Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #451
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    WoW...Last night dream have given me a new angle to look from...I am not sure I can tell the dream but the content of the dream was little bit like this....The life I have faced and are facing...on the physical plan it is represented by people who is in my life or whom I meet casual or at a working place or other places, even occational meeting´s someone throwing theire anger or love for that matter on randomly sometime´s and without any understanding from my part so far....but in this dream it did show up that all this....if it is chaising or horror I meet in my dream´s...someone haunting me and I just barely do escape it...and in last night dream it did come out like....part´s of my self what need´s to be understood or adressed by me...are these chasing personalities...and it does come out like this....I need to stop running and face all part´s of my self...I am sure all this bad behaving´s are going to stop against me...when I have dared to face all part´s in me what are trying to come through to I can intergrate them and be whole
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  2. #452
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Richard, no matter how many word´s it will take for you to tell the whole story, so please I insist you to do so, you have told me you love to write so please, whole story and nothing but the whole story.

    Ia, this is rather personal but not so much as to embarrass. It is the letter to my brother to which I referred. Perhaps I'll tie the symbolism to your dream a little more coherently if you request.

    On observation #1: that I am a Christian under SOME definition.

    The article refers to philosophies/ideologies of Christians. It does not pose what I would expect from a worth-while Christian, the queries 1) is Jesus the Son of God?, and 2) do you accept Jesus as your personal savior? I guess these are 'givens' to the likely readership of the article.

    So I can find myself in a mix of many philosophical/ecclesiastical permutations of the Person and Gospel of Christ; the theological arguments embrace virtually any personal philosophy one may ascribe to. But how can I be a Christian without first passing those two tests - Son and Savior?

    Mundanely, I could not answer either question except 'nay'. Never, since I was a young adult, could I reconcile a God For The Few, chosen. God is not a privilege, for he shines or rains on the good and the wicked without prejudice.

    So, is Jesus the Son of God? Yes and no. To equate the Son to any representation of a material son, a child and progeny of our procreation, is a massive mistake. The notion of the son of god dates back to antiquity - to no later than the Phoenicians - for even in that nigh prehistoric time, there was represented the Son of God in stories that have survived through the ages. He was persecuted, desecrated and crucified (martyred) in the same story-line as Jesus. My point being, this story is nothing new. Jesus, the son of god, is not singular but plural.

    So yes, I can testify that Jesus is the Son of God. But I have to question any theology that represents itself as the ONE AND ONLY WAY! - that being in the person of Jesus. This is probably where I break from Christianity in order that I might embrace all of human-kind. Christians, on the whole, are a proud lot in feeling that redemption is their’s alone.

    I often wonder what Leigh thinks of me. That I am apostate is a given. But, if there is a battle-line, where is it? She is a communalist where I am a soloist. The church is a congregation whereas the monks are solo - seeking in private, supposedly for the benefit of all. In that sense, I would count myself a monk.

    “But you can’t know God except in his workings within a group - his miracles that transform relationships - that bind us together”. That is what I hear from the genre of Leigh. Such a philosophy subsumes the personal in favor of the collective. The church is a collective, but the soul is eternally personal. Does the soul survive death? Yes, but only insofar as it recognizes its ultimate destination which is to join, indifferentially with the essence of God - the drop in the ocean, as has been said.

    It disturbs me when I think that the Christian has some idea of retaining the notion/illusion of self in the hereafter. To think so severely limits the ultimate ascension of the soul. There are no individuals in the sight of god - we are but one. It is said, god respects no person.

    So we come to question #2; is Jesus your personal savior?

    I think you know I studied the Kabbalah (whatever the spelling) for quite a few years. It is the core of the ancient religion of the Israelites. It is esoteric even to the Rabbis and keepers of the faith of Judaism. It was those years of study that ‘brought it all together’ for me.

    Central to the Kabbalah is the glyph of the Otz Chaim, or Tree of Life. Two profound realizations stemming from the study of the ‘Tree’ changed my perspective fundamentally. For one, we see that the Maker of the Universe consists of a Trinity of forces that are unknowable and, to our material minds, unfathomable. The reason is simple, these forces are subjective even unto themselves and cannot be objectified in any way at all. Sure we have symbols to represent them; the point in a circle which has no center (Kether), the hermaphroditic Son (Chokma), and the dark and sterile Mother, or Spirit (Binah). We can draw a line below these three which indicates we cannot go there. ‘We’ being a product of Creation - rather like the brain observing the mind - an inescapable conundrum. The Universe, for whatever we can perceive of it, cannot fathom the unfathomable source. We simply draw a line there for there is infinitely much to explore in the realm of the Created.

