “Triplet infants.”
    I’m looking at three babies in a pram. I think there are twins there but the mother corrects me, calling them triplets. I then think they are two boys and a girl but the mother again corrects me, perhaps changing their nappies so I can see, telling me they’re all girls and that she plans to send them to Catholic school.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  2. #262
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    “Let’s Get Physical.”
    Amelia R appears to be in the same car and she starts singing “Let’s Get Physical” by Olivia Newton John. She knows the lyrics but they don’t seem to be the same as in WR.
    Note: Another night where sequence is hard to work out. I believe the last part of the dream occurred with other dreams between. I woke up with “Let’s Get Physical” playing in my head.
    i like this one, definately a message for me.....

    I had good day yesterday in terms of 'getting physical'..... and managed to do some chores within the home that i've been 'looking at' and contemplating doing for weeks... hope to get-on and do some more today...

    Thanks for sharing...xx
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  3. #263
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    Earworm. Aaagh!
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #264
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    Quote Originally Posted by Newfreedom
    I had good day yesterday in terms of 'getting physical'..... and managed to do some chores within the home that i've been 'looking at' and contemplating doing for weeks... hope to get-on and do some more today...
    Hope it's all finished now. Me, was getting sore and decrepit from time spent over schoolwork but I've addressed it for the moment at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by C.F.T
    Earworm. Aaagh!
    Sorry about that.

    Life is kind of sucking presently, as I knew it would with the return to full working hours. I've let my dream journal go because I sometimes just do not have enough morning time for recording (even though I'm up by 6.30 or earlier if anxious about work). Anyway, no point beating myself up over it. Anyway, here are some I didn't get around to posting - just double checking first to delete the naughty bits.

    8th January, 2012.

    ~I walk with Helen L, explaining what palmistry says about hand shape. I tell her she has the light hand of a sensitive but I have the squared off palm of a practical person and the knobbily knuckles of a philosopher. She seems disinterested and retires to her room. ~

    Somehow I have received a package. It’s information of a New Age kind and comes with a voice recording. I listen to an American man talking about Jesus Christ living today as a shaman in the Carpathian Mountains. He talks about a white powder that can cause lights to ignite just by being in close proximity. I feel there is more to the powder; that it has potential to do something for humanity.

    Then I notice a slat bed on the floor nearby. It’s minus a mattress and there are lights under the bed on either side of where the pillow would lie. I see that three packets of powder have arrived with the recording and that one has been torn open, spilling some of its powder contents and now the lights on the floor are shining bright.

    There’s an interruption in the man’s talk - other less interesting items - and so I walk away and start to wash dishes. There’s a muddle up and I realize Jacquie is washing dishes at another sink or placing them in a dishwasher and we needn’t both have been doing dishes.

    Later I hear his voice resume and I return to the recording to hear more. I am hopeful.

    10th February, 2012


    I’ve been teaching Erin D something. Now I teach other adults. Someone beside me is trying to teach too (a black woman?) but she wants me to help her with her words.

    Watching some girls dance. One is more flexible than the others and lifts her leg right up by her ear. Another comes to me after the performance. She seems to be a friend and says she hurt her leg a bit.


    Helen S drives a car right through the front door of some people's house. A man approaches and Helen is amused with herself while I am shocked by her behavior. He doesn’t get angry. I notice a bump in the floor with a little travelator/conveyor belt over it that runs continuously. I wonder if that costs them a lot of money in electricity.

    I spot Daniel C and his dad dancing over to my left.

    I’m on a computer screen. I see an advertisement for a book by a new Facebook member. His nic is the same as the book title which has the word Gray in it, "Kurt of Gray ---" perhaps. Somehow I know it’s Kurt Leland.

    13th February, 2012.

    I’m with Marie. For some reason, I don’t feel comfortable. Perhaps it’s her birthday and I don’t have a present because I look in a wardrobe to see if I can find something for her, briefly contemplate a wide plastic belt, and then think better of it.

    She’s exhibiting pride in her youngest daughter who is undertaking some type of development acceleration.

    “Giraffe threat.”
    I’m in a school playground a long way from the school buildings. G has warned me about a giraffe but I’m not really too worried. G is in a black armoured vehicle and it seems to me that in trying to protect me he inadvertently provokes the giraffe, which starts to kick and buck. It’s impressively tall and, while I’m still not entirely convinced of it’s inherent danger, I start to run. I have a baby in my arms and so there’s more at stake now. The creature pursues and I wonder if I can find some tables and benches under which to hide. I still have a sense of humour about this but I also know that the giraffe could hurt me.

