Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #381
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night in my dream I was able to look from abowe down to my body, and I did see glowing part ...I was sleeping on my stomache so these glowing parts was on my back, I have injuries at these part´s in my flesh I understand this dream injuries/damages will be my strengths when the healing is done.

  2. #382
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    imagination running wild = the unknown child within; silenced voice/expression lurking in forced shadows; dis-integration
    unimaginable life = known child within; integration; healing = wholeness

    exhalation = dis-integration when within is unknown
    inhalation = always and in all ways...integral, whether one owns/knows it or not

    to know thyself; to thine own self be true (true self); love thy neighbor as theyself (actualization such there is no "without" and all in all is of the within, within the within; when the within is felt without then what is without cannot but be without that which is within; when the within is felt within then that which was without is felt as that which is within feel-able.

    there is only the inner child, eternal and undying, spirited, as to say, like a spring where water reveals from an unknowable source, such that the spring is the knowable source, as an image of an unknowable Image, yet an Image knowable be-cause the image knows through the effects of the experiential self-evident. geh-Tzemani - self-same - human nature; 'geh' the pointer to the actual object of reference, tzem means same, ani means self. within this garden (Gethsemani), like our Lord Jesus Christ, we all may in the same way as did He for Us, through Him, come...

    For, Jesus did come through the Gateway of our Human Nature, it therefore redeemed (a new spirit)...ya see.

    not the spirit of dis-integration, but rather, the comforting spirit of integrality (wholeness).

    integrality has no requirement of focused reality, Life just is that which justifys (directionally) One's way with undeniable Truth of them human self.

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  3. #383
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    imagination running wild = the unknown child within; silenced voice/expression lurking in forced shadows; dis-integration
    unimaginable life = known child within; integration; healing = wholeness

    exhalation = dis-integration when within is unknown
    inhalation = always and in all ways...integral, whether one owns/knows it or not

    to know thyself; to thine own self be true (true self); love thy neighbor as theyself (actualization such there is no "without" and all in all is of the within, within the within; when the within is felt without then what is without cannot but be without that which is within; when the within is felt within then that which was without is felt as that which is within feel-able.

    there is only the inner child, eternal and undying, spirited, as to say, like a spring where water reveals from an unknowable source, such that the spring is the knowable source, as an image of an unknowable Image, yet an Image knowable be-cause the image knows through the effects of the experiential self-evident. geh-Tzemani - self-same - human nature; 'geh' the pointer to the actual object of reference, tzem means same, ani means self. within this garden (Gethsemani), like our Lord Jesus Christ, we all may in the same way as did He for Us, through Him, come...

    For, Jesus did come through the Gateway of our Human Nature, it therefore redeemed (a new spirit)...ya see.

    not the spirit of dis-integration, but rather, the comforting spirit of integrality (wholeness).

    integrality has no requirement of focused reality, Life just is that which justifys (directionally) One's way with undeniable Truth of them human self.

    Thank you Tim.

  4. #384
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    next occasion...drop down to knees at eye level as if greeting a child, with same strength and fearlessness, same misgiving to hurt; and make a friend. the friend already there, which imaginatively revealed to you what or who is in your heart.

    I must ask you what you mean, you can not be friend with an wild animal, you can train it but never be friend with?? If you mean sometning metphorically then tell it right out, please..

    I´d like you to answere to this post and my question, please.

  5. #385
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I had a dream that I was on a bus...traveling like a bus trip in a group....we did make a stop and I did see from the bus window into the store that there was very interesting magazines what I wanted to look closely too...but the bus drivers said that we must continue our trip that on the way back I can go to the store, there will be more time...when we did return I went to the store, but the magazines was gone, I asked where they are, and the owner said he sold them...the store was odd...there was things like in strange places...a meat selling place in middle of the store...and I asked if they have candys in bags...yes he said...but I couldn´t see any...because they where in such a strange places and all over the one bag in a bowl and one other in a can, so I had like run all over the place to see what they had...then I decided what I wanted and pointed out the candy bag I wanted to buy...then he went to another place and it was a big cupbord, a whole wall was like a cupbord, and he opened the wall and took the candy bag out, but the strange thing was he never did take his eyes of he did be in a very odd possission facing me and like behind his back take the candy bag out of the wall what was a cupbord??...I did also have odd purse...I had so much things and my money in coins on the bottom of the purse....I had odd things in my purse, have no words to tell, what I remember was my surprising over my own purse what it contented.

  6. #386
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hi, IA. Would you say everything was in disarray? The magazines were the lure, but the charter bus had something necessary to finish before the 'temple' store could be entered. The 'priest' clerk was demonstrating to you that all was known - that looking wasn't necessary. Close your eyes and whatever you find will be exactly what you (weren't looking for) but exactly what you need.
    Don't look in your purse, you don't understand what's in there until you understand it is full of anything you need.

    Hmm. That even puzzles me....
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  7. #387
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    Hi, IA. Would you say everything was in disarray? The magazines were the lure, but the charter bus had something necessary to finish before the 'temple' store could be entered. The 'priest' clerk was demonstrating to you that all was known - that looking wasn't necessary. Close your eyes and whatever you find will be exactly what you (weren't looking for) but exactly what you need.
    Don't look in your purse, you don't understand what's in there until you understand it is full of anything you need.

    Hmm. That even puzzles me....
    Hmmm...when thinking about the dream, when I was trying to go out to the store, it come from nowhere a long cue of people who was coming into the bus so I was not able to go out to the store....and then when we come back and I was able to go to the store, all was as you put all was made so hard and I was not able to find anything, and it did awaken stress in me...I did not have that long time because the bus was waiting....and what I was interested in ...was no longer there, it was sold...and I felt I want to buy something...but it was like nothing what I could be interested in wasn´t there...I felt bean opposed...
    So you say...close your eyes and whatever you find will be exactly what you you say here that I shall close my eyes and feel what I a practise??

  8. #388
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ia
    So you say...close your eyes and whatever you find will be exactly what you you say here that I shall close my eyes and feel what I a practise??
    I guess what I'm saying is we, none of us, really don't know what we need and to think we do is an illusion. So, in a way, just reach in the grab-bag and let God hand you what He knows you need.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  9. #389
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    I guess what I'm saying is we, none of us, really don't know what we need and to think we do is an illusion. So, in a way, just reach in the grab-bag and let God hand you what He knows you need.
    Okay, thank you, I will give it a try and see what comes up

  10. #390
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....


    there is nothing to "tell right out", for as soon as it leaves your lips, it out is wronged. the point of it is to suggest that within anyone is an imagination which clothes, and that individual imagination is the private closet in which all clothing is stuffed full. no one can have what is real told right out, for what is real [YOU] ever remains within unwronged, unless of course the one within believes that it is wronged, thereby being clothed in what it is not. one is ever naked, ever vulnerably exposed, and therefrom grasps with the gropings into the dark until alas it realizes that freedom and nakedness [within] are one and the self-same.

    clean that child's closet out, go within it, sit there and saying nothing...pray...listen........................... .............
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

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