Last night I had a similar experience. I had gone to bed veeeerrryyyy early. It was very hot and I was tired from working in the yard. (lazy is more like it ) I was awakened by the familiar torso rush and paralysis. I did not attempt an exit at this point. I was going to relax more into the sensations and create a bigger 'window'. My wife came in to the room and walked over to her side of the bed and asked me something. I do not remember what she said. She sat on the bed and looked at me, waiting for a response. I just remember only being able to move vvvveeeeerrrrryyyy slowly, when I moved my head to the right towards her. I was able to move my arm, veeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyy slowly with my forefinger pointed up. I was trying to 'shoosh' her. I could not muster a sound from my mouth, as my breathing was fixed and my body was paralyzed. I realized that I might not be moving my physical body due to the fact that I was moving soooooooo slow. I have had this happen to me before a couple of times when I was bi-located. Sometimes when my projected double is out and about, I am able to move (what seems to be) my physical body,,, but only vvveeeeerrrrrryyyyyy slowly. It was like that. But I do not think that I was moving my physical head and arm and finger. I came to several minutes later. I immediately asked Erin what it was that she was asking me, but she had not come into the room at all. So it was not her that was there during my energy body event. (Which means that I 'shooshed' an astral visitor...) doh!

Perhaps my feverish incident was not a hallucination after all...