This is somewhat easy to interpret, as the higher self and particularily subconscious mind (the superior part of yourself) communicates through symbolism, this is also why in magick they use symbols to access the subconscious. Symbolism is a universal language.

In your dream, you changed positions to the "left position" indicating the darker side as oppossed to the right, its adressing an issue. The two pots, water and coffee is suggesting to you to drink water instead of two much coffee, the thorn under the nail represents a suppressing urge, which "is currently" or is a "potential problem" it could be indicating either alcahol or coffee, this thorn needs to be removed from your mind, find the route cause, and eliminate it. The subconscious is telling you to drink from the bottle of life, and is warning you about your health. You need to observe you inner urges and temptations and there are things you can do to help this.

Peace, Neophos