Last night before I fell to sleep I did see patterns total unknown to me....I do not know what to even call hieroglyphs maybe.....or if someone uses magic do they make like figures and patterns ?? clue what to think and why I did see them??

The dreams I had last night was about nurturing both elderly and young young man I was caring and had responsibility to care for....he did not want to eat...and I had to measure and keep booking over his eating and drinking.....a nurse did come with food what he did not like....he did throw it away but was telling me what he did...I thanked him for being truthful...I notised that he did not have any problems to eat what he liked.....the elderly women I had to care for too...was in bed very weak....she did do her needs in bed...I was thinking about the saying in finland if you see feces in your dreams you will be if this is true then I will become rich....haha.....