Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #111
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was watching 2 big cat animals like tigers fighting...I was wear about that the one was bad or like an intruder and I was hoping the other one to over power the intruder...he was forcing him to a heap and pushes him over...I was hoping...break your neack...break your neack...but he did roll over to a pool....Now I did go out...I knew hunters where gathering and going out to hunt down the I was walking along a path a small infant was crawling on the path...and I was thinking..this child is a easy lunch for the intruder...wondering who´s child it might be...I did see hunters talking and young boys where interested knowing they will be hunters one was night and dark but the hunters had a camp with strong light´s it was the contrast what made me feel it as interesting.

  2. #112
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hello, IA56.

    This could denote a shadow aspect, possibly on the astral/emotional level, intruding on your elemental consciousness (animalic, represented as tiger). Astral elemental and astral shadow represented to be both of the same nature (two tigers) but of different natures (one being seen as aggressive intruder). The shadow aspect needs to be cleared out (hunted down) and the archetype of the shadow is repeated in that it is night outside the hunters' camp but the hunters themselves are associated with the light (light vs. shadow). The child probably represents a feeling of vulnerability as you said, potentially also a need for development.

  3. #113
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you Korpo and Hello.
    I´d like you to give some more explanation...I am not that good in this kind of symbolism...I understand the child and vulnerablity and she/he has to grow and being in astral is like this child...lost.
    This it a part of me or my self??
    Shadow is it the undeveloped or unknown part in me what I have not even started to know...and I feel it like an intruder??
    I can tell that I have put down my feet in my personal life...and have fighted for my right to be understood from what level I am working from...It is not easy to be understood, I sometime wonder if it is even possible.

  4. #114
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hello, IA56.

    Your astral body is an elemental. In theosophy this means it is formed of astral essence. Your consciousness as a human being is different from that. Your consciousness experiences astral realities and emotional/sensation events through the astral elemental. An astral elemental is in this sense a means to have any sensual and emotional impression at all.

    The astral elemental essence itself composing that body distorts and influences your behavior. Pure human consciousness might behave differently than it would as a result of both - human consciousness acting through the astral elemental. The astral elemental can become a store for negative emotions for example, or for traumatic memories. These alter your behavior, sometimes subtly and sometimes not so subtly. Imagine someone with an anger problem. This person has so much anger energy built up in the astral body, that any odd event might trigger an outburst of anger, an inappropriate response in most cases.

    Since the astral elemental is part of you but not all that you are, you picture it outward. You see a conflict, the struggle of two tigers. The positive and negative astral elements stored up in your astral elemental, seeking resolution. Through this conflict also filter your personal reactions to everything that affects you emotionally, and it also colors all emotions you have and how you perceive reality.

    As I said, you picture it outward, and this is why people call it the shadow. It is an aspect of themselves that is subconscious, potentially out-of-control and often associated with self-sabotage. This would fit in as picturing it as intruder. I myself have even at times seen it as saboteur in dreams, but later dreams revealed to me that I myself was at times the saboteur. It all depends on your self-image and what you picture as part of yourself and what as outside of you.

    Your reaction to the shadow is also not unusual - it's aversion. You want to overcome it, in this case by force. Both pictured in the benign tiger fighting back and also your own reaction as observer. The struggle also shows that you're neither powerless in this nor a victim.

    The child might denote that you feel vulnerable because of the way the shadow influences your life. You feel you want to protect the child and also that the danger for the child originates from the shadow. These were your associations in the dream itself.

    The dream doesn't answer exactly how the astral elemental will be brought under control, but may indicate that a process is under way that might end up subdueing the shadow (the hunters and the hunt).

  5. #115
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    WoW Korpo...Thank you...Now I have much to ponder ..

  6. #116
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was to a building and I was leaving the apartment...I met a man with a dog ...Alsatian..(I am so afraid of Alsatians)..they enter the room and I leave it...but I turn around to look if I can understand why they are I see the Alsatian sitting in the same spot I was sitting in when I was in the room...I try to figure out if this is some kind of sorcery against me, I feel real fear....I become very unsure...

    next seeckvens I am in the basement..and looking up to a small window...there is a big cat sitting with his left eye bulge out and the cat look´s horrible ..I now know I am in a hospital and I go near the window and I tell the cat that this is a hospital and no animals are allowed here...the cat dissaperes at once.....

