Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
Thank you Antares for your interpretation...really good ...but alter ego means ...your own making of characters..that would mean the astral is then full of our own made stuff/things??..or what??...I did laugh to when I saw a full page of alter egos...wow...I am very inventing and creative ...
Once I also believed in these alter-ego characters being effect of our less or more subconscious mental work, and astral being full of such creations. People doing OBE often take it as granted. After all, Robert Monroe also describes such stuff in his preliminary journeys. But this implies that the universe and our matrix is somehwat primitive. After I found out what is possible in the matrix - not just with physical senses, not just with energy, not just with astral imagination, but also with small thoughts in the mental, and even beyond that - your attitude and intent can be manipulated in the multi-dimensional, multi-level matrix - I concluded that this hypothesis is at best obsolete, and must be thoroughly reconsidered with a wider perspective in mind.