Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1651
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    You amassed quite the collection here! Do you write them down in more detail for yourself? And do you interpret them?

  2. #1652
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    You amassed quite the collection here! Do you write them down in more detail for yourself? And do you interpret them?
    Hi Korpo

    Long time no see I do not write all in my dreams here and I do not write more home then here...I am total blind into myself...I am hoping someone like you to give some pointers...some of the dreams I do understand....but most of them I do not...somehow I do not feel every dream is about me...I think other people come into my dreams and feel the energy of others and I write them down here and the same at home....I start to write here and then I copy to myself the same ....I do have several dreams per night..but I do only write what makes an impact in me....for some last night dream I have not write down at was about me being in relationship with a man...he hired an cleaning women to help me at showed that my man and the cleaning lady had a relationship...and my man told me that they are going to holiday togeather...I was so hurt and I never asked me....and of course he did not ask me because they go together....the cleaning lady said I have an dentist appointmen at 2 0?clock...I look at my wrist watch and the time is 3 I ask my man how much is the time and he said 4....I said I am late to dentist and I felt such a stress in me...the cleaning lady had not told me that I have dentist appointment so what help is she to me??

    How is life with you Korpo??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  3. #1653
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hi, ia.

    I can't say I dream as often. I have 8 dreams recorded for this month, which seems well above average. I do think I have some kind of filter installed, because I only recall certain kinds of dreams. I've been told and have read there are other kinds of dreams, but I haven't encountered them much, not in the last decade or so when I made an effort to record them. I'm a weird sample.

    As regards the dream you just wrote... my first impression was that maybe the intention of the first half of the dream was to experience a certain emotional state. Maybe that's helpful for dealing with stuff that's bottled up inside?

    Reading over it again, especially the second half seems heavily coded - this is often where a habit of interpreting dreams can be helpful, as they tend to become clearer and less coded after a while. The symbols stabilize and start to conform to a sort of inner dictionary and the meaning reveals itself more often. It even cross-bleeds with physical reality a bit, as I tend to see symbols in my waking life as well. Just like that hot air balloon drifting over the freeway yesterday evening, looking like it was close to landing.

    How is life with you Korpo??
    Hmmm. Quiet, I guess. I'd say focused on processing the past, but that's good. I feel like it puts closure to things. Rather curious what happens next, though.

    I also wondered where all the people end up that used to come here? Surely there's need... It had been on my mind, so I came to take a peek here.

    And how about you?

  4. #1654
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Hi, ia.

    I can't say I dream as often. I have 8 dreams recorded for this month, which seems well above average. I do think I have some kind of filter installed, because I only recall certain kinds of dreams. I've been told and have read there are other kinds of dreams, but I haven't encountered them much, not in the last decade or so when I made an effort to record them. I'm a weird sample.

    As regards the dream you just wrote... my first impression was that maybe the intention of the first half of the dream was to experience a certain emotional state. Maybe that's helpful for dealing with stuff that's bottled up inside?

    Reading over it again, especially the second half seems heavily coded - this is often where a habit of interpreting dreams can be helpful, as they tend to become clearer and less coded after a while. The symbols stabilize and start to conform to a sort of inner dictionary and the meaning reveals itself more often. It even cross-bleeds with physical reality a bit, as I tend to see symbols in my waking life as well. Just like that hot air balloon drifting over the freeway yesterday evening, looking like it was close to landing.

    Hmmm. Quiet, I guess. I'd say focused on processing the past, but that's good. I feel like it puts closure to things. Rather curious what happens next, though.

    I also wondered where all the people end up that used to come here? Surely there's need... It had been on my mind, so I came to take a peek here.

