Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1761

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    About the Castaneda and Don Juan...I googled ad wikipedia say that scolars think it is a fiction story with fiction karacters...go figure.
    Yes I know that. I'm pretty sure it's not true what they say, their opinions are worthless, I've read the arguments from both sides, yet people believe that. Anyway, Castaneda's books are pretty unique in describing the shamans' world and how they see the universe.

    Thanks for help, anyway. The essential point is that there's no simple solution I'm afraid, that's why research is needed. We're deeply put into something really big on this planet, and no one talks about it...

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  2. #1762
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Sh@dow View Post
    You don't need to pay attention to that. Just passing through.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  3. #1763
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    [QUOTE=Antares;175978]Yes I know that. I'm pretty sure it's not true what they say, their opinions are worthless, I've read the arguments from both sides, yet people believe that. Anyway, Castaneda's books are pretty unique in describing the shamans' world and how they see the universe.

    Thanks for help, anyway. The essential point is that there's no simple solution I'm afraid, that's why research is needed. We're deeply put into something really big on this planet, and no one talks about it...[/QUOTE

    Okay Antares...sorry I could not be more helpful..

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  4. #1764
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was carrying a baby...and I had a little boy with me...proximately 4-5 yrs old...if I had to do something I gave the baby to the boy and we took turns to carry for some reason I said...I have to go to my cellar locker to get some chewing gum...I gave the baby to the boy and went down to the cellar lockar....I opened it and saw to my surprice I had also lots of money in the locker...I was happy to see that if we need I know we have money in the locker...I took the chewing gum and went up and took the baby and we where of on our road again....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  5. #1765
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was buying new clothings...

    In this episode I was klipping toe nails was an old lady and her toe nails had grown under her toes...she was in chock when I told was a bit tricky to do them...but I managed.

    In this episode a little girl was out in the snow...taking of her wollen glowe and her hands where red of cold...I went out to her and said to her to put her hands on my back under my jacket to make them warm.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  6. #1766
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was on a was very strong not remember more...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1767

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    sorry I could not be more helpful..
    I don't expect that. But did you read my messages?

    I was just writing that it's not about a single entity, it's about how the whole system on the Earth works. How we, i.e. you, me, and every single human, is involved in the system.

    You talked about the new perspective on your life, but have you considered the fact that this perspective is actually coming from "someone else", not yourself? Do you consider that your thoughts, even right now, are manipulated? It's an important question, it touches the very essence of the point I'm trying to indicate.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  8. #1768
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    I don't expect that. But did you read my messages?

    I was just writing that it's not about a single entity, it's about how the whole system on the Earth works. How we, i.e. you, me, and every single human, is involved in the system.

    You talked about the new perspective on your life, but have you considered the fact that this perspective is actually coming from "someone else", not yourself? Do you consider that your thoughts, even right now, are manipulated? It's an important question, it touches the very essence of the point I'm trying to indicate.
    Hi Antares.
    I feel that when I am in alignment with my life is goes smoothly...If I go away from my life purpouse ...I meet turns hard...people are doing problems for me...until I turn back to my life purpouse...even if my life purpouse is for the moment...not associating with sertain people...keeping me in line so to say...even when I am "thinking" in wrong way...I feel preassure and by now I know what that call it manipulation...I call it correction...for example...when I was drinking alcohol...I was told to stop that...I did not at once listen to the advice...until I found myself in very bad situation until I did understand in 1989 I stop was also this way with tobacco...I did not listen...until I was really sick...and the advisor told me..."what use is it to heal you when you do not help yourself at all" I knew I have to stop smokig...this happened in I do not call this manipulation...I call it leading me in right direction...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1769

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    My experiences are different. What I can see in people's reactions to the idea of matrix is assumptions. Assumptions is what destroys every objective discussion. People don't listen, people only do have opinions. When they are confronted with an idea that is totally out of their beliefs system, they turn off. This is deliberate - again, I repeat it constantly, but be aware that during such discussions there are entities whose work is to manipulate your, and any other people's mind / consciousness. If they didn't, you could start thinking completely different about the reality, which is very risky. So the entities keep you in your current beliefs to achieve their goals. But please bare in mind that your assumption about how this system work, as you just described, is nothing but assumption. I hope you understand this clearly.

    They keep us in lack of knowledge because otherwise matrix stopped working - i.e. the "cover" which doesn't allow to perceive anything properly would be in danger. But since they control our minds, they are able to be easily manipulate us. That's what I discovered during the recent nearly 3 years.

    I believe that what we need to do as humanity is to take step back and reconsider everything we "know" and "believe in" in order to gain clear and closer to the truth idea about the universe.
    Last edited by Antares; 27th August 2023 at 10:57 AM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  10. #1770
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    My experiences are different. What I can see in people's reactions to the idea of matrix is assumptions. Assumptions is what destroys every objective discussion. People don't listen, people only do have opinions. When they are confronted with an idea that is totally out of their beliefs system, they turn off. This is deliberate - again, I repeat it constantly, but be aware that during such discussions there are entities whose work is to manipulate your, and any other people's mind / consciousness. If they didn't, you could start thinking completely different about the reality, which is very risky. So the entities keep you in your current beliefs to achieve their goals. But please bare in mind that your assumption about how this system work, as you just described, is nothing but assumption. I hope you understand this clearly.

    They keep us in lack of knowledge because otherwise matrix stopped working - i.e. the "cover" which doesn't allow to perceive anything properly would be in danger. But since they control our minds, they are able to be easily manipulate us. That's what I discovered during the recent nearly 3 years.
    Hi Antares.
    I hear you clearly...but what if it is that I am not at that place as you are the forrunner as I said before...maybe I am where you are now I will be in my next life...and you are giving me the information in this life...and I will understand that in the next do do not despaire...I can only say that I am sorry that you do not find others as where you are ...and get the support you need...because what ever I say you do not reflect at all..maybe because you are beyond my words...I am so sorry...
    Maybe the tre years we have had contact is somekind of support to you after all??...I want just to say...I hope you do not wander too far from the light and the Source....
    You have to remember that we are on different levels of evolution and that is one of the reasons that we who are on different level than not understad each all...but I hear you...even if I can not concure with you....I have felt that if you go too far from your "life plan" you will harchly be corrected to go back in line...and when I felt this...I was sure if I do not listen I will be taken away from this life...and I have to start all over again...I do not want to shorten my life so to say...I have responsibillitys to fullfill still in this life and lifetime...and I feel that to be very important to me and to bring with me the lessons leared to next life.

    Last edited by IA56; 27th August 2023 at 11:08 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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