Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1201
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was called upon my phone...this person I knew for several years ago...this person asked me why I do not respon on my text messages or my voice messages...I asked the person can you know this??...Have you connected my phone to yours...and the person you are stalking me?..Yes...

    IN this episode a person whom I give distance healing to....did come to me and said she is impatient to wait...her mother was baking a she come to me to visit and kill time….I said...I am so sorry for your are you doing?..she told me that she is back to school….wow...I said...that´s great….
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1202
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I was travelling with Swedish king and Queen...the carriage was red velvet with comfy seats….it was very warm so I helped the king to take off his my surprise he had 2 on top of eachother….a yellow one and a green one….in the Dream I had 2 boys...they had big beards and no hair??...we ended up at my home and I asked if they want to have coffee or tea...the king said….tea.
    Last edited by IA56; 5th February 2020 at 10:52 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #1203
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I asked a women with a hijab...I asked do men have something like you have the hijab to be recognized by...she had a frightened look on her face and she said NO...I said but why must you have hijab and men do not have anything like it?? should I bring up this subject...she run away shouting...NO
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1204
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dreams I was a spectator to a dancing contest...the participants who did good did get a figurin to trade in an get a Buddha statuette...a young boy did get one and when he went to trade it in he get the is not pretty enough...he was so sad his mother did I went to the boy and I said can not give have you right to have the Buddha I took him to them and can not change your own rules...give this boy his Buddha statuette and here is your figurine.....

    In this episode I was walking with a young women...she wanted to be in realtionship with me...I told her that I was not interested and for that matter she should look women in her own age if she was intereted in women....we was in a winter landskape and we saw a caravanette...we climbed in all was frozen...soon someone opened the backdoor and it was so strange because we where very high up and he have placed some kind of ladder but had not made it steady and when I step on it it tilted and down we went...but I did not harm me...he put it up again and I went up on it again...and I did regret it at once because it was not safe as he did not safe it properly...a man with a dog passed by and I halloed to him to help me....and he did...he told me that the man who own this caravanette his son do talk badly...he have said he will buy black he asked me to talk to the boy...that he will get in trouble if he do not change his ways....I went into the mans house to look for the boy...he was teasing a dog...I told him that one day that dog will attack him if he goes on that bad way against it...I asked if he has hard time...yes he said...his parents do be hard on him for no I talked to the boy and asked if he want me to talk to his parents to change they way aganist him...and he said my phone rang and this dream ended this way...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #1205
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I was somewhere in a forest/moutain/field area...I was with a some Children who was hurdling some cattle/sheep...when I looked into the forest area I saw a Wolf looking at me....I told the Children to have there sticks ready and theire whistles ready to spook the wolf away….
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #1206
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was preagnant in 9th month....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1207
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I was with my father...….I told my father that my intention is not to offend him but I want to ask him something ….yes he said….I you have other Children then us 4....I said had a period when you Went out dancing and you might have met others….he Went out of the room and soon come back carrying a big bag in his hands and saying….okay come....

    In this episod I did bury in the sand a plastic bowle….I did dig it up soon and to my surprise it was a Young boy...he was in chock...he wispered something to me...I couldn´t hear what he whispered….I told him….he must dare to speak up...he must learn to defend himself...and not let others do things he do not want to him….I was in total despare ...….I have to reach him and make him to defend himself….
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #1208
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I had a strange Dream last night...I was somewhere of a working Place...2 co-workers Went out to smoke...I Went also and to my surprise I had a cigarett and I asked for of the co-workers shouted like in fear that I had a cigarett...and refused to give me I looked into my bag and I had own the cigarett Before I could light it was cut to more then half of it away...and I had left only like a centimeter of the cigarett to smoke...I asked...did you see that...they looked at me like I was crazy..but soon one of the co-workers noticed the cut of part of my cigarett on the ground...I was now happy that it did happen and I was not crazy...I opened my bag and I noticed that I had own made Tobacco...with herbs and other healthy of the co-workers asked me if I am going to cell it also...Oh no I will only result in complainings and rumer spredings...and I do not want any I only make it for own use…
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1209
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night Dream I was sleeping...Before I fell to sleep someone was manipulating my brain so it felt like I will have a I had to awake me over and over again...I tried to see who is doing this...but I only could see it was someone behind the scenes it was covered with like a gray cloud...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #1210

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    In last night Dream I was sleeping...Before I fell to sleep someone was manipulating my brain so it felt like I will have a I had to awake me over and over again...I tried to see who is doing this...but I only could see it was someone behind the scenes it was covered with like a gray cloud...
    This kind of experience I would not call a dream, but direct non-physical interaction with beings. I have frequently such experiences of energies and beings approaching me while sleeping. It is a good practice to set certain, desired mental and energetic attitude (or frequency, wave-length, state...) before going to sleep, so that unwanted energies could not reach you.

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