Last night Dream I was visiting someone (I do not know who) I was looking when she did give water to her plants/ plant was round boll...water did rise and sink around the plant...when I looked it was water filled...I told her not to water the plant it will rotten of too much water...but suddenly the water did sank...and now I looked outside...the house had glass walls...and the atmosphere looked like water...all kind of animals (not like here on Earth) we Went outside and when I looked at my side I did see Crocodiles piled up on each others...I did get so scarred and open the glass door to go Little Crocodile did slip inside but when it did notice where it was it Went out by it self and I was so happy and I was safe inside we had to go outside and I did see more Crocodiles huge...they where huge...and the biggest one did lanch at us...we ran into a building with glass seamed to be a bank...I did lock the doors but had to open because it was a bank and people wanted inside to do there buisnisess...soon I do see that 2 of my male friends have caught the Crocodile and I am amazed of theires bravary and I am proud to know them and that they are my friends....