At approx 2.00am this morning my 2 year old daughter came to my bed side and asked me where the lady had gone. I sat up in bed trying to focus on the bluey hue of her face and noticed a brilliance in her eyes, sparkling in the darkness. I asked her who the lady is and she replied that it is her "friend" and that the lady had been sitting on her bed. She then told me, in the fragmented way that toddlers do, that she wanted to sleep and she that was tired but the lady kept tugging at her arm.

I helped her back into bed, gave her a drink of water, tucked her in and returned to my own bed where I contemplated the lady that she'd seen by her bed side.

This morning I asked her again about the lady and she hadn't changed her story. But she did add that it made her scared.

Does anyone have any advice on how to approach scenarios like this? My girl is my first and only child and I'd dearly love her to develop a very clear and active imagination, but I don't want to drag her into a world where she cannot distinguish between the two and cause her upset. I'm so looking forward to helping develop visualisation techniques in order for her to enrich her life.

How would you respond to a little girl with those sparkling, wonderful eyes, standing, gleaming at your bed side at night and wanting to know "where has lady gone?"