Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1721
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I see myself in a mirror...I am putting make up on my eye lasches...I am surprised to do this because I have not used make up in years and years...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1722
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hi, ia.

    How are you doing??
    Doing good.

    sorry to say this but this make me feel so much better...I think you know why
    No worries.

    Take care,

  3. #1723
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Hi, ia.

    Doing good.

    No worries.

    Take care,
    Hi Oliver...Wonderful...thank you
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1724

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    How is life with you?

    After the mysterious events, which I wrote about in 2020 on the forum, and bit later, everything changed, and of course will never be back on the previous track. I'm generally confused, there's lots of information that I, and AFAIK no one else whom I heard about, knows virtually anything, but researching the subject - the reality of our matrix. That makes me very surprised - how come that nobody talked about it except some very vague, indirect and very general suggestions, instead of concrete and explicit, bare facts reports?

    In a way I know why it is so: the matrix has primarily mental nature. The physical illusion is not that important. Mental illusion, in which we, people, live, has the biggest impact on what is going on the Earth - and 99% of people will never even think about it.

    And since they will never think about it, they have no chance to even question it - "it" is their usual (forced) way of thinking.

    People are like fishes, they don't realize that they live in a sort of "mental water". They are deeply immersed within this highly influencial "water" of mental waves. These mental waves are part of the system - the mental matrix. We, humans, are a designed project - designed to react to these waves. They keep us imprisoned in the matrix, and they disallow us to think freely.

    The most important question is: why? And the answer is: because of this mental matrix. This is a vicious ciricle: people don't think about the mental matrix because they live in the mental matrix - because they don't think about the mental matrix, so because they live in the mental matrix they don't think so they live further in the mental martix so they further don't think... (in other words, we are manipulated from the day one when we are born, and my suspicion is, we are also manipulated before we are born, and everything seems to support this hypothesis). In short, there are things which are really hard to even describe in this universe, and I am confused when writing about it as I even don't know where to start. Research is ongoing, but I'm overwhelmed by the amount of data that I am bombarded with every day. Yes, that changes a lot in your way of thinkng. The mental matrix is the one touching purely your way of thinking, feeling, your attitudes, moods and so on - you need to be watchful, probably 99% of our thouhts are not ours. Would you belive it?

    Since 99% of our thoughts are not coming from within us, then the question is: from whom?
    Did you ever ask yourself this question?

    I have a number of hypothesis based on what I experienced, which are diametrically different from what I've read in esoteric books. Esoteric tradition is old - coming from times when people were not too technically prepared and educated. They were thinking in terms of "angels", "demons", "ghosts" and other natural (this includes "super"-natural) phenomena. We are more educated, as we are aware that some mechanisms, computers, artificical intelligent devices and other thechnological stuff like that can be produced, and used against the people. This is what I'm thinking what is going on here, but keep in mind that the bottom line is even not the manipulation of vibration of human kind (of which some esoteric books write about), but our minds.

    In brief, the aim of creating the (mental) matrix - is to breed minds of humans, like flowers in the garden. People are naive, again, because they exist in the mental "sphere" of illusion (i.e. the matrix), they feel and think that the universe should be friendly etc. But we live in a theatre - all events, catastrophies, wars etc. are the stage, humanity is like puppet-actors participating in the spectacle. And the focus is on minds of these unaware of this whole thing people...

    Now, how one can live with such a discovery in other way that researching further the subject?

    I discovered that there are no coincidences. Everything on the Earth is designed, planned and is intelligent. There are no chances that there is anything in your life which wasn't planned. Hard to believe, you probably won't believe it, but even our thoughts are planned - so you can see now how I am confused trying to figure all these data which I'm researching for more than 2,5 of recent years, which often deny everything what I learnt before...
    Last edited by Antares; 31st July 2023 at 06:46 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  5. #1725
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    After the mysterious events, which I wrote about in 2020 on the forum, and bit later, everything changed, and of course will never be back on the previous track. I'm generally confused, there's lots of information that I, and AFAIK no one else whom I heard about, knows virtually anything, but researching the subject - the reality of our matrix. That makes me very surprised - how come that nobody talked about it except some very vague, indirect and very general suggestions, instead of concrete and explicit, bare facts reports?

    In a way I know why it is so: the matrix has primarily mental nature. The physical illusion is not that important. Mental illusion, in which we, people, live, is most important. This is why we still are in the matrix, and 99% of people will never even think about it.

    The most important question is: why? And the answer is: because of this mental matrix. This is a vicious ciricle: people don't think about the mental matrix because they live in the mental matrix - because they don't think about the mental matrix, so because they live in the mental matrix they don't think so they live further in the mental martix so they further don't think... (in other words, we are manipulated from the day one when we are born, and my suspicion is, we are also manipulated before we are born, and everything seems to support this hypothesis). In short, there are things which are really hard to even describe in this universe, and I am confused when writing about it as I even don't know where to start. Research is ongoing, but I'm overwhelmed by the amount of data that I am bombarded with every day. Yes, that changes a lot in your way of thinkng. The mental matrix is the one touching purely your way of thinking, feeling, your attitudes, moods and so on - you need to be watchful, probably 99% of our thouhts are not ours. Would you belive it?

