Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #41
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In this sequence I am driving a car and see something outside and I park the car near the sideway....when I get out of the car
    to look at something, the car started to roll downwards....
    I would interpret this as fearing that when you leave your vehicle (sleep, project, or simply lose control?) things get out of hand.

    I try to get into the car from the passanger door but it is locked...and now I got panick....
    The way I'd interpret it is that if you let someone else's opinion sway you (you are trying to take the position of the passenger, not the driver) and this is not open to you. Once again, you fear losing control, especially if you listen to others.

    one man does see the situation and opens the drivers door and get inside the car to stop it to roll into the is this about...??...That I am not in controll of my body??..Please give me your thought´s and input.
    I think the man is a self aspect, the rational side (typically when you dream of duals, the male self aspect symbolizes the 'mathematical/rational' side (left brain) and the female symbolizes the right-brain faculties, like emotion and intuition. So your rational side wants to take over, in other words, you don't quite trust your 'trusting' self, only your rational dominant side.

    Of course, this is just my interpretation of what your dreams mean in relation to your own mind, not anything else in your life.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #42
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you CFT...very good interpretation....I think I have a conflict inside of me....I have struggled with self image my whole life, and I have not yet found it, sorry to say but it is the truth...I am little bit different then or I was made different I do not know what is right way to say it....but I was not accepted to be born to my sex (female) in this life, my mother have made me totally clear that I am rude to come as a girl...when she was so sure of me to be a boy.
    I started my life to try to satisfye my parent´s and I did faile....I am or I had to become more rational but I am trying to find out what it is to be female, and I do not yet know...and this dream is very clear of my confusion....I am trying to talk to my stop to think in gender thinking...and to try to consentrate what I like and how I want to matter what sex I am born in...
    I love to be a women,reallly love, but I hate to cook and in my mother´s eye´s I am not a proper women, it hurt´s me a lot to not be accepted as I am, I am trying to talk to my self...that what matter´s is that I like me, and to try to become as I want to be, and stop worrying what other´s think or even not like me, I can´t please other´s anyway.


  3. #43
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I had a very comforting dream
    I saw a very hugh moth (fish) hugh widh mouth..swiming around....then I see a snake making it´s mouth very with and swiming against the moth..and course the moth did get a grip of the snake but the snake did not loose it´s temper did not panic...kept singing....moth moth moth..and did get out of the moth´s grip....and the snake I am going to an carabian vacation.........funny eh??....Any thought´s??


  4. #44
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    It´s bean awhile I had anything significant to tell about my dream´s...but this night I was lectured by my higher self...I have fallen off my disipline and she had me to promise to shape up )

    I was arguing earlier in my dream with a man...I do not remember what the argument was about...but I remember me saying to you mean you are able to sweep the floore with my hair....

    I woke up in the dream when feeling some one trying to dragg me off my bed from my ancles....I did stand up and asked what the heck he is doing...he said....I will show you that I am able to sweep the floor with your hair.....I started to laugh and do not have to be that litteral.....but he meant he could be if needed....ahahaha

    So okay okay...I will shape up with my routines and disiplines I promise.


  5. #45
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I had a dream about 2 cat´s and 2 dog´s..they where so fond of me, and all the time seeked for my company...suddenly on of the dog´s looked at me and spoke....I have such a pain in my neck...I was so surprised and I felt that thrilling sensation so I had to calm me down not to loose the focus....oh I said, I am so sorry, I will help you and tell your owner about your problem´s...So I went to seek after the owner to the was a young women, and I felt she had very little money, I was thinking how can she afford to take the dog to a wet, but I told her, that her dog has neck pain...she said..and I have never cut the claw´s of the dog eighder, so she was now afraid the wet will see this, little bit miss-treatment of the dog.

    In this episode a circus come to town, I was living up north in a little village and no-one had work there so we did live on allowance..I went to hear the price of the tiket´s and it was sky high..I said...I am sorry but no-one here can afford those prices...sorry..

    In this episode my sisters husband had made a radio competition to get the oppinion/notice for him to be unfaightful to his wife (my sister)..I was thinking how smart he he get the permission and can hide all the old doing´s behind this my sister run´s to me and tries me to partisipate, but I do not want...I say to her...I do not give my approval at all to him to be unfaightful against you.

    There was many more seekvences but only fragment´s what I remember so no need to write down them at all.

