I just started trying to do OBE's again. I got into the subject a few years back but never had any particular luck with it and eventually got bored and disappointed so I forgot about it.

Anyway, I find I'm having more or less the same issue that I had in the past. When I do the numerous 'deep breathing' exercises, my body starts to relax, and then I get this peculiar sensation that spreads mostly across my limbs (especially hands-to-elbow) and along my face/neck after awhile. It's almost like a sort of subtle, pleasant electricity (although a little unpleasant when it becomes too intense), and I find the longer I do the breathing exercises the more intense it gets, until I eventually plateau at some point where my body is half numb and tingling like crazy.

The most significant problem with it, is that it makes relaxing my body seem impossible. I say this because even though my hands and feet begin to become numb (although I've also noticed, hypersensitive if I touch things while they're tingling), they also seem to involuntarily tense up. I was doing it the other day and found my hands curling up until they both wound up in a sort of bizarre tensed claw posture. And I could barely move my fingers or toes, not with any decent coordination.

I did have a new experience with the whole tingling thing yesterday though. I had as part of the exercise I'd been doing, focusing on my fingers (no idea if that's what caused it). And after I got fed up with no progress lying in bed, I got up and walked into the kitchen. Then I noticed, asides form the usual hypersensitivity, I could also like... 'feel' something across all the tips of my fingers on both hands. It actually felt almost exactly like when you try to push two magnets that are repelling one another together. I could almost imagine it as being very strange feeling fingertips pressing against my own. And it shifted as I moved them. Very, very weird sensation.

Alongside this I noted (on the same occasion as the above effect ^) that with my eyes closed, in a completely dark room I could somehow see (with my eyes closed) flickering white light, or bursts of it. This seemed to coincide and dissipate alongside the tingling.

Anyway, I'd appreciate some advice on this. I haven't seen these things (tenseness/finger tip thing) really mentioned in obe/relaxation exercises, and I don't really understand how to bypass this (or even if I should)
I'm also feeling a bit despondent about the entire thing, because I've never had sleep paralysis, OBEs, etc. I did manage to have a few lucid dreams last time I was attempting this, but never anything beyond that.