Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #931
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Neophos View Post
    This is somewhat easy to interpret, as the higher self and particularily subconscious mind (the superior part of yourself) communicates through symbolism, this is also why in magick they use symbols to access the subconscious. Symbolism is a universal language.

    In your dream, you changed positions to the "left position" indicating the darker side as oppossed to the right, its adressing an issue. The two pots, water and coffee is suggesting to you to drink water instead of two much coffee, the thorn under the nail represents a suppressing urge, which "is currently" or is a "potential problem" it could be indicating either alcahol or coffee, this thorn needs to be removed from your mind, find the route cause, and eliminate it. The subconscious is telling you to drink from the bottle of life, and is warning you about your health. You need to observe you inner urges and temptations and there are things you can do to help this.

    Peace, Neophos
    Thank you Neophos...yes...this dream is giving more clarification to what you already did mediate throug your post where I told you that I did get the message about alkochol to stop drinking in 1989....about tobaco in 2003 and about unhealthy eating through you....I do drink coffee only on time a day...and not every day...but then I ought to stop even this Little intake of coffee....I have started to change my eating temtations what is bad...I have a sweet tooth ....

    What do you Think about the left and right positions?? I was more happy when I drow the car stearing Wheel on the right...and was more stiff and slow when driving the car with the stearing Wheel on the left side....??

    The thorn was on my left hand ring finger Nail....I have had 2 bad marriges....and other bad relationships too....but I feel it is more deeper than this....The man who did beat me up in 1980-81 did do a ritual where he said....that not even death can part us.....he told me that time is working for him...and he has time to wait??...I Believe it is refering to this fear in me that he did claim me for ever so to this possible??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #932

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    This fear, is the thorn that you need to remove. The left can be symbolized as the negative side. In the Occult they call this the "left hand path" and even left hand kundalini. that is why mans physical heart is slightly to the left of the chest, because man is more inclined to do evil rather than good. But dont take this symbolism of left and right to seriously, this is just a simple communication.

    The car can also symbolize, the journey of life and how you are steering this. Dont go to the left side, take heed of how your inner life is effecting your outerlife.

    this fear inside of you is controling you both subconsciously and consciously, or atleast is occassionaly effecting you, and is the reason why in times past, and possibly now, that you may have had bad habits With health. This curse your ex husband put on you is nothing but an emotional outburst, and you need not just realize but "know" that there is no inpending danger. When we give fear to a thought, the thought itself becomes something like an entity, and it sounds like you have been feeding this beast for years, and now have made it difficult for yourself. It started as a little baby snake and now it has grown to a dragon you have to slay. We all have our inner demons. But surprisingly, this is not difficult to overcome. Humans are creatures of habit and patterns, the most difficult time is in the beggining. Starting from tonight, you shall no longer feed this thought. If you starve an animal it will become weak and die. If you starve the entity, it will get weaker and die.
    Nothing in nature, will undertake a proffitless undertaking.

    the dragom to slay is fear, and you must always remember that you have always been free, and in control. It is fear that destroys, we live in a cosmos of order, if you believe in what your husband did you are not showing faith in the universe. Yoir thoughts determine your reality, think that you are powerfull.

    remember these words, faith is the remedy, and fear is the poison.

  3. #933
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you Neophos

    I did be born to this Life with my Eyes closed and total fear/terror about where I did be born into...I felt total alone....and longed after my real family??...This feeling of fear I was born must come from pre Lifes it feels like it is so Deep and compact and in many layers and dimentions....I have really pondered about this in many many years, but have not found the real root yet...I have a hunch that when I find the real root I will be liberated and the bound energy will be free and I am huge then...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #934

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I understand this problem well. I am going to write a post about meditation, and what this really implies. This fear is a controling agent, and i know that too many people suffer of this. I was born to spiritually help people, this is my purpose. I have been to hell and back in life, and i have come out with a suit of shining spiritual armour. I can transfer my knowledge to people, but it depends on there state of consciousness, if the individual is to weak there is nothing i can do, if there is potential the words i say will spring up like a flower and roots.

    One positive cause, will produce multiple positive effects, and same with negative causes and there effects. The universe was created through two oppossing forces, one acting upon the other. But if the balance of the scales, is to much to the left, then a downward spiraling motion in life happens. But intrestingly enough, it is the suffering in life which forces us to spiritually evolve, because life forces you in this situation. And the negativity in life becomes a blessing, (if we steer this experience forward, and learn from mistakes) thus, the mystery of negative energy is revealed. So be happy in your suffereing, Take it as a test, that if you pass you grow that ever more closer to the creator.

