Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1661
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was given an dandelion...when it had turned to over bloomed..when you blow at it the seeds spred to the wind like smal parashoots...but when it was given to me it opened up memories in me when I was looking at the small parashoots floating upwards...I remembered after a very big effort I was sure I will be rewarded...but the only thing happened that I did know that the only reward is to get to another level and the work continues....the only reward is to know you are alive and life long as you learn to love continues...and it is worth the effort.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1662

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Well, if you ask like that... My personal answer is not "it" but "them."

    In things I do I feel "them" at work. I believe the human mind and all experience is a shared experience. For myself, I have long since accepted that in the moments between my conscious moments "they" hold the steering wheel - directing my gaze, for example, so I always pay attention to where my eyes end up when they wander. Sometimes "they" play music into my mind and I riddle of its meaning. When I am writing music, "they" give me ideas and direct my learning of the necessary skill and I thank "them" from my heart.

    When you talk about affirmations, I think of reality creation. I believe that the wishes we send out are prompts for "them" to answer, but "they" know a much larger agenda than I am aware of, including what I need to learn. So I recently triggered such a reality creation change in my life. At first it seemed like nothing much was happening. By now I have received several dreams that I interpret as "them" showing me how it slowly filters into reality from the other side where "they" work. Slowly things are getting more defined, more concrete, the potential is gradually being limited down to specific scenarios.

    For the last few years I have tried to become aware of "them," of how "they" interact with me, my mind, my experience, and tried to see "their" work in the lives of other people. I never feel controlled, though. But I would agree that I'm not in control, either. It's an exchange.

    I don't want to give the impression this is some "verbal" telepathic exchange. It's more a felt thing. Also based on my observations and on things I've learned from others that has held true for me.
    Although you use the "them" term in a quite mysterious way, not explaining what do you precisely mean, I have actually the same experiences and observations as you just described. My interpretation is different however.

    If to ask me what I think about such experiences caused or influenced by "them", I think it's a kind of agenda in the upcoming years and decades to introduce those entities to people, at least some groups. You might say nothing new, as history of religions is full of such contacts with the "unknown" - spirits, angels, shamanic forces, or whatever you want to call "them" yet in a way it is different, more direct and probably available soon to masses, not just few clairvoyants, taoists, buddhists, mystics, shamans or christian people. I.e. people like you can experience how the matrix (see below) works - as you wrote, gradually. My experiences however are not just positive, but many of them are negative and unpleasant, and I can actually confirm what you wrote about the kind of experiences that "they" bring. They can change your mental perspective as I had this experienced many times (in fact, you can be under the influence of "changed perspective" for a really long time - hard to believe, but I noticed that it works this way!), just like you wrote it here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    the human mind and all experience is a shared experience
    I use instead of "shared" word, the "influenced" word, according to what I was experiencing.

    I examined it in practice, as I had the opportunity to do so in the recent years, and to me it's something like an alien energy field for the time of experience is covering your energy field - which, I mean energy, is consciousness. Consciousness works on all levels, including the physical level, but on each level it's different type of consciousness. Human mental body is different than a spirit's mental or astral body - in the sense that while incarnated you use your physical body and electricity flowing through it for mental processes, and spirit of course doesn't. I wouldn't believe it if I haven't experienced it myself, just like I mentioned above, and typically it was unpleasant or negative experience to gain this information about how "shared" or "influenced" or "channeled" (or whatever term we would use) conscious experience works empircally.

