Last night I did dream that I visited a funeral of one young foriner girl it was a honor of killing, when I left the funeral one girl did spoke to me and told she was also a honor of killing, I asked how many children they where and she said 7. 4 boys and 3 girls, I was so surprised because she was so young, I thought that this kind of killing did happen to older than like 10 yrs old girls.

In this seekvence it was like a parade of cowboys, all riding horses and they had decorated the horses, I was looking with big eyes and I did notice they where looking at my reactions because this was done for a reason I should know what it meant, but really I do not know or understand, I have hard time to believe it has to do with an episode in my life when I was asked what kind of women I am...I said I am a cowgirl, because this did mean I am one man´s women, it was cowboys like to show me all kind of men who was telling by this way they where strange.

In this episode it was winter and like beginning of 1900 century, the most funny children did know was to get to train ride it did go round on a round railway line.