    the world is a place full of spiritually unevolved beings, that are slaves to the flesh and its senses, if you resonated with them your life would be blissfull and wonderfull, but its because your closer to god, the world does test you. Take suffering, as gods exams in schools if you handle it well, you will be that much more illuminated. This life is extrememly important, its such a privellage that we are all here. With spirituality, comes the true unfoldment of powers. People who want to take a short cut to greatness, will ultimately find themselves in trouble. Because only the purest hearts and minds of god are the true warriors in the universe, there is a great mystery. And this kundalini, or the holy spirit will not be given to those unworthy, this energy will not be given without true spirituality. Because this energy comes from the source, if however people recieve power without work, there power does not come from where you want it to be, they find themselves in trouble.

    work for the power, sacrifice selfishness for charity. But its the ego which seeks power without sacrifice. There are some, born in this world where there roots go back to heaven. We dont know exactly for what reason each individual case may be, but for some they are born with a connection to something they dont yet fully understand. Behind, the flesh there is a difference in the spirit (consciousnes) between two people. An example is in different personalities, one is an artist another a business man. We are drawn to different things as people. There are different levels of metaphysical development and spirituality, some consider themselves spiritual, when in actual fact they dont know the first thing about sprituality.

    If an individual truly is spiritual, there is a number of ways we can see this. One particular way, is searching the heart. Where your heart is, this is where you give most focus and energy in life. Name 3 things that you desire more than anything else in life, are these 3 desires of an earthly nature or of a higher nature?

    Deep down, i know inside of myself within the deepest depths, there is something to be gained beyond this world. And everything this world has to offer is incomparable and dead compared to this thing in which seek.

    This is why, the greatest teachers of the past, are, What they are. I am not a cristian, neither am i part of any religion. But this is why jesus said, behold wide is the path that leadeth to destruction, but narrow is the path that leads to life, and very few people enter it. Within simple words, lyes the mysteries of earthly existance. You see a mind, which is not illuminated cannot actually "see" the truth in spiritual sayings, they think they do but they do not. They are literally spiritually blind.

    If we want to evolve even metaphysically, we must take the spiritual into account. Without the spiritual our attempt to evolve metaphysical will not go very far. "Energy" without this, god energy, kundalini, holy spirit etc... We cant go far. And this energy can only come, and will only come through the unfoldment of spirituality and consciousness. And the first fruits of spirituality is doing that which is Good. So you see it doesnt matter which way we look at things, we can not escape the natural laws of the universe.

    ps.... I did a lot of expressing myself, this post is for everyone not specifficaly to IA, peace.

  5. #935
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hi Neophos,

    I want only react on one thing you write...this....I can transfer my knowledge to people, but it depends on there state of consciousness, if the individual is to weak there is nothing i can do, if there is potential the words i say will spring up like a flower and roots.

    It is good you "know" whom you can help...those you classifye as weak is on total another level and they need so much love and understanding to grow....and it might be that they do not seam to understand but what good seeds you can sow will grow and flourish so all patience and love you can give is never in vain....

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #936
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night Dream is only one I want to mention.....I was looking at persons who did weight Babies....with a old scale....the baby on one end and weight on the other and balancing to know the weight of the baby....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #937

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    So the baby was being "weighed" with a pair of old scales, was there a physical weight on the other side?

    What other details can you provide, try and remember just before and after, or any other detail.

    What was your emotional state in the dream?

    You tend to dream a lot at night, and you have good recall. A lot of symbolism in your dreams.

  8. #938
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Yes it was an old grandfather used one to weight fish and stuff has a weight on the other end and a hook on the other and in middle scale to see how much more than the end weight.....I do not know what this scale is called but in Finnish language it is....puntari.....the baby was very healthy and robust...strong and blooming.....

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #939
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night dream was those ...valley...dreams ..I have not had them for years so I am little bit compelled....

    I was walking with a big group in the was very calm and joyful atmosphere...I was front walkers when I suddenly turned around and spotted wild horses...the first one I saw was big white horse....I started to run ...I saw a lodge and started to run towards it to get some kind of protection...I hear a soothing song and I suddenly realise that my panic will make all go I stop running and turned around and see one driving a horse with carriage...and have a lot of hay on a carriage and I realise that they are feeding these wild horses....and I feel rediqulious for feeling such a fear of the wild horses.....

    For several years when I had these valley Dream in them I was a look out on the hills to warn the valley people when wild horses was incomming....I shouted horses incomming...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #940

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Alright i will make an "attempt" on this one

    the scales weighing the baby indicates that your are trying to examine an aspect of yourself. In your daily life lately, you are observing a part of yourself that you deem inmature (the baby) and you are weighing this inmaturity up. So this means, you are "self observing" this does not mean by anyway that your inmature. It means "an aspect" of yourself may need attention. It could be anything, from spending money unessascarily to a weakness of a certain temptation (all us humans have this) its called spiritual growth.

    I will leave this for you to decide, also the fact that your father used to use those could indicate something (or not) you know yourself, so you decide and "think" carefully, about what you have been examining about yourself lately. peace, neophos.

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