    Since 99% of our thoughts are not coming from within us, then the question is: from whom?
    Did you ever ask yourself this question?

    I have a number of hypothesis based on what I experienced, which are diametrically different from what I've read in esoteric books. Esoteric tradition is old - coming from times when people were not too technically prepared and educated. They were thinking in terms of "angels", "demons", "ghosts" and other natural (this includes "super"-natural) phenomena. We are more educated, as we are aware that some mechanisms, computers, artificical intelligent devices and other thechnological stuff like that can be produced, and used against the people. This is what I'm thinking what is going on here, but keep in mind that the bottom line is even not the manipulation of vibration of human kind (of which some esoteric books write about), but our minds.

    In brief, the goal of creating the (mental) matrix - are minds of humans.
    Hi Antares . I both feel and hear your desperation. Can it be this way...that you are one of the front runners and are rather alone about the information you are bombarded with...and why you feel so alone in this?..I think that we are so on different levels and why the communication does not work so good. I just want to not give up...keep up the good work. I root for you.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #1726

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I both feel and hear your desperation. Can it be this way...that you are one of the front runners and are rather alone about the information you are bombarded with...and why you feel so alone in this?..I think that we are so on different levels and why the communication does not work so good. I just want to not give up...keep up the good work. I root for you.
    This is what I am asking myself. How come that we cannot hear about anyone who experienced it?

    NDE, OBE, LD etc. seem to be very simulated experiences - in short, you cannot trust your senses. You cannot trust your thoughts. We are surrounded by invisible super-advanced, energetic and mental technology, of which people have not even vague idea.

    What old people called magic, and modern people used to call affirmations, work actually very different way - or, I'd say, the "structure" of how the whole universe works, is very, very distant from the common ideas about it.

    In fact, I also didn't think about it before. There are sort of "alert-systems" which monitor thoughts of human kind in this system of Earth's mental control. So "they" know every single thought of every single human in every fraction of every second... and when one thinks about the system - "they" immediately know about it (so yes, now "they" know that I'm writiing it here, of course). But now, when I tried to logically figure and connect all the dots - facts that we know, that we are actually sure about, plus what confirmed my direct experiences - it all seems very clear to me. (With our thoughts it's like with modern science - they are very fragmented, so we don't see the big picture, we don't see immediately connections between many different points etc. - but it can be changed, your thoughts can work like you had some mental super-poweres and immediately combine different facts which people, including scientists, still didn't connect - occassionally I experienced it as well, and could see how everything here works... invisible "walls" of mental, not physical nature, surround us, restricting our possibility to think - in particular, to think about the system itself! that's why I wrote that it's imprisoning).

    The conclusion is the following, which will be for the majority of people too controversial and overwhelming, destroying their beliefs about the world, so called "heavens" etc.:

    don't believe in NDE experiences and their consquences. Now I know that it's easy to simulate those. Your memory can be re-created, your senses can be tricked, your thoughts can be projected - and you will still think that these are your thoughts, that you experience your own perception and that you use your own memory, while they are not coming from yourself... They come from this advanced "system". I know this all sounds like from a SF movie, and hardly ressembles things what people like Franz Bardon and other occultists, modern and ancient, have written, but the universe is different than people used to think! You don't try to talk to an ape about rocket science In similar way, simple old people have being told about "angels guardians" etc. - this is not like that, not at all. There's no need to have such a primitive system of "guarding" that every person have a seperate being called "angel" for their own. I realize they didn't have too much possibilities as we have now to understand the reality...

    The bottom line is: the time is different in higher so-called dimensions of reality, it works differently, and has a lot of strange consequences which are hard to even imagine for us, as we are closed in the 3-dimensional reality. The reality "there" doesn't ressemble the reality "here" in many, many ways. Even most weird SF movies, or OBE experiences, for an unprepared mind, don't give a vague idea about what is possible in the universe, when you consider other dimensions than physical one.

    People like Robert Monroe only described the closest to the Earth projections of other realities - and focused mostly on the Earth anyway. It's worth to ask: WHY? IMO the answer is: because they were not allowed to talk about anything more than that, and they didn't experienced it - i.e. Robert Monroe's, Robert Bruce's and other people like them were pioneers, who incarnated on the Earth, to begin a new era, which purpose is to end the age of religions as we knew them before. But their experiences were planned from the beginning to the end - they were not coindicental, none of them! Robert Monroe was an unaware "agent" whose mission was to experience and introduce new generations to the other dimensions than physical one.

    But that's just a begining. I'm certain that in XXIth century there will be miracles to which Robert Monroe's experiences seem like coming from a stone age.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    why you feel so alone in this?
    Lack of references and similarity more to most unbelievable SF movies is a major obstacle to explain even to people who have open minds - so how can I explain it to a layman? I have really no idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    the communication does not work so good
    It's hard to describe with words what is going on here. But as I mentioned, the most important thing is to watch your thoughts and feelings - they are probably not coming from yourself!
    Remember that the time "there" is different than it is "here" - which means that your single, "quick" thought can be for "them" like it lasted very, very long... "They" are not unlimited, but have enough possibilities to control every single second on this planet in every place. 8 billions of people is not that many for such advanced systems, even our eletronic systems can process 8 billions of data

    The conclusion is that we are unaware participants in the project called Earth.
    Last edited by Antares; 1st August 2023 at 07:17 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  7. #1727
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    This is what I am asking myself. How come that we cannot hear about anyone who experienced it?

