Last night I did dream that I was walkin out in my pyjamas and talking telepathically with my sister...I told her that I have my menopause heat and I am out in my pyjamas walking...suddenly I noticed that I was to my ex husbands parent´s summer house..
I was compelled ...what am I doing here...I noticed that my ex husband had loded a trailer with junk like old funitures and was
going to refuse heap...I did hid my self until he left...and then I sneaked to the second floor and was thinking how I will keep me
out of him noticing me being there.....??

I feel this dream really are telling I am cleaning up old stuff....and I am really putting my feet down in my personal life maybe it is showing me by the dream...and I really feel ..I do not want to returne to anything old what I have left. Period.