I was hiking up in some mountains, and with me on the trip came my father. We were up on a footpath in a beautiful area with lush canopies and hillsides covered in rhododendron and lots of other cool flowering bushes and plants.

We went into some castle/cloisterlike ruins that lay on the mountainside. My dad started walking on the edge of a 600 m drop and I feared for his life so I told him to stop and walk normally. Instead he made an insane jump which would have sent him tumbling down the mountainside, had he not narrowly caught hold on the outer castle wall with one of his hands. He climbed up and sat recklessly leaning over the edge of the cliff and said: “Come look at the view!”

“What the hell are you doing, dad!” I yelled. Next second he was throwing himself off to the next portion of the wall, this time though, he fell. I feel myself screaming as he falls in slow motion down the mountainside. But he somehow manages to get another hold 20 m down.

Next scene, he’s back on the footpath, and I’m so pissed at him so I tell him I’ll go another way if he doesn’t stop this, NOW. He doesn’t seem to listen so I leave.

I go down into the green valley below. A river flows through the valley, and down here there are kids playing. It’s a wealthy suburban area with pretty large houses and villas. I feel like a poor beggar.
I wake up with my mom in my room, I describe the dream and she listens but doesn’t pay attention.
Then I wake up again, it was a dream within a dream. Wicked.

Would appreciate any comments on this. Thanks.

