Hello, IA.

I would like to offer a similar interpretation. A car is often used as "vehicle of consciousness", an energy body. It would then be no surprise that it could fly really. Taking the backseat might at first be at odds with this, but this could be a hint that you have access to this energy body, but what you are shown is helped along by the support of another consciousness (the driver, whether seen or not). This would mean another consciousness would aid and stabilize your consciousness to experience this.

You already decoded the symbolism of the fire and the smoke - because it reminded you of smoke signals. You place it in the context of communication. Fire has the connotation of energy transformation. You also take note of the shapes. It could be that the smoke rings themselves were thoughtforms, direct means of communicating information. You could see it taking place, identify roughly the process, but you could not read it yet as in deciphering the smoke signals.

Adventures like this can serve the purpose of exposing you to things - here the environment, the energy body you were in, its senses. You already made use of these senses by the translation of the reality you perceived, recalled and conveyed. This might in good time lead to more detailed adventures with more content and a more detailed understanding, and also more of a feeling of being in charge/the driver yourself.
