Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #191
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that I got my old stuff back...clothes and my first appartments curtains...does this mean I have got back my lost soul parts??

  2. #192

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    There's the goal. Please see the newwest page of Volgerle's lucidary. You said it, IA.
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  3. #193
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Nice ...Pneumismatic!

    I feel very bright and clear that when I now have good hunch of my past...cause and effect....this has come to me by vertical starts the horisontell knowing...from the dream the curtains when I did use them I use them they had placed a white fabric over my curtains and hung them horisontell and there was hooks left...and it was said...they have had it in a very high building ...I got the picture of a very high spaced room...The clothes was also from very young age...late teanages...this means for juvenying spirit and bodily health is returning.....and I at last dare to be ME...

  4. #194

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I am so happy for U! That one is a great vison! Now that you have a better understanding lof your dreams, you'll be able to help people along. Time for a celebration! Soon, your hands will hold what they're searching for!
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  5. #195
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Pneumismatic View Post
    I am so happy for U! That one is a great vison! Now that you have a better understanding lof your dreams, you'll be able to help people along. Time for a celebration! Soon, your hands will hold what they're searching for!
    Thank you Pneumimatic!
    I do not really undertand what you are saying by..."you´ll be able to help people along"??
    As I understand I can only help my I wrong here??
    The saying....Help your self and the GOD will help you??!!

  6. #196
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night dreams did confirm that the top of the spiral is the bottom of next my bottom is lifted up so to speak...and a new round start´s now from age 24...the dream was me trying to find a specific place but I did not find I asked for help...but children all the time stopping me and crawing for this tell´s me that I have to be firm and not to fall for this children are just fine...and it is my time now....I will help them more by taking care of my self now.

  7. #197

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Thank you Pneumimatic!
    I do not really undertand what you are saying by..."you´ll be able to help people along"??
    As I understand I can only help my I wrong here??
    The saying....Help your self and the GOD will help you??!!
    Your true Self knows what I'm aying, and you're perfectly rght!
    "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

  8. #198
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Pneumismatic View Post
    Your true Self knows what I'm aying, and you're perfectly rght!

    Yes Pneumismatic I know what you are talking about, just got the re-minding when reading your first writing about me helping others, that I must remember that I can only support or give ideas of strategies for self help...
    When the worst beating of me did occur in 1980 and I was getting the knowledge about our indestructuble core and that I was not to be afraid of him if he kills my flesh-body he can´t ever destroy me even he sayes I asked why they do not take him away from my life when they are so powerful, the answere was....we support you but you have to do the work by your self...and the saying...we do not have to fear anything but the one who can destroy what no man can do...and from here I understand the writing in bible...but to know also that only man is so coward to kill ....I know that our energy can be taken and used many way´s but it is only for our own good...but never be killed.

  9. #199
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was to some kind of school...I was standing outside the class-room in a class mate an man who was staring at me...he had a very peculiar other class mate a man did ask him if he smokes...he put his head down and shaked it in a very odd way when saying...No no no no...I do not smoke..then he took my hand and I said..yes I do smoke (strange I stop smoking in 2003, this feels to be somekind of other meaning)...I had a jacket dark blue on me...and the odd man did ask what letters are on the chest on left side....I said...MR....then I went away to put my jacket in a locker, now it had become a coat beigis...I noticed that on top of the locker they had changed my other class mate a youger man...said that it had happen to him too...and I noticed him having a hat on him different than a younger class mate a women did run to me when my locker was open and I had hung in my coat...coming with a yellow bottle with hair shampoo...with no cork on it...she said she had noticed me using this schampoo and wondering if I would buy it sheep...yes I said and did ask even I did understand that the bottle did not have any she said..I have lost it...okay I said...we have to talk about the price later...

  10. #200
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream about many women in my family...we where cutting something black in small pices and put it outdoors...I was small talking with my sister when I did stumble and make one plate to fall on the ground and all the black valuble mass to fall on the my aunt A did get so upset...and I did answere her to show the difference or to put her upsetness in she could understand that this is nothing what I all settlet down and me and my sister continued to small talk...she was talking about lesbian women...and I said to my sister that now you are categorizing and having a prejudice...I said that the lesbian women are like you and me....look over there...she is an lesbian do you see anything different in her and us??..Then my sister asked me why I did not be anymore with the lesbian women I used to be with...I said that the circumstanses had changed.....

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