  6. #46
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night was like a training camp....The inviroment was like a was a building and when I did round the corner and went
    behind the building´s I did feel I am soon going to meet something, so I started to prepere my self to keep focus...soon I did see
    light beam´s and I was thinking, now I will keep focus and ask who they are, and what they are, and theire name...and I asked..but off course I did get too exited and lost focus (

    Other sektion´s also was inviroment from my childhood what did awoke fear in I did not back off from this scene´s I
    went through them and did what I was supposed to do, but still I felt that old fear in me whilst being in this childhood inviroment.

    Two sektion´s did have to do with my body and energies...I did feel such a whistling in my ear´s and a heavy pressure in my head it was almost painful so I did do deep breading and hold my calmness and soon it seased and it felt like the blood was now able to enter my brain again...I felt a hand touching my forehead and this did give me like an electrical chock....and the other was an energy coming near me and I had to bread very focused to not my heart did burst...had to keep my heart rate down...and now when I think I must have given loud noice whilst breading to keep my focus, I just wonder what this is??

    This sektion was different, I had my father with unknown man did seek my attention, and said...we was not allowed to visit your admin so he was asking me to take them there, now father wanted to know what the man said...and I told father what he said...The man had an veteran car and said he had one car for sale if father was interested, and he was....the man´s veteran car started to roll backvard´s whilst he was showing my father the other car....I did pusch the man´s car and asked him if the car
    did not have any break...No he said...The other car was also an veteran car a station vagon...father did think it was too big, but it did have a draugh hook and that was very improtant to my father, I felt he will use the car to bring wood home from the forest, I do not know if he bought the car or not.

  7. #47
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have 3 different dream inviroment´s....

    I was observing a young man who was going to an dentist....It was lika big hall or market-place where all dentist was gathered
    whilst waiting for their custom´s....When this man enter the crowd of dentist no-one did recognize him as a custom....He did
    not say anything but going throw the crown whilst they tried to tell him he has come wrong...(it was very intersting to observe the
    man him knowing the truth but not reveling it) so he went on and in the background was the dentist who he had the appointment with.

    In this episod I was in a bus when a women with 3 dog´s entered the bus...the male dog did pee on me...and it was horrible, so much pee and I was thinking why did she not let the dog pee before entering the I yell´d...say me your name...the people around me tried to harch me down and to bagatelise the whole thing...but I was persistent and did get her name, I said...if the lawyer do see it as an offense then we see in court, we do have law´s to obey.

    In this episode I did give my sister´s husband a hand nitted jumper (made by me)...he said he will wear it on him when he is representing the company...I was so surprised he did see the jumper as valuble to wear on big occation´s.

  8. #48
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have a dream about my granchild J...he was poking his face with a knife.. I took the knife away from him...he started to make loud noice that he want the knife back...I asked if he was going to do proper carwing with the he said..he want to play with it...I is not a toy...and did not give it back to him...he smiled pleased and put his feet´s on mine and when I walked he was just walking with me standing on my feet´s...he did put his arm´s around my waiste and I did put my arm´s around him...and I noticed how thin he was...

    In this episode I was looking at the astral and did see a big black cat...but then the view changed to real time zone and now the cat was more white then black....One angry man had a guineapig in his hand and he was angry to have to take care of it??..he hold it very harchly and putting it into a stable...I was trying to understand from where the guineapig´s come from and why??

    In this episode I was naked and a for me unknown man was sitting becides me...he was wondering if there was going to be something for him from my nakedness...but I did act like it was normal for me to be naked and there was nothing for him to benefit from it...

  9. #49
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have this dream...I was in a church listening to organ-harmonium consert..I was sitting behind the musician and she had her sheet of music on the floor...I felt how she was worried she did not know this piece so I was bending me froward and looking down to the sheet of music and I wispered to her to help her...but she gave up...and I was amazed how unprepered she was throwing a consert??...but she was not in shame at all..that was it..and all has to go along with it....the conset was over...I felt embarresed for her.....

    Please help me understand this dream?
    Is it about practising??


  10. #50
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Well, it's hard for me to get a complete understanding of it, but I don't think it's about practicing at all- I think it's related to (and please forgive me, I don't know how else to say it) your propensity to feel responsible for what others are doing. She was happy and unconcerned about her performance, and even though it was terrible (was the music terrible, or was she just disheveled?) or you judged it was terrible, it was you who felt her embarrassment, not her.
    Perhaps your subconscious is telling you about boundaries?
    I'm not saying these things about you, I'm seeing them from the contents of your dream. And of course, as always, I could be completely wrong.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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