I am looking to enquire whether anyone has any particular links or resources that acknowledge the existence of negs, spirits or negative factors in psychology or medicine.

Any type of perception outside of commonality would normally be deemed as a form of schizophrenia or psychosis I presume.
However I am curious if alternative interpretations have been applied practically or theoretically in these fields that endorse the existence of para-normal factors?

From my own studies into psychology I have found that general models of self and spirituality are quite poor when it comes to the heart of the matter.
Although the particular field of spirituality is gaining popularity, factors such as negs and astral projection seem far from "acceptable" areas of focus.
In this thread a few people stated that it will be the cumulative efforts of communities rather than the individual that will reduce the general power of negs over the human race.
For this to happen awareness of these issues must however reach more people, and the contribution of acknowledgment in the medical (a field supposed to be associated with health and healing) field would much further this cause.