Last night I had a dream about a dog. I have always bean afraid of dog´s and specially in my dream´s.

I was talking to some neighbour´s and they did invite me to them. I said...I will walk to you through the forest...I was walking on
this path and now I did see the neighbourous house, and they where waving to me...Here we are....suddenly I see a very big dog
running on the path toward´s me...and the neighbourous shouted...catch the dog, it has run away from us....I raise my hand up
and said...STOP...the dog did stop and went very I did catch him from his collar and started to walk towards the
neighbourous...The dog did shift shape couple of time´s....first it was a German Shepard, then a big pitbull but when the neighbourou said it was a Greyhound it staied in that shape...but it was so big up to my armpit....I did hold on to his collar and leaned my arm at his back...the dog did lean his body to mine and I felt how he was trembling...Now I went unsure, did the dog
not have a good home at the neighbourous??...I felt it so hard so I did awake me from this dream.

I do se here when the fear is gone beneath it is other thing´s to cope with, not easy at all.....extended responsibillity.