Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
It fluctueats....some nights I fall into sleep...mostly I stay inbetween sleep and awake...I am surprisingly well....but start to lack motivation to do physical things...I have a rather quiete mind...but lately it has started to come words repetedly into my mind...words what I myself never would use...negative words even swear words....I do not put this into the account of alien entities...but more of my resistence to block out these words...and now it comes up so I start to handle them and not forcefully block them...like they do not exists....and if I do not think of them...they do not exists...like denyal.....
I had similar experiences with words - and also images - coming from outside of my mind. Frequently negative, but sometimes positive. I had strong suspicions that they come randomly to me - i.e. the words are not mine, but come from "something" else. I suspected a ghost or something, a non-physical parasite etc.

But all this thing appeared to be surprisingly a story similar to the ones which happened to many shamans, people channelings spirits (they are called "channellers" I guess) etc. This entity was gradually, for years, pressing on me, and was disturbing my life - all of that only to get my attention. Just like with many channelers that I read about. Similar to you, I had a feeling of resistance, and then handling them in various ways. But I learnt that these entities have A LOT of techinques and powers which make us thinking that something we thought is our thought - but it is not. They decide often for us, change our moods (to negative or positive), they are able to easily control energy in one's body etc.

Weird thing with such entities, to me. They feel like aliens anyway, but I guess they are able to control that feeling too.