    And how about you?
    Hi Korpo and thank you so much. If I am strickt looking at the dream and see what bleeds into the real life happeing in my life...If I take that the man would be my last husband whom I divorsed in 1996..he was keeping things from me and not bean he come home and told me that he is going to a work trip or gathering with cabin what is owned by the company he works for...I asked who are all co-workers he said only men are I joked and said...oh only hunters...yes he said...the phone rang and one women co-worker calling if my husband has left yet. to pick her not yet I said...and this hurt me a lot..I aske my husband why he can not be truthful towards and when he went to a holiday abroad...I did not go with of course the question rose in me if he really went alone or with someone...but we never spoke about maybe this dream tries to wake up some hurt feelings what I have not dealted with you are right....thank you
    So what about me now...I must say I am very happy...doing only things what gives me joy and good feelings...doing yoga and handcraft...most knitting beautiful socks...
    Not meditating that much anymore...but still some. I think people maybe want to do other things for a while, I am sure they come back and keeps an eye at this site.
    Love ia
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  5. #1655
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hi, ia.

    When the being experiences quiet, it releases the old. Quiet is a very active state - it kind of reverses the flow. Where activity tends to overload our capacity to process and ends up "stuffing in" whatever we cannot process, this capacity does the opposite when we are quiet, taking good care of ourselves, pursuing simple, joyful activities - or discovering the simple joy in activities we couldn't see before. That's what I think...

    When things finally settle down, we spend time with ourselves. In my experience that can drag up a lot of stuff. 2022 was such a year for me. But I knew while this was happening and I know also in hindsight that the amount of stuff to come up within us is finite - there will be an end. I needed to know this because it was hard. Just to know that one day it will be different and better. And then it was.

    And speaking of symbols. If this was indeed digging deep... then maybe that was what the dentist appointment was... they do have a tendency to dig deep and it can be painful...

    Or think of it another way... after all it was a cleaning lady. Maybe there will be some cleansing...

  6. #1656
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Hi, ia.

    When the being experiences quiet, it releases the old. Quiet is a very active state - it kind of reverses the flow. Where activity tends to overload our capacity to process and ends up "stuffing in" whatever we cannot process, this capacity does the opposite when we are quiet, taking good care of ourselves, pursuing simple, joyful activities - or discovering the simple joy in activities we couldn't see before. That's what I think...

    When things finally settle down, we spend time with ourselves. In my experience that can drag up a lot of stuff. 2022 was such a year for me. But I knew while this was happening and I know also in hindsight that the amount of stuff to come up within us is finite - there will be an end. I needed to know this because it was hard. Just to know that one day it will be different and better. And then it was.

    And speaking of symbols. If this was indeed digging deep... then maybe that was what the dentist appointment was... they do have a tendency to dig deep and it can be painful...

    Or think of it another way... after all it was a cleaning lady. Maybe there will be some cleansing...
    Hi Korpo . You are so good and clever...It is my lucky day that you come by...Thank you. You have started something in me...last night I had a dream where I said to a women with 2 children to stay for a bit and let me celebrate her birthday...I never clebrate my birthday...maybe I have to start for a reasons what eludes me...why should we celebrate our birthdays? I had another dream also...I was told to block the bridge that no-one can drive over I did...and then they gave me a list with namnes to check out when they arrive...??
    Korpo you are so good with dreams...and symbols...I hope you stay and help me with my dreams...I feel as you write...there will be an end...I am very close to that I think...with this cleansing you may remember from where I come from...I have come very far in my own oppinion..but there is alsway place for improvement. or then it is prepearing me for the harder stuff to come what I have not bean ready for before.
    Do you feel you have done your cleansing clear or do you think it goes in waves??
    Last edited by IA56; 22nd May 2023 at 10:09 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1657

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    When the being experiences quiet, it releases the old. Quiet is a very active state - it kind of reverses the flow.
    I must say that 1-2 years ago I believed in the same thing, that "it" clenases, "it" releases something etc. This "it" apparently has its own intelligence, it doesn't work blindly - yet clearly it is independent from us, from our will. Something behind is releasing, cleansing etc. in reality. To us it seems that it "just" happens - automatically, just like for a farmer vegetables "just" grow automatically. Can you see the connection? What intelligence is behind this "it just automatically happens"?

    So, today things are different for me - and I think people who are deeper into such topics are asking the essential question: what is this "it"?

