Quote Originally Posted by WhiteMonkey View Post
Hey IA,

I thought about the word patinjali and it sounded familiar to me, somehow. I checked with google auto translate and knew somehow that it will be written "patin yali".
According to them it means "Afraid of pressure in vivo(in the body)" in chinese. - https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/patin%20yali

After googling that sentence I found this article:


So I would say say something amazing is happening to you
What would you say about this information? Does it feels right?

All the best
Hi WM,
Well, that sure will explaine my feelings of new fear invading me again...I have said to my friend E for some time ago..that soon is something big happening...so...what this patinyali will do for changes ...we have to waite to see/feel
Thank you for finding this explanation....when I googled it only came up...Patanjali...a yoga teacher who seam to have existed for over 2000 year ago??
