I am all tears here after my night Dream...it started with me and my bf sleeping in a bed on a hotel...and I woke up and had a naked Child on my right side, I awoke my bf and asked...WHOs Child is this?? He said..no idea...now the Child did Wake up and directly fansied my bf...she like jumped with her hands on his genitals..my bf is very embarresed and like want some help from me...I calm him down by saying..she do not know what it is..so please do not mind...but now the Child started to grow and showed sexual interest and now I start to worry, and I like say asking my bf ..do you Think she has bean abused...and we like observe her to grow and now she is like a prostitute..and saying like L´amore to my bf all the time...I say to my bf..who is she?..My bf now get dressed and planning to drive her at home...I get so angry and say...if you drive her I breake our relationship...he want me to calm down and Sayed...Then you be all alone and cry...I looked at him and said...You will also be alone without me...is it Worth...I tell her to leave..but she is so sure my bf will go with her...my bf now goes to bathroom and me too, I Close the door to put her outside, but the door is not solide so she can peak in...and this makes me fuourious...I say to my bf to say to her to leave...but he tries me to let him drive her at home...but when I shout to her...I Count to 5 and if you have not left then I call police...and my bf said wispering...thank you....and I took my cell phone and tried to call police but did not be able to...and here I awoke my self it was so hard to be further in the Dream....