Last night I was trained to sort out and put in right places after my will and feeling....I do not remember so much but like this.,..they used my love for my bf as a ground or start point for my feeling and will....Like...your love for bf...I said to eternity....then it did go like this and I felt secure and calm and that I was anchored in me or myself or what to call it..maby my core...then when I was in this relaxed secure state a women come forward and asked..may I go and rest in your bed...and I only said...OUT; OUT; OUT,...and I did get the feeling that when I before did not have any clue or contact with my will, in this way all kind of entities and energies did get access when coming in peace and positive mode....I did also really feel for the first time an agenda what was not what it appered to be in the first place...really powerful night