In last night Dream I saw a neck and it was written in gold...when I saw it I it Egyptian answere it started to dissapeare like it was wiped I said...okay it was not Egypthian.....

In this episode I knew I was working for Lisa Vanderpump...I was ordered to come to a cottage...I asked others who where there where Lisa was...they said she is still I Went upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door and she asked what I want.....I said I need working clotings...(she wanted us to dress in light blue tunik and long pants)...she said I can be in my personal clothings today....I had a room besides her bedroom so I started to organize my I hear she is in the kitchen downstairs...I Went down...she had put fire in the stowe..I saw the flames come out from the stowe ...the lock was open still...I told her how nice open fire is...when I now looked aroundd the was more old fasioned then I thought...she asked me if I think she is lazy when sleeping so I said....I told her that this cottage is little bit smaller then my mothers birth home....and bigger than my fathers birth home....