Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
Hi, Ia. Been a while.

Knowing how psychic you are and that it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility; it is something of a coincidence your dream and my thoughts having something in common.

Yesterday I wrote a long email to my brother (a devout Christian) concerning the "Son of God". I was addressing two questions. One, is Jesus the son of god? And, two, Is Jesus your personal savior?

That I would be thinking along those lines, to anyone who knows me, is absurd, but I won't bother you with the back-story.

My mundane answer, speaking to a Christian, would be 'no' on both counts. However, very conditionally speaking, I can answer 'yes' to both questions but then I have to explain a bit about Kaballah and that was the nature of the email.

It's hard to explain, but your dream is an analogy of my letter vis a vis the crucified Son, the escape and a toy that is no longer relevant.

Yes, it would take too many words to explain but I think you get it.
Richard, no matter how many word´s it will take for you to tell the whole story, so please I insist you to do so, you have told me you love to write so please, whole story and nothing but the whole story.