    I have to check myself because I realize I could write a dense and lengthy book about my research into Kabbalah (may put that on my bucket list), but here I need to cut to the chase.

    There is another Son of God represented in the realm of the Created and this is the Son of God (Jesus) of which we speak. And by His placement on the Tree it is obvious that He is the gate to the evermore ineffable regions we may, with a little license, refer to as the Kingdom.

    So yes, my sights are on this ‘Son’ (Tiphareth), the gate to the Kingdom. But no, I cannot equate this ‘Son’ to anything that might be a personal savior. I do not, in fact, require a personal savior. What shall I be saved from? Myself? That is rather up to me, isn’t it?

    [I hope you don’t mind that I pass these thoughts along to you. You must not be offended by them as you are more sacred to me than all philosophical mumbo-jumbo combined].

    In the love of Creation and brothers,

    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  3. #453
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    Ia, this is rather personal but not so much as to embarrass. It is the letter to my brother to which I referred. Perhaps I'll tie the symbolism to your dream a little more coherently if you request.

    On observation #1: that I am a Christian under SOME definition.

    The article refers to philosophies/ideologies of Christians. It does not pose what I would expect from a worth-while Christian, the queries 1) is Jesus the Son of God?, and 2) do you accept Jesus as your personal savior? I guess these are 'givens' to the likely readership of the article.

    So I can find myself in a mix of many philosophical/ecclesiastical permutations of the Person and Gospel of Christ; the theological arguments embrace virtually any personal philosophy one may ascribe to. But how can I be a Christian without first passing those two tests - Son and Savior?

    Mundanely, I could not answer either question except 'nay'. Never, since I was a young adult, could I reconcile a God For The Few, chosen. God is not a privilege, for he shines or rains on the good and the wicked without prejudice.

    So, is Jesus the Son of God? Yes and no. To equate the Son to any representation of a material son, a child and progeny of our procreation, is a massive mistake. The notion of the son of god dates back to antiquity - to no later than the Phoenicians - for even in that nigh prehistoric time, there was represented the Son of God in stories that have survived through the ages. He was persecuted, desecrated and crucified (martyred) in the same story-line as Jesus. My point being, this story is nothing new. Jesus, the son of god, is not singular but plural.

    So yes, I can testify that Jesus is the Son of God. But I have to question any theology that represents itself as the ONE AND ONLY WAY! - that being in the person of Jesus. This is probably where I break from Christianity in order that I might embrace all of human-kind. Christians, on the whole, are a proud lot in feeling that redemption is their’s alone.

    I often wonder what Leigh thinks of me. That I am apostate is a given. But, if there is a battle-line, where is it? She is a communalist where I am a soloist. The church is a congregation whereas the monks are solo - seeking in private, supposedly for the benefit of all. In that sense, I would count myself a monk.

    “But you can’t know God except in his workings within a group - his miracles that transform relationships - that bind us together”. That is what I hear from the genre of Leigh. Such a philosophy subsumes the personal in favor of the collective. The church is a collective, but the soul is eternally personal. Does the soul survive death? Yes, but only insofar as it recognizes its ultimate destination which is to join, indifferentially with the essence of God - the drop in the ocean, as has been said.

    It disturbs me when I think that the Christian has some idea of retaining the notion/illusion of self in the hereafter. To think so severely limits the ultimate ascension of the soul. There are no individuals in the sight of god - we are but one. It is said, god respects no person.

    So we come to question #2; is Jesus your personal savior?

    I think you know I studied the Kabbalah (whatever the spelling) for quite a few years. It is the core of the ancient religion of the Israelites. It is esoteric even to the Rabbis and keepers of the faith of Judaism. It was those years of study that ‘brought it all together’ for me.

    Central to the Kabbalah is the glyph of the Otz Chaim, or Tree of Life. Two profound realizations stemming from the study of the ‘Tree’ changed my perspective fundamentally. For one, we see that the Maker of the Universe consists of a Trinity of forces that are unknowable and, to our material minds, unfathomable. The reason is simple, these forces are subjective even unto themselves and cannot be objectified in any way at all. Sure we have symbols to represent them; the point in a circle which has no center (Kether), the hermaphroditic Son (Chokma), and the dark and sterile Mother, or Spirit (Binah). We can draw a line below these three which indicates we cannot go there. ‘We’ being a product of Creation - rather like the brain observing the mind - an inescapable conundrum. The Universe, for whatever we can perceive of it, cannot fathom the unfathomable source. We simply draw a line there for there is infinitely much to explore in the realm of the Created.