    “Mr. D and teachers.”
    I’m with a group of students. Mr. D our high school art teacher sits opposite us, running some activity. I’m polite and attentive even though I have little respect for Mr. D: he was a very poor teacher who never prepared lessons, rarely taught or directed and sometimes didn’t bother to come to class at all. He apparently felt teaching us was beneath him. In the dream, we were apparently supposed to go for a swim but he failed to organize it. As he mentions this, I see the swimming pool. Instead of swimming, he’s going to do a spinal twist/ matsyendrasana warm up with the group. I see him try to commence the posture but he already can’t remember how to instruct it, so I tell him I’m a yoga teacher and ask if he’d like me to take us through it. He agrees and I instruct and demonstrate while the students follow.

    Now we’re all in a single bed. I’m squashed up a little against the wall with Mr. D’s back to me and the others presumably on the other side of him.

    We’re in groups around tables discussing experiences as teachers and parents. A woman beside me has four babies and asks me to hold them while she does something. I take them for her and it feels odd having so many at once. I feel their weight and warmth in my lap and also let one suck on my figure, resulting a most vivid dream sensation.

    I overhear a bit of a woman’s conversation, intrigued that her daughter is called Carmela, which I think is a very Maltese name. When I elicit a repeat statement from her, it seems I’ve misheard. She talks about her husband taking her daughter through an accelerated development programme and somehow the dream starts pulling back to the earlier dream with Marie.

    One of the women stands and leaves the table saying something about her work as a physiotherapist (the job Marie does in WR) and I think it curious she’s at a teacher training when she’s a physio. I decide she must be changing professions.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #265
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    16th February, 2012

    I’m at Seven Hills making a roll that I overfill with prawns and salad. I have trouble wrapping it because the wrap is too short so I add another piece. Mum is nearby.

    I’m maybe high school aged. We sit on chairs in a semi-circle, as we once did in my senior art class but I don’t feel I’m necessarily a senior. A teacher returns art portfolios. I can’t remember what my cover illustration looks like, I suspect I didn’t even notice it, and in my consciousness as the me in the dream, I can’t recall what work I’ve created within the portfolio. I look through the pages at the pictures with more anticipation than is warranted. The illustrations don’t look terribly sophisticated. There are a lot of drawings of girls, presumably my dream age. There are drawings that have been started and not completed or coloured as well as some depiction of a band, the Beatles perhaps, that hasn’t really been much developed at all.

    I notice somebody else’s cover illustration and I feel it’s better than all the others, including mine, because of the shading. It’s monochromatic and like a pyramid in the sense it’s broader at the base and narrower at the top but it also has rounded sides, like a game of quoits but not.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #266
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    17th February, 2012.

    “The Cs”
    ~I’m outside and there are people around doing various things but the main person I notice is an unshaven man in front of me. He has dark hair and whiskers, is in his 50s, of foreign extraction. I think he’s digging and maybe there’s a sense of restoration or clean up after some kind of calamity. I look down on the ground and see a crevice and that reminds me of the time I had trouble with a discarnate that I’d brought home after lunch with a depressed friend who’d been behaving erratically and had become suicidal.* My attention is taken by a couple of potatoes on the ground that have been unearthed now. Sometimes we find hitherto un-harvested potatoes when we disturb the soil to plant something else. I consider collecting them but decide not to.

    Last night, before bed, I tried to keep my mind empty and make contact with somebody’s deceased daughter just to see if I could. I asked for protection from undesirables. Perhaps that’s the reason for the trench imagery re-appearing in this part of the dream.

    ~I’m ascending the back steps with the woman who owns the pizza shop. (Last night G and I got pizza instead of cooking. Her son is a former student and we chatted a while. They gave us a discount and free garlic bread J. Also, the man mentioned earlier may have been the man from the kebab shop: that’s what we picked up for H’s dinner). She’s telling me something about her experience with astral projection. ~

    Note: This is an odd bit of dream prompting. I haven’t had projection in mind though I have inadvertently seen/heard a couple of references to it. In any case, it strikes me as curious in the dream but doesn’t trigger any recognition.

    ~ Now I’m with the Cs. They’ve invited me over for Daniel is having some kind of occasion and they wish me to join. We’re flying to Melbourne and seeing some kind of show.

