I have bean looking/listening to Sadhguru´s videos so now last night he was in my Dream....I entered his room and he was sleeping...he had turned his head several laps around and when I awakened him his head did turn back several laps and I said...guru...I need to ask you a question....You say you keep you as uneducated as possible...still you resit scrips and I Think you must have studied the scripures ....yes??....he´s voice was gentle and I had hard time to hear what he said...but I tried my best....he said...repete after me...he said Words and I tried to repete after him...and I had to tell him that I can´t hear what you say...what does it mean?? he now did stand up and made a movement with his hips against me...to saying...I am just f****** with you....so what use/help was that to me?? did he answere my question or not??...I Believe he did....that he has studied the scriptures (not in this Life, but in some of his life´s as he has this knowledge) but not studied bye societys standard....thank you guru....