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    When you talk about affirmations, I think of reality creation. I believe that the wishes we send out are prompts for "them" to answer
    What can I say is that the physical reality is a matrix - I mean, physicality is real, it's energy, but it is levereged through tones of energetic "contact points", which - like a lever - influence our physical reality (in particular notions of people), and thus the physical reality is created. I think a single person, if is not a master, has not enough power to change the world/reality. Hence my conclusion about affirmations actually having no real, direct effect. But for instance, alchemy is a knowledge of techniques how to leverage (and not to create). Leverage the physical and energetic "infrastructure" that is already created within the physical body of the human. You can achieve "miracles" thanks to inner alchemy not because you create something, technically speaking, but because you use the mentioned "contact points" within your energetic system, which like a lever or like a snowball, has an amplified effect through the next stages of the energetic and physical processes. Hence so much talk about the DNA in the esoteric fields recently - as DNA is a mediator between energetic impulses from the energy field and the physical body, being - according to the current state of the official science - "source" of the processes within the body. Of course, I think most people on this forum goes a step further and is aware that it's not actually DNA the ultimate source of the processes, but it's consciousness using or affecting energy which in turn uses or affects DNA... and that's how alchemy, and in general our reality, works IMO. Hence affirmations are a psychological mainly tool which may help, but I wouldn't put much trust in them
    Last edited by Antares; 24th May 2023 at 05:22 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  3. #1663
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was in a group...I was told to call a number and there will be Maria I dial the number and a voice said...oxygen...and here I woke up.....
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1664
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Thank you Korpo...I feel too as you say...goes in waves and sometime craches takes longer time to be clearer after a real crach....I dreamt last night again about a man who is looking/seeking for last night dream I was in high building and looking down and seeing the man on a bike and I feel very clear that he was seeking for me...and when he sees me he feels releved??...I wonder if this man is from the future?? It feels like he is....
    Things I notice. He is on a bike - so you perceive him having a "vehicle of consciousness." You're in building, so in this dream you might be perceiving sub-planes of the planes you're on. So these are hints to inner senses working, not necessarily a dream expressing your inner state but a more broad, plane-oriented experience. That doesn't necessarily mean it's clear or can be taken at face value - the same "dictionary" you use for bringing back dreams is being used here, but the general nature of the experience gets through. This would naturally improve over time if more such experiences are had, documented, and looked at.

    Seeing something on the energy level and "the future" often feel the same - and they can be one and the same as the future exists in potential, unexpressed form right now. Sometimes it foreshadows concrete events before they take form as they travel from the formless to become manifest. And sometimes it's an experience you have at a level where energy is more directly experienced. Sounds interesting both ways.

  5. #1665
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I think a single person, if is not a master, has not enough power to change the world/reality.
    I don't think that's how masters do it, either. Technically it's always co-creation from my point of view, though I typically don't use the term. But to me "reality creation" is the conscious participation in a process that happens anyway to all human beings, though most of them unconsciously. Though I also get the sense you might use the term "creation" to mean something like a miraculous act, maybe?

    Affirmations alone have their impact purely depend on the strength of a person's will. While there can be value in developing such will, it's not easy and probably a hard way to obtain any result. Similarly people talk about the Law of Attraction from incomplete data.

    Just in general, it seems to me we have made similar observations of reality. Different outcomes and conclusions surely, but I can relate to your basic data.

  6. #1666
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was not succeeding to take the train nor the bus...when I went to the train station the bus went...and vice in the end I went to the train tracks and one train was standing there and I knew it will go back to the central station I spoke the man driving the train...and he come out of the train and given me a stack of money...and he gave me the feeling that I am trying to free I said and gave back the money and said if you want me to buy a ticket I have money...and I started to walk to the ticket place...but he left I saw a girl and I asked if she has a friend with a car who can drive me to the central station ..I will she call a friend and she come...the car was total disaster...full packed with stuff and bearly anywhere to sit...the girl sat infront of the driver...and the windschield was blocked by a pillow...I can not drive this have no clear visual...I awake myself here...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1667
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Things I notice. He is on a bike - so you perceive him having a "vehicle of consciousness." You're in building, so in this dream you might be perceiving sub-planes of the planes you're on. So these are hints to inner senses working, not necessarily a dream expressing your inner state but a more broad, plane-oriented experience. That doesn't necessarily mean it's clear or can be taken at face value - the same "dictionary" you use for bringing back dreams is being used here, but the general nature of the experience gets through. This would naturally improve over time if more such experiences are had, documented, and looked at.

    Seeing something on the energy level and "the future" often feel the same - and they can be one and the same as the future exists in potential, unexpressed form right now. Sometimes it foreshadows concrete events before they take form as they travel from the formless to become manifest. And sometimes it's an experience you have at a level where energy is more directly experienced. Sounds interesting both ways.
    WoW Korpo . You give me a pressious gift here...I have many dreams about being in high buildings and likely...I have never understood the sub plans or the formless so I have not given any thought at that...but now when you decribe this way I get the feeling back to more understanding....when I have not understood I have stacked everything in and left them there for future understanding...I am at the brink of that be more are a real gift Korpo...Thank you so much.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #1668
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream I was complimentet that I have a Voldemort allert???
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1669

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    I don't think that's how masters do it, either. Technically it's always co-creation from my point of view, though I typically don't use the term. But to me "reality creation" is the conscious participation in a process that happens anyway to all human beings, though most of them unconsciously. Though I also get the sense you might use the term "creation" to mean something like a miraculous act, maybe?
    About the creation process I write below. In short, it's a much more technical than mystical thing, but people are just kept in the believes of how it "could work".