    ~ There’s a fragment where I’m lying on my back watching the night sky. Two white military-looking aircraft fly over and I briefly wonder if I’ll see UFOs next. I vaguely see two inexplicable round shapes in the sky but, for some reason, I’m not really up for this experience right now and it ends or I simply don’t recall what unfolds. ~

    ~ I’m emerging from a darkened boarding house onto the street where I will find the Cs. I walk a while until I realize I’m not fully dressed. Perhaps the dream is referencing what I wear in bed. I decide my shorts are too skimpy and I should return to the boarding house.

    On my trip back group of 3 youths pass. I recognize one of the boys as a former student – one of the Meta boys. He makes friendly conversation, seeing my state of dress as an indicator I’m about to go have a shower and telling me how he loves taking showers.

    Note: meta- (also met- before a vowel or h)
    combining form
    1 denoting a change of position or condition : metamorphosis | metathesis.
    2 denoting position behind, after, or beyond: : metacarpus.
    3 denoting something of a higher or second-order kind : metalanguage | metonym.

    I bang on the door, expecting the owner of the pizza shop to answer it. For a while I stare at the door deciding the occupants have gone to sleep super early, unsure what to do. Then I notice a card on a ribbon suspended from the door handle and there’s a key attached. I use it. ~

    Now I’m inside the C home but it’s nothing like their WR home. It’s incredibly large. I enter a living area and I have a box of chocolates in my hands. I find several people in there. Bernadette (Mrs. C) is lying on a couch but she doesn’t look at all like Bernadette. She has dark hair and an entirely different face. I don’t approach her at first. I see some teens in the room, people I don’t recognize, and I take the box of chocolates to each of them. I let them grab several chocolates each, but never too greedily. It seems though that the box gets more full, rather than less. I talk to B for a while. She asks if I’m giving away all the chocolates she gave me and I’m feeling a bit awkward explaining my action because I don’t remember who gave them to me or why I’m giving them away.

    I head off into the house so I can reemerge on the street properly dressed. I pass an enormous room with coloured crystals piled to the ceiling. I keep moving, despite their fascination. I’ve never seen anything like this before and I’m not really sure what they are. They are predominantly in the red and orange spectrum.

    I pass into another similar room. I wonder when the C’s got into such structures.

    ~ Some vague notion of showering or perhaps there’s an expectation I’ll shower before dressing.

    ~ Another odd fragment occurs. An insurance woman is telling me I must undergo a complete physical in order to be insured. She is stipulating X-rays and I’m resisting the idea, feeling needless X-rays will expose me to harm.

    ~ I’m on the street again. I watch a pale blonde woman from behind. A man approaches her and he’s clearly a vampire. I decide it’s a performance and I’m not interested.

    Note: There’s a fringe festival atmosphere.

    ~ Now I’ve encountered Daniel and Mary again. Daniel says something excited about this event and identifies himself as being in Year 11 (In RL he graduated years ago and finished uni). We’re leaning forward against a railing and my youngest son H is on my left. He begins a tirade against me because I’m not talking much. He says I should be able to talk more when I’m with people. I sense he’s projecting his own limitations onto me and I get angry. His face is right near mine so I bite him on the cheek as punishment.* Now I’m away from him and with Mary. She seems to be instructing me on how I could better handle the event that just transpired.

    *I’d never do such a thing in WR.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  7. #267
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    Encountered a swarm of bees on the move today.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  8. #268
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    19th February, 2012.

    “Pursued by Monsters.”
    I’m before a very large history class. While I just talk to them about the subject matter they’re attentive but I look into the book and begin to see the detail I’ve left out, so I try to get them to read and answer questions. Now they start to play up. I’m trying to find some source questions they can complete but it’s pages before I locate some and I have to chastise individual students for misbehavior during the delay.

    I’m on a bus now and I’m watching the houses outside the window. I pass an old red brick house and decide it’s probably not Seven Hills because there’d be more fibro houses. ~

    I’m inside a teacher’s house where students have come to study Extension English. I’m impressed that the teacher has offered his/her own home and the kids are so studious. There are a couple of rooms where they work in subdued lighting. ~

    I encounter Richard C and he begins to talk about the material I used to teach my Extension kids. He’s telling me it’s what they teach in colleges. I seem to be back on the bus with him now and I’m wondering how he knows what I taught the Extension kids. I’m quite rude when I ask him if he’s smart enough to recognize this, why he only writes stupid comments about football in threads that have nothing to do with football on people’s Facebook walls.

    I’ve left something at the front of the bus so I get up to get it but I disembark instead. I realize I need to be on the bus so I run alongside it until I see kids at a bus stop before me. It stops for them and I climb aboard.

