Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1611
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I saw my father from the abowe so to say...he was standing with his back to me...dressed in white T-shirt and white shorts...carrying on his left sholder a camera...and on his right sholder a bag...(my father is on the other side..never seen him in white shorts?)

    In this episode I was to a place with in one room was art...second room was nailes to be third room was beeds and so on...when I entered this place I said...oh I am sorry...maybe only invited persons can come...No no they said...all is welcome...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1612
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was asked to do a work on a library. Had to cleanse the library first from some kind of those who borowed a book did not get something negative with them...had to dust with a protection powder...I had some help so I was not alone on this huge work...had to check all books that they had the protection powder...but I saw in 2 books a small speck what was not powdered I used those sticks with a bit cotton on the powder the specks....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #1613
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was standing on a buss was winter and the ground was slippery...Buss driver was a women and she did not let me enter the bus...she did show her power this way...denying me to take the bus...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1614
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    This dream did I have some days ago...In the dream I was sitting on my bed...and in swaved a light blue shirt with left sleve twisted...the atmospher in the room was thick so to say...I started to do the bannishment but could only sighn a triangle...the atmosphere went lighter so I could do the whole bannishment...and all went to normal...

    Last night dream was about me working at a workingplace...feeling bad...but continued to work...the boss wanted to talk to me...he said...I can see you do not feel well...I have a propsal to you...we are going to start a new postition on the firm and I want you to go the course and do the new work....I was so happy....I accepted...started the course and was so surprised it was only few hours a day...and rest I was commended to go home and rest...It was what I needed...I talked to the boss and told him how greatful I am...we are too greatful to have
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #1615
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was travelling with a group on a bus what was constructed with real beds...I went to look under the bus...and there you could see where the beds was day time...this bus was huge...and beds for a real big group.. I did not count the beds....but it was many....and when night come you did drag the beds up...they where allready made so to say....impressive costruction.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #1616
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I have been thinking about my sons father who killed himself in 2004.

    He come into my dream last night and wanted us to be together again...he said...we do not have to re no change there in him....he stopped to come to visit his son because I did not want to be with him when he visited us...he had no feelings for anybody but himself.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1617
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was in a big town was something familar so I must have bean here before....I was walking upwards an alley with shops both sides of the street...I look downwards and there is a huge window of the shops...for some reason I take a stone and cast it down and it breaks this huge window...first thought was to run...but then I feel I have to take responsibillity and report this that it was me....I try to find the polist station...I ask a women where the polis station is...she ponts first at one direction...and when I look where she point...she vanished in the thin air.....I see some sailors come out from a door...I ask them where the polis station is...and he grins and I understand that I stand just infront of the polis station...I went in and went to the reception...I see that I have to take a cue ticket...I ask where is the bathroom...and here I woke up because I have to for real go to the bathroom...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #1618
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was a spectator...I saw 2 persons riding horses...and suddenly the horses went bonkers and threw off the riders and took off....riders running after horses...I was like forzen looking at this happening...
    In this episode I was fed with something...looked like a half strawberry...I woke up when opening my mouth to take it.....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1619
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night before I fell to sleep I saw a vision ..very far away I saw people going into a cave or a big tent...

    My dreams from last night was about the whole world woting for something what I have now forgotton...I hope I remember more later....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #1620
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream was a bit strange...I was invited with my sister to a mans home...I felt a bit interested in him....when we come to his home his mother was once she saw me..she smiled and said to me to come with her into a living room...she said to my sister to keep company to her son....the mother sat her very near me I was a bit unconfortable when she took my hand...she was so interested of me and this made me very unconfortable for some unconfortable that I awake me from this dream...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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