    I have to check myself because I realize I could write a dense and lengthy book about my research into Kabbalah (may put that on my bucket list), but here I need to cut to the chase.

    There is another Son of God represented in the realm of the Created and this is the Son of God (Jesus) of which we speak. And by His placement on the Tree it is obvious that He is the gate to the evermore ineffable regions we may, with a little license, refer to as the Kingdom.

    So yes, my sights are on this ‘Son’ (Tiphareth), the gate to the Kingdom. But no, I cannot equate this ‘Son’ to anything that might be a personal savior. I do not, in fact, require a personal savior. What shall I be saved from? Myself? That is rather up to me, isn’t it?

    [I hope you don’t mind that I pass these thoughts along to you. You must not be offended by them as you are more sacred to me than all philosophical mumbo-jumbo combined].

    In the love of Creation and brothers,

    Thank you Richard,
    I do understand your way to think and the Kabbalah and the Son and the savior.
    That you can see the Son but the savior thing is different than an Christian way to look at it....yes I am of same thought as you are...Jesus did only tell us that he is the way to understand that we all are as he is....and are able to do miracles as he do...that it is possible for each and everyone to be able to have this personal realtionship to Father as he has...but the way as he referes too is what is to be done to make it...and here come´s the Kabbalah in and telling more that it is not possible to make nore images or understandable in a human maner...that it is only through symbolism the "higher" realms are given a picture what it is....and no word´s can express has to be felt...therefore a personal experience.....Religions in a right way is a good start, then you have to go through the religions roof into the infinity so to speak.
    Yes I think I understand your way to look at it...and I think we do have the same thought more or less about it.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  4. #454
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    That's beautiful Richard.

    Your Friend in deed,

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  5. #455
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night dream was a wow for me....I am training a beast to leave for it normal not attack what is his I have taken the beast to near a town, and we are walking on a road, I was not counting on to meet a man with a dog, this was too early, and now the beast start´s to run and does run before me, I start to say NO, NO, to send a message and keep the beast calm....the beast runs first in my eyes as attack run towards the dog, so I go NO NO and sending energy to the beast to keep him cool and reminding him not to go there ...and the beast stop´s when he has passed by the man with the dog, and I am telling him how proud I am and I am petting him and I feel how his heart is pounding near to burst, he did good, but it did take all of him to keep his control....I feel more in power today then I have felt in many
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  6. #456
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    That is certainly encouraging Ia!
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  7. #457
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    That is certainly encouraging Ia!
    Thank you Richard
    Brava to you too on the key chasing task

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #458
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night was like many more night´s have bean rather long time now, I just remember small bit´s and peaces ....not much to write about...but last night was little more...I was in conversation with someone and I was talking about energy loss or energy vampires....and that we mostly want to put all this outside of us self´s and blame others for our energy loss....but that it always is our own created or the negative feelings we have not dealed with or worked out...and these are forming to thoughtform entities or subuccus or incubuccus...but we still do not see the connection clear...we still think these thoughformed entities are real or from outside comming when it is our own creation...but we do not want to see them...we just want to blame others for our own energy loss...and call them energy vampires and pointing finger to someone and causing problems to others when it is just us selfs whom are to blame...I feel it was very good night and informative for me to see this clear.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #459
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that I was in dialog with my sister and she was so angry with me that I had influnsed our fathar about Jesus....when I heard this I started to cry instantly...and I said to my sister...father is dying and he has not so much time left...and I am so sad I am not able to see him before his death......
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #460
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Some night´s ago I dreamt that I was invited to a party with pleanty of delicious food, I was looking around and I love sweet´s a lot so I was more concentrated to the desert table´s and I did see a wonderful delicious looking cake, so I took a plate and a desert fork and took a big slice, the cake had a form of a pig, so I took like half of the pig...the head part, just as I was going to put my fork to take a bit it come alive....I knew intuitivly that I have to kill the pig, but I hesitated, I knew it was just cake, but it was so convising real, but then I put the fork and stabbed the pig on the head, and it died, I can tell it was not at all deliceous to eat it, but I knew I had to.....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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