    But to me much more important thing than creation is the presence of unconscious mind - or, I would rather say, there is on such thing as unconscious mind (sorry) There are of course many "layers" involved in the mental processes of the human being, however, if something is not conscious, it exists beyond yourself.

    Thinking of a fish swimming in the water is a good point of reference: until you don't realize that you are not the water which flows through "your" body all the time, you may think that the water is a part of yourself... that's how people exist on this planet of unconsciousness, and, actually, a primitive level of advancement...

    When you incarnate into this planet, you have a plan for your physical existence here. And this plan is a sort of the creation. How does it work - I write below, but in short, a human being is a product of advanced genetic engeenering and has been designed to be manipulated: psychologically and physiologically. That's how the creation in the matrix works...

    Affirmations alone have their impact purely depend on the strength of a person's will. While there can be value in developing such will, it's not easy and probably a hard way to obtain any result.
    I myself develop the will, and what I can see it is not quite like that - the will alone is not the only element which is involved in the process of creation.

    But what I can say about how our matrix works, and I already mentioned it, is that the reality we can see with our physical senses, which is sometimes called matrix, works due to usage of "leverages" - just like you can control, with buttons and a wheel, a car, a plane or other vehicle...

    I mean, it's sort of science, not just will, involved in the process of manipulating the reality so that it brings certain results. Of course not the science of the sort we know on the Earth, as science on the Earth is of course primitive still, but there are various energy levels (frequencies) involved in the whole process of manipulation of the matrix and these levels are treated technically - which in the end a naive person calls "creation" or "the law of attraction". Or believes that his or her affirmation was the only element which "magically" brought the effect. (S)he can see only the final outcome, just like a primitive driver may only think of a wheel used to control the car. You and me know that the wheel is just a convinient element to get the real mechanism in the car running, but a naive person could think that it's the wheel alone which controls the car.
    Exactly the same thing is with the reality. And with your body. And, probably, with your mind. People don't realize that something they call the subconscious mind could be just a mental "car"...
    How about that? And this "car" has been designed. And has been designed with lots of energetic "buttons" which allow to control unconscious and unaware people. Then "they" create the whole system for incarnations, reset your memory and when you are incarnated, "they" use these "magical buttons" to control your life, and keep you in a false belief thay you are responsible for making decisions in your life, and that you can affirm whatever you want (or "decide" about anything you want to affirm), and it would happen. That's how we are supposed to think here.

    So we think with our mental "cars", and, like the fish from the example above, we think that these cars are "us".
    But it's not. However, we have far forgotten the real "us".

    And now we live in the mental matrix, astral matrix, etheric matrix and physical matrix. AFAIK these are the 4 qabbalistic worlds - matrixes below the "creation". This is what I experienced... And the matrix is under the control.
    Just the terrifying fact however is that it's not under our control. (Hence, it's not us who control the reality. Hence, affirmations actually don't work). So people will slumber because the truth is terrifying and they are not ready for it. Unfortunetely, the Matrix movie - symbolically, not physically - reflects the truth about the reality. Our senses are cheated, our minds are also cheated. Deliberately.

    If you take a closer look for instance on the ancient scriptures, images etc. which are treated as "magic" by today's historians, they are surprisingly very technical. Even religious scriptures are very technical, even mechanical. Have anyone asked the question: WHY?

    Similarly people talk about the Law of Attraction from incomplete data
    Yes, this is probably the propaganda (sorry new age fans ) which is to introduce a new sort of religion, adjusted to the mentality of the XXth and XXIth century. BTW the "Law of Attraction" term has been made up by those who you call "them". Of course this doesn't mean we have to believe it, just like we don't have to believe that there is a god in the heaven with a long white beard who is a man and who only awaits for souls to come to him after the physical death and has nothing else to do for his entire eternity

    Just in general, it seems to me we have made similar observations of reality. Different outcomes and conclusions surely, but I can relate to your basic data.
    Last edited by Antares; 31st May 2023 at 05:57 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  10. #1670
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream my door bell rang...I opened the door and outside was standing a teacher with his students....the teacher said that one of his students want to talk to me....okay I boy about 8-10 yrs old said...I want the darkness what you have...I was so surprised because I was unaware that I had some darkness....the only thing I could say was...maybe it looks like darkness when you are looking in...but from the inside it looks like sunshine and rainbows...he wanted to live with I said that off course he can...and he stayed with me??
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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