Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #141
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you CFT..Yes I believe so too about us projecting and interacting with other´s...Now I know who the man is, thank´s again.

    The baby dream are me all 3...I am the baby too and it is my son too as a baby...we have bean molested both as babies...I did have hard time to beleive he was hurting I knew but he did promise not to harm my baby...obviously I couldn´t take care of me as a baby and I was unable to protect my son too, I believe all to happend so I could by my son see how big damage it make´s when be harmed in baby how horrible it is what happened to my son I have bean able to see with my own eye´ understand, and through all this help my self it is said...there will be a way out of it too....

    Last night in dream I did come up with 3 explanation´s to this dream and it was said..there is an fourth explanation to it too...but I lost it....I am sure it will come back when it is time or when I can face it.

  2. #142
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post

    In this episode I was walking with a man who had an orange long kaftan on him...he was talking about people and theire wants..He said...he always wants some ass...oh I said..I did not know he is homosexual...No he is an expression...and I felt here that I am not good at all in symbolism and take too litteral
    in the usa some people will sometimes say this slang language "I want some ass" as a kind of synonym for 'wanting sex'

    It is generally considered an ignorant thing to say though by uneducated people.

    I think its hilarious what you said about asking if was homosexual though
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

  3. #143
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    LOL...yes that is me in a nut-shell....I do not think so much stuff like sex or alcohol....for many years ago I was out for lunch with a co-worker and he did know I do not drink and he was ashamed to tell that his is going to licore store to by some he had hard time to say it staight to he said...I am going to do some shopping after we have eat our lunch...okay I said...then the cuorisity did take over and I had to ask what he was going to he said...I am going to a store with the sigh "Systembolag" ( it is the licore store in in Sweden) I did not at all get he was going to buy I asked...But what are you going to do with that kind of sighn...where do you put it in your what room..he looked twice at me with an expression on his face...are you kidding it took some seconds for me to understand...

    I am so childlessly naive....and this will not go away...not in this life now when I have lived more than half of my

  4. #144
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    That's a good thing, in my opinion.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #145
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you are so nice always....big hug!!

  6. #146
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    That's a good thing, in my opinion.
    I totally agree. I am also a naive person. I think the inverse is ignorance which is the thing you dont want to be. I get a strong impression that you are very interested in truth which is really impressive!
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

  7. #147
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Yes I am a truth chaser ..Thank you td you are to kind too..

  8. #148
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night in my dream I was visiting my mother and the bed in her bedroom where I always sleep when visiting her, was so high and the pillow heap was enormous, I started to remove several pillows when my mother called me to come to her...she was putting on her a waistcoat what I have knitted, to my surprise I have made it with lining, I was impressed my self too strange...but when she was closing the buttons she wanted me to notice that the other side was longer, but I said...I do not think i matters.

  9. #149
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night was strange...I was to movie and was sitting on the first row I did not notice what movie it was, suddenly I stand up and said...I must go out...I went to fetch a magazin and now I become somehow aware and did not leave the movie theatre but did sat me down on the back row....this did repete one more exatly as the first time (thought come to is training for the afterlife awakening??))...after this realisation I went to the movie hall, I noticed there was a maschine for snacks and besides that was a cupbord with glas free chockolate......I did not dare to take, but I was happy.

    Now suddenly I feel that I am in my bed and someone is trying to draw me out with him, I awakes in the dream to my own shouting, and my bf askes what is the matter, I said I had a nightmare, he asked what was it and I told him that someone tried
    to take me away, oh my little one he said...and I put my mouth against his and felt at once peace and did fall to sleep again, I noticed though that the mouth of my bf did change but it did not scare me now...( I asked my bf on the morning if he remembers this, he said no, so I must have dreamt this)...In this nightmare part was also small bugg´s crawling on my tummy...and I was freakened out, and bruched it away...when I looked at my tummy it was totally in blood, but next time I looked it was normal?? (Thought come to me...I have stomach cancer??)

    This is not a dream...yesterday at one time when I was meditating the ET did appear again,(I call it ET because it has eyes very apart from eachothers....very vide range between eyes and the head is enourmus).. for many many years ago I was scared to death and I asked ET not to show his/her appearance to me because it scares me, I feel it´s love and caring energies and it is okay to be around me, but now it showed again, and now it is okay...I am very greatful for the support it gave me, I have now dared to become totally my self even in anger and I now know I do not kill anyone when showing my "anger" ....I feel safe in my self now...I wonder if this ET is my higher self??

    June 19 is the date what I am afraid it will be something happens, so I say it now...then it has gone 87 days.

  10. #150
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was to my ex husbands parents house (again??)..There where several people and it was like a campus??...I was like hiding in the bathroom to have time to think what I was doing there, and that I do not want to meet any of my ex husbands course people wanted to use the bathroom and was constangly knocking on the door, but I was not ready to open the door, and now suddenly I noticed I have got my period??...but when I was looking closer it was feases...and I was thinking if something has collapsed and I got the poop through my vagina??...Now I did get out of the bathroom and there where a man telling me that one bag was one womens I knew one time...I could care less, but he was watching my reactions upon his talking...I talked back and said like okay without any reaction, so he did leave me alone...I did glimse my cousin T she also was there on this campus and studying something....All the time in this dream was that I did not have any oderliness of my things...I was not happy to be on this place, I know I have not choosed to be there, It felt arranged ...and as in real life I feel unconfortable in this kind of situations where someone has planned things behind my back, as like my mother this week-end ..she had asked me to come to help her with laundary etc...but did not tell that my sister and her husband was coming too, so she forced me to meet my sister what I do not want to do...I hate this when it happens...

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