Last night I had several dreams, it is only fragments I remember...
I was talking with a man, it was like we where a couple, and he was going to let me meet his children, he have 2 children. He looked at me asked...Are you going to give us trouble? I was surprised of his perceiving of me, and I aswered ...No if you neighder do give me problems...I was trying to communicate...they get what they to assume I was going to give him problems in my understandig was to project on me his own unsecurity, he ougt to know that a relationship is give and take, not only to take.

In this seequence I was talking to this man trying to give some information about my sons father before he he meet him (my sons father did kill him self for for 10 yrs ago) He would be 70 yrs old if he lived today, so I tried to tell this man that even he is old he look very young, and that he would like understand that it is an old man, and to have somekind of mercy on him.

In reality someone has steel some items of mine from my sons flat, so in this part of the dream I did get them back by post as a parsel, I was really surprised.