a lot of times obes get mixed with a dream memories, because your astral double and your dream mind share the same brain. These mix ups are called reality flactuations and can range from small changes in enviroment to blurry, wierd experiences. What u had was a real obe but your astral sight was going bad because your actual body started to drift off and dreaming. To improve ur astral sight while out of body, starte at ur hands every 30 to 60 seconds until ur vision gets better. Also, to prevent these reality flactuations and other symptoms, make sure your body doesnt fall into deep sleep and start dreaming. In order to prevent that, dont practice obes in a full lay down position where your body is totally comfotable. The best way to do this is put some pillows behind ur back to make you be in 30 to 40 degree angle and make ur body a lil uncomfortable by putting a board under ur heels or by creating white noise(like a radio tuned off station or tv at a moderate volume) These will help ur body to be in slight discomfort, therefore preventing it from going into a deep sleep and making your obe so much better and clearer. Hope this helps good luck!!