    But now I’m in a building with a row of high windows. I see a large claw on the end of a black hairy arm swing up from a passing monster and decide I want to get out of there. I pass rapidly through rooms until I find an exit and I’m out on the street. It’s an interesting streetscape, a mixture of homes and square muliti-storey buildings in a pale yellow that probably reflect the buildings I saw in a foreign film when the characters visited Austria.

    I begin an ascent up a hill but I see a group of terrified people running my way so I take a left. Every so often I duck out of sight of these oversized ape-like creatures. I’m looking around for a nondescript home where I can hide, figuring the creatures will go where there are large supplies of humans, like office buildings. I’m heading towards some young people and intend to share this idea with them.
    Last edited by Beekeeper; 27th February 2012 at 09:28 PM.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  9. #269
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    I didn't bother recording at all last week. It was all too hard and I didn't think my dreams warranted the effort. Today's posts aren't better but I'm trying not to totally surrender everything to the new set of circumstances.

    27th February, 2012.
    "Headscarves and such"
    I’m with Carmen and Zoe. I love Zoe and I feel we’re communicating well, even though she cannot talk yet. I speak and she uses gesture and I think what a clever baby she is.

    Now Carmen and I are opening a package. I’ve bought it cheaply or gotten it free as part of a promotion run by a newspaper. I want the colourful head ties in the package. I separate them out and Carmen helps me, commenting on the various colours and fabrics, some of which repeat. I pick up a pair of women’s swimmer bikini bottoms and read that they’re a size 8 on the label. I wonder if size 8 would fit me or if I’ve put on too much weight*. In any case, I don’t really want these. With a cynical attitude, I open out an A3 size paper. On it is a line drawing of an Tudor man for colouring in. I comment ironically that this’ll be useful to senior students.

    *8 is generally the smallest size available in most Australian shops.

    28th February, 2012
    Some kind of sexual encounter with a lesbian. Doesn’t seem to really involve sex, she's in control though and drags me around like a rag doll.

    "Endless wait for the show"
    G and I have waited outside a theatre for a play for quite some time. Other people wait too. There’s something odd about my clothes: they seem to be very 1970s and not at all stylish. I notice them and also another group dressed similarly. This waiting seems to repeat and then we wait no more because we need to be at work. G is annoyed that we never got to see the play. It seems our tickets were free or can be re-used at another session and he’s determined to go again. It entails a trip all the way to Sydney.

    Note: Dream theatre is a familiar environment.

    "Leslie's Bed"
    I help make Leslie’s bed for her. It’s barely messed after her having slept in it and I talk to her as I tidy it.

    Leslie and Steve (?) are fiddling with a stereo. A young man and woman sit on the other side of the stereo watching and I’m behind them watching. Steve farts right near their noses but they don’t react and I make a comment about the odd behavior.

    I have a strange little body, as if I’m very aged and decimated by something else. Mr. Burns from The Simpsons or a grey alien come to mind though I don't appear to be weakened or incapacitated and my body is not the focus of the dream; I just notice it during the course. I seem to be involved in leading a defensive. Someone (presumably at height and with binoculars) declares that the assaulting forces have the city surrounded and contained.

    I notice another anomaly: a car moving down the road on its side. Somehow, a woman is driving with this car attached to the side of her car. There’s something like a news report - a voiceover that derides the woman for being aggressive or humourless but then she is interviewed and is quite the contrary, laughing at herself and her predicament in having been fined.

    While I’m concentrating on this, a fellow, who speaks in my ear but whom I don’t really look at, is talking about having to make alterations, presumably because of the invading force. He has gotten rid of the granite stones and something else (?)
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  10. #270
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    Re: Beekeeper's Adventures in Consciousness

    29th February, 2012.
    “The eleventh hour.”
    I kill time waiting for 8 o’clock when I’ll leave for a yoga class. I interact with various people in a kind of homelike environment. I talk to Carmen on the phone and she disappears mid conversation. Glancing at the clock I see it is now 11 and express my surprise to someone that the time has passed and I’ve missed a class.

    In third person I watch a group of people (I know? Adults or children?) teleported but they don’t end up in the room they expect to and “the audience” can hear their voices but doesn’t know where they are.

    “The white hats.”
    An aboriginal woman (Di?) is reading at a retreat. I’m not sure who her audience is, perhaps the people from the previous scene. She reads about the “white hats”, presumably a group of aboriginal people and the heroes of the tale. She narrates more than one story. She has just said, “And a series of white hats led to the door,” when I begin to wonder if this Year 12 retreat is almost over and why we haven
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

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