    If these animals are representing my astral bodies..then I know these bodies are ill....I am now crying...can they be healed at all, has my sickness become to deep and out of healing possibilities??

  7. #117
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I had a completely different idea.... If IRL you are afraid of Alsatians, maybe you're being invited to transcend that fear, to go to the dog and befriend it. You'd be surprised at how wonderful your experience might become, if you can pass that test.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #118
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Healing is certainly possible. Being in a hospital is not a bad thing in itself. It can indeed be seen as "place of healing."

    I had to look up "Alsatian" as I only know it as "German Shepherd." It is a dog that needs to be trained well, that's for sure. If it were to represent an elemental, I would look at its behavior. If it behaves well and is well-trained, it would represent an under-control elemental. If it's out-of-control or aggressive, the opposite.

    It could be indeed a hint to an elemental as it appears together with the man. If you go beyond the fear, the impressions you had of the man and the dog can be important. That the dog sits in the spot you were before could have been a demonstration or a sign of affinity.

    I detect no sign of an attack in this dream. Fear can arise, both in dreams and physical reality, for a great variety of reasons. A lot of them may have no grounding in that reality - not the facts we observe cause the fear, but the fear within us is triggered by outside events. It is not necessarily reality as we encounter it that is scary, but how we approach it and how we experience it through our perceptual filters.

    Fear in a dream might not be directly related to what you see, but what you see might also in some way represent the fear you feel.

    About the cat - if it indeed would represent an elemental, you also have to keep in mind that dream symbol exaggerate to make a point. They are sometimes like caricatures so that we easier spot the message. Healing in the nonphysical sense is work to be done. If you can somehow find the courage to work with your emotional nature - be it through therapy, counseling, meditation or other means - greater emotional health is possible.

  9. #119
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you Korpo...I was not clear I can now see that...I was not afraid of the Alsatian so here my fear is under control...but I fear that the man did put the dog to sit in the same spot I just have left...and I I under some kind of sorsery influence...and this episod with the dog is trying to tell it to me...The man did have total contro over the dog...and made him sit on his butt in the chaire I just have bean sitting in.....This still awakes my fear...fear that be controlled against my will so to speak....(I have bean as an obedian dog and still fear this, I was brainwashed in 1980)

    The cat is as I have bean...with a pouting eye because of thyredea gland went poisoning and was removed by eyes is now only 1 mm difference to the other here I did tell that I am in hospital but no animals are not allowed..and it made me feel that there is nothing more to do ...the astral body is destroyed....can this happen??

    I do not need to go therapy..because I have done that very much previous is to put in place and understand what I have had to deny...that we are more than our flesh bodies...that we are mulidimensional beings....Still there is old belief or what I hade to create survival strategies what I must tear dare to be me who I am...and not be what others want or try to make me to be...because of there own fear.....and I can tell....whole my life I have hade to invent so many caracters to fit when I am more me....there is time to time turbulence trying me to go back to one old way of my being...because the real me do awake fear or someting likely...and also it is not easy to after 55 years know or feel who I am...but I am determined to not give in....I am so happy to be here because I know in time I will be what I am truly and in truth.

    Fear is ...that maybe all the abuse have destroyed some of my bodies totally....this make´s me cry thank you for your input and help´s....Thank you.


  10. #120
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Dear IA:
    There are a few ways to interpret the energy bodies- one is energetically (mechanically) and the other is metaphorically.
    Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed- the Hermeticists would say transmuted, which is even more narrow (and I think I agree with them)- so you can transmute a type of energy (from sadness to joy, from uncertainty to contentment) but you cannot destroy it.
    If you look at the energy bodies metaphorically, the astral body is the body of emotion- interesting that this is part of what you see your problem as being, isn't it? So no, it cannot be destroyed, because you always will have emotion- the emotion might change or be transmuted, and it can even be hidden (repressed or only suppressed) but you still feel it, and it drives you, at least sometimes.
    So there are ways (and you already have explored some, I know) to transmute your feelings to something that works for you, but your vehicle cannot be destroyed, so don't add that to your worries, please.
    ((((a big hug)))).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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