    NDE, OBE, LD etc. seem to be very simulated experiences - in short, you cannot trust your senses. You cannot trust your thoughts. We are surrounded by invisible super-advanced, energetic and mental technology, of which people have not even vague idea.

    What old people called magic, and modern people used to call affirmations, work actually very different way - or, I'd say, the "structure" of how the whole universe works, is very, very distant from the common ideas about it.

    In fact, I also didn't think about it before. There are sort of "alert-systems" which monitor thoughts of human kind in this system of Earth's mental control. So "they" know every single thought of every single human in every fraction of every second... and when one thinks about the system - "they" immediately know about it (so yes, now they know that I'm writiing it here, of course). But now, when I tried to logically figure and connect all the dots - facts that we know, that we are actually sure about, plus what confirmed my direct experiences - it all seems very clear to me. (With our thoughts it's like with modern science - they are very fragmented, so we don't see the big picture, we don't see immediately connections between many different points etc. - but it can be changed, your thoughts can work like you had some mental super-poweres and immediately combine different facts which people, including scientists, still didn't connect - occassionally I experienced it as well, and could see how everything here works... invisible "walls" of mental, not physical nature, surround us, restricting our possibility to think - in particular, to think about the system itself! that's why I wrote that it's imprisoning).

    The conclusion is the following, which will be for the majority of people too controversial and overwhelming, destroying their beliefs about the world, so called "heavens" etc.:

    don't believe in NDE experiences and their consquences. Now I know that it's easy to simulate those. Your memory can be re-created, your senses can be tricked, your thoughts can be projected - and you will still think that these are your thoughts, that you experiences your own perception and that you use your own memory, while they are not. They come from this advanced "system". I know this all sounds like from a SF movie, and hardly ressembles things what people like Franz Bardon and other occultists, modern and ancient, have written. I realize they didn't have much possibilities as we have now to understand the reality...

    Lack of references and similarity more to most unbelievable SF movies is major obstacle to explain even to people who have open minds - so how can I explain it to a layman? I have really no idea.

    It's hard to describe with words what is going on here. But as I mentioned, the most important thing is to watch your thoughts and feelings - they are probably not coming from yourself!
    Hi Antares . I hear you clearly.
    Maby it is good not to go into keep faith that all is in the long run for our best...If it is designed ..does it get better to fight it??...why not just be still and observe??
    I hope I do not offend you...I just try to give different input.
    I want also to say...keep on talking about what you discover...and I am sure people will come forth and comment their thoughts and discoveries...and with the time you will get the right words to communicate will I too keep it up.
    Last edited by IA56; 2nd August 2023 at 04:32 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #1728
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dreams a German Sheperd dog pushed his nose towards my face...I felt no fear but I froze a bit...I said to my father...please take the dog away from me...father pushed the dog and now the dog was frozen and fell to the floor and stayed down on the floor?

    In this episode...I was having a conversation with a man...we where talking about how I most leave out details from my dreams..not seeing them as important...but he urges me to try to write down every little detail...

    In this episode I was invited to a man to eat dinner...he asked me what I wanted to drink...I said water....he gave me strange drink looked like youghurt with musrooms...I said ...interesting...and I tasted it and it tasted good like vanilla and the musrooms gave textur to my surprise he put a whole sausepan with some kind of stuwe on my plate...I said...I can not eat from a sausepan...he smurked at me....

    In this episode I was going to visit some people...I had a dark bottle with bear with me...the bottle had a red cork witch you could crew on...suddenly the cork disapeard...I gave the bear bottle to a man...and I said...I lost the cork...outside was a stream of water...I saw the cork floating on the water...but when I neared me the cork went under water and disapeared...soon I saw it again in the stream of water...and I again tryed to take the cork...but it went under water and after this I did not see the cork again...
    Last edited by IA56; 4th August 2023 at 06:05 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1729
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I was visiting my aunt..door bell rang..I went to open the door and mother is standing outside...I was totally surprised and just stared at her...she asks what`s the matter??..I said...I am just surprised to see you here...I was planning to come and visit you...okay she said...we go to my place...No I are here ...come in....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #1730

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I want also to say...keep on talking about what you discover...and I am sure people will come forth and comment their thoughts and discoveries...and with the time you will get the right words to communicate will I too keep it up.
    Talking makes little sense actually, maybe a bit here, but honestly, I can see how little experiences people here on the Earth have in reality, even if interested in the subject. I prefer to write down what I experienced or concluded from the experiences or information. But in general I would say that its' a clash of dimensions, and it is an unpleasant one. I need to be honest, most of today's eso literature is a garbage. You need to rely on your own discoveries and train your own mind, not rely on such books, not to mention useless but often expensive courses.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

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