Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #61
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you CFT...yes it is little bit of everything you write mother has broke her arm in 2 places and caused an nerv damage so she has a drop-hand course I am worried about her health also.

    Cajal is what you make eye-liner on your eye´s....maybe it is called something els in English, I might have made an wrong translation from Swedish...sorry ....

  2. #62
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Cajal is what you make eye-liner on your eye´s....maybe it is called something els in English, I might have made an wrong translation from Swedish...sorry ....
    Don't be sorry- I just learned something.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #63
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    LOL CFT...

    This night I did dream I was lost in a foreign place and I tried to come home but no-one did know what train I should take to Stockholm...The place name was Maor...I saw a big lokomotiv and klimbed on top of the lokomotive, from top of it it was easy to lokate the building where the tiket sale was, the man who drow the lokomitive tried to help me but when I klimbed down from the lokomotive I was lost again...and it was not so easy to navigate from the ground so to I did not find my way home this night

  4. #64
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that I was to my son´s apartment in his bath-room, and there was 2 enterences into it...from the hallway where the elevator was to other apartment´s and the other door into his apartment, so the bath-room was like in the middle...I was not able to lock the door´s so people did enter as they pleased the bath-room, and it was horrible traffic....and in the all my boyfriend did call me on my cellphone and I could bearly hear him, so I was thinking I need some privacy and to be for my self...I did go back to the apartment and now I saw people having a party, there was some smoking pipe´s and suddenly I did also have a pipe in my hand whilst I was walking out of the apartment to the wood´s...but suddenly I had an ordinary cigarett in my hand what I was smoking?( I quit smoking in 2003)...I was compelled that I have lost my pipe?? ..LOL...what is this all about??...The apartment was in first floore or the enterence floore....did this mean it was my subconsious I was in and there is still all this stress???

  5. #65
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Toninght I did dream that one person was smoking in my home, I took the cigarett and opened the balcany door and to my surprise it was solid covered with solid wall´s but there was ice and snow, so I threw the burning cigarett into the snow.
    I went out to my garden and was compelled how much item´s there where what was not mine??..I did find a laminat sighn and that told me that some-one had used my garden as his company area but was gone now...I did find also a magazin what was like 20 cm thick..I showed it to my son and he said it was his cousin´s, my son started to look in the magazin and I could see it was full off code´s, my son did use his feet´s too, he had page´s between his toe´s too`, I was amazed how skilled he was.
    I was walking in the garden when I noticed a little girl whom I was taking care off, she did have her shoe´s in her hands and did throw away one so I said....Linnéa take the shoe and come here......

  6. #66
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Last night I did dream about that I was scared by a tiger and I was looking behind my sholder all the time to see where the tiger was, but suddenly another threath apperared and it was threath to both me and the tiger, I did get up on a roof of a train what was moving, and I did quickly take the paw of the tiger and pulled him too away from the threath I did save him and away from the threath, now I started to walk away on the mooving train roof from the tiger because he was still a wild animal....can anyone say what this is about??

    Trains generally represent the truth or something very powerful and unstoppable
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

  7. #67
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hi Thedevil.
    Thank you for your input.
    I can understand the train reprecent something powerful or unstoppable but tell me more about how you think about the truth??

  8. #68
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    No think it would be best if you did that yourself. I don't want to influence your growth too much. Trains are very symbolic. Just think about them and you will start to see meaning and answers. You are your own best interpreter you know. Don't worry God gave you a mind and everything you need to find truth you just have to use it
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

  9. #69
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Okay. But I think that maybe your influence would be good for my growth because no-one can go wrong, maybe it would be one thing God send on my way is your idéa and that I could investigate it where it would lead me and therefor be beneficial for me, so I think we are here to help and influnce each other´s for wakening up and to grow
    But you do not have to do anything against your own belief, it is okay, thank you.

    What thought´s come to me about the train is and was, who or what is threatening both to me and the wild animal, or is it a treath to earth, and what would that threat be??...I have not solved or got any idea what feel´s right, yet.

  10. #70
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I think you are on the right track to figuring it out. I would say try to recognize the threat for what it is. Could it be something like doubt? If you are strong enough to lead a tiger doubt would only be an illusion wouldn't it?

    Just suggestions. Trajectory them as you will. You are your own best interpreter
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

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