Re: IA´s dream diary....

Last night I did have a dream that I had moved to another city, I had a female friend whom I was visiting, she did work in a restaurant. I did talk with the manager and ansked for work, and he did become very interested and said, yes he could give me work, I was so happy when I told my friend and I thought she would be very happy for us to come closer and now see more often, but she reacted with anger, and she said...but are you trying to get me saced, there is not enough work for us both, I said but the manager said there is....I felt total horrible and so sad that I had misstaken our friendship she did not have the same feeling as I did about our frienship, now she was anoyed me being there, I was a threat to her, and I was divided my own happiness and loosing her friendship whan she did not want me to live near her and not to work in same place with her??
I was total perplexed over my misstaken she was my friend.

What is this all about??...Is there some self aspect rejecting or separating or difficulty in integration??

Hi IA,

Maybe this IS part of yourself, the new stronger part of yourself coming through. The old self is not wanting the change and to loose it's power. I can see the strength in you telling the man to take someone else home, this is the new you. You have worked so hard.