    Besides, I also have a tendency, when answering such questions like "how is your life" - as asked here in this thread - to reply with an assumption that everything what happens in my life (seemingly) depends on my will. But recently I discovered that for most virtually nothing depends on their will - and thus nothing happens because to their will (hence affirmations won't work - but they may seem to be working), i.e. the conclusion is that we are under a strict, in particular mental, control - I mean, our lives, and hence minds (and vice versa). For most of people, also for me, it's too controversial, so this thought is typically refused. I wrote more about it in the strange dreams journal:
    Last edited by Antares; 22nd May 2023 at 06:27 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  8. #1658
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    I must say that 1-2 years ago I believed in the same thing, that "it" clenases, "it" releases something etc. This "it" apparently has its own intelligence, it doesn't work blindly - yet clearly it is independent from us, from our will. Something behind is releasing, cleansing etc. in reality. To us it seems that it "just" happens - automatically, just like for a farmer vegetables "just" grow automatically. Can you see the connection? What intelligence is behind this "it just automatically happens"?

    So, today things are different for me - and I think people who are deeper into such topics are asking the essential question: what is this "it"?
    Well, if you ask like that... My personal answer is not "it" but "them."

    In things I do I feel "them" at work. I believe the human mind and all experience is a shared experience. For myself, I have long since accepted that in the moments between my conscious moments "they" hold the steering wheel - directing my gaze, for example, so I always pay attention to where my eyes end up when they wander. Sometimes "they" play music into my mind and I riddle of its meaning. When I am writing music, "they" give me ideas and direct my learning of the necessary skill and I thank "them" from my heart.

    When you talk about affirmations, I think of reality creation. I believe that the wishes we send out are prompts for "them" to answer, but "they" know a much larger agenda than I am aware of, including what I need to learn. So I recently triggered such a reality creation change in my life. At first it seemed like nothing much was happening. By now I have received several dreams that I interpret as "them" showing me how it slowly filters into reality from the other side where "they" work. Slowly things are getting more defined, more concrete, the potential is gradually being limited down to specific scenarios.

    For the last few years I have tried to become aware of "them," of how "they" interact with me, my mind, my experience, and tried to see "their" work in the lives of other people. I never feel controlled, though. But I would agree that I'm not in control, either. It's an exchange.

    I don't want to give the impression this is some "verbal" telepathic exchange. It's more a felt thing. Also based on my observations and on things I've learned from others that has held true for me.

  9. #1659
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Do you feel you have done your cleansing clear or do you think it goes in waves??
    Hi, ia.

    So far my life experience has pointed that most everything comes in waves.

    I can't say if this will end or change. But like waves transport you from one place to another, each a small push in itself, I think we end up in a different place than before. When we learn to go with the wave, we may end up there faster.

    In my experience, cleansing is part of what takes us from one level to another. There may be many such stages or not, I guess it's not so important. I can point to the years in my life when I ended up in a new place in myself. Often this was preceded by a dramatic change in my life. Those were the waves that crashed over me, but I guess I stayed afloat...

    Thank you for your kind words. If I can give feedback I will. I mostly understand dreams and symbols close to the ones I experience.

    If you feel you've come a long way that has validity. We can measure ourselves by our past selves, for example. I sometimes do that and realize how different I am. I generally like it. I guess that will have to do.

  10. #1660
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Hi, ia.

    So far my life experience has pointed that most everything comes in waves.

    I can't say if this will end or change. But like waves transport you from one place to another, each a small push in itself, I think we end up in a different place than before. When we learn to go with the wave, we may end up there faster.

    In my experience, cleansing is part of what takes us from one level to another. There may be many such stages or not, I guess it's not so important. I can point to the years in my life when I ended up in a new place in myself. Often this was preceded by a dramatic change in my life. Those were the waves that crashed over me, but I guess I stayed afloat...

    Thank you for your kind words. If I can give feedback I will. I mostly understand dreams and symbols close to the ones I experience.

    If you feel you've come a long way that has validity. We can measure ourselves by our past selves, for example. I sometimes do that and realize how different I am. I generally like it. I guess that will have to do.
    Thank you Korpo...I feel too as you say...goes in waves and sometime craches takes longer time to be clearer after a real crach....I dreamt last night again about a man who is looking/seeking for last night dream I was in high building and looking down and seeing the man on a bike and I feel very clear that he was seeking for me...and when he sees me he feels releved??...I wonder if this man is from the future?? It feels like he is....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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