Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
Last night I did have this dream, what do you think it want to tell me??

I was up in air in a car and I was sitting in back seat, looking down to ground from the back window of
the car. I saw a house and besided the house was a little bone fire and smoke ring´s coming upwards like indians sending smoke signals....it was grey thick smoke and the ring´s where perfect shaped and many ring´s going straight upward .....I was fashinated by the smoke ring´s and I was not afraid that did not
understand what I was doing in the car flying like an airoplan??

I´d like to have some input, please.

I would see both the house and car as images of your mind/body- and if the car was flying, it would seem (to me) that it is your higher mind while the house is your 'earthly self', which includes your body, of course (but also certain mental faculties, I think).
The idea that you are sitting in the back seat would indicate that you don't feel you're in charge of your 'higher mind' or Higher Self- and/or that you see your mind and body as separate aspects of yourself, and perhaps the signals would be your body letting you know you need to integrate both, or to honor them equally.
Of